Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti

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Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti
Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti
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Ayibobo! Ezili Danto. Fanm vayan!

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Ayibobo! Ezili Danto. Fanm vayan! Empty Ayibobo! Ezili Danto. Fanm vayan!

Message  Sasaye Lun 30 Mar 2015 - 23:28

HLLN Statement Regarding the Hillary Clinton's deleted emails, the US Undeclared War in Haiti hidden behind UN mercenary guns and NGO false benevolence
No Hillary! Haiti is not for sale to your family!
Haiti riches are public assets to be used to elevate the collective economic standards of local Haitians, not your brother!
Foreign earthquake aid to Haiti was put into the World Bank and divvied up by the Clintons and the Bushes. On top of this, Haiti's gold, copper, silver and oil assets were auctioned off to big businesses and nations donating to the Clinton Foundation. The Bush administration first brought in the US military occupation outsourced to the United Nations as peacekeepers in 2004. This force helped to take down Haiti's democratically elected government and since that time Haiti has been ruled under a veiled US military occupation, hidden behind UN guns, Paul Farmer NGOs, the World Bank and other Breton Woods institutions.

Susan Rice has publicly stated, "The UN cannot even issue a press release without the approval of the United States."

Haitians demand an end to the US occupation behind UN guns and NGO/World Bank administration.

Haiti was the first place in the Western Hemisphere where the Europeans and their white settlers started their slave trade in 1503. For 300 years the Africans who would become Haitian in Ayiti were subjected to the greatest European terror and barbaric slavery the world had ever known. Our Ancestors won our freedom, in combat, in a vicious-Rochambeau 13-year war against the enslaving French, Spanish, English, their private military mercenaries and a US embargo. So, no Hillary, your BROTHER cannot have our lands, our mines, our gold, our oil, our uranium, our labor, our wealth. Desalin's lands and wealth are the property of Desalin's descendants, not yours Hillary! Haiti is not for sale Bill Clinton!
The white man did not gift us Haiti. It's the blood of our Ancestors that poured for our freedom, Hillary! Ayiti se pa kado blan kolon te fè nou, se san Zansèt yo ki te koule. We who have paid for this land three times over and suffered interminably at the hands of the enslavers, white settlers and then their neocolonists. Free Haitians say to Hillary and Washington and its colonial agents on Wall Street, at the UN and World Bank: hands off Haiti's gold, oil, copper, uranium and iridium resources. Hands OFF!

Tiny Haiti, which is as small as Rhode Island, was forced to pay an Independence Debt, ten (10) times the amount William Jefferson paid to Napoleon for the 13 US States that were carved from the Louisiana Purchase. The Africans in Haiti have paid and paid and paid for these mountains, rivers, seas, lands, offshore islands and all that they contain.

We paid the Independence Debt for 122 years - first to the French and then, after the 1914, this slave-trade debt was paid, by Haitians as reparations, to the United States of America until 1947.  Neither Hillary nor Bill Clinton nor the World Bank have any right to create laws for the Haitian people in any areas whatsoever. Especially not to benefit their families and rich friends. Emails from the Clintons to the UN and World Bank regarding Haiti mining resources and quake funds, collected by the World Bank under Bill and Hillary Clinton's supervision should be made public.
Deleting these emails doesn't only obstruct the US citizenry's view of Hillary Clinton's dealings while she was Obama's Secretary of State, but it continues to hide the US occupation of Haiti behind UN guns and NGO false benevolence. It hides the World Bank ‘s role and pillaging complicity and the UN and the Clinton Foundation’s role in this imperial enterprise and colonial destruction and plunders in Haiti.

Haiti is an international crime scene for the masses. But it serves as a fiscal paradise for the United States' richest families and the well-connected global oligarchy.

In the eleven year of its occupation in Haiti, the US has brought in cholera, then gone to court to claim its neutrality and to defend the immunity for its UN employees. It's brought in dictatorship and the resource pillage we see in the news today where Hillary Clinton's brother, Anthony Rodham, was given one of two rare mining permits to take Haiti's untold billions in gold. This was done without the Haitian public's participation or consent and it's renewable for 25 years at the lowest 2.5 royalty rate in the Western Hemisphere.

Why hasn't this US invasion, quiet genocide and colonial plunder, provoked international outrage? Or, at least the same public scrutiny as the debacle over Secretary Clinton using a private email server to conduct State Department business and then wiping the server clean?

The US outsourced military operations in Haiti circumvents and violates US Congressional War Powers Act and international laws of nations since February 29, 2004. You would think the pundits calling for the prosecution of Hillary Clinton over the private server irregularities would also be concerned that the Clintons deliberately created an environment for more death, disease and poverty in Haiti while enriching Wall Street. Would be concerned that the US is circumventing international law by using the UN as its military front, the World Bank as its economic front and the poverty pimping NGOs as its administrative fronts to conduct its 21 century colonial invasion, effectively expropriating Haiti lands, offshore islands, gold and oil riches?

Haiti laws forbid foreign ownership of Haiti mines, coastal properties, springs, rivers, water courses, mines and quarries and exploitation of Haiti resources without public participation and approval. These are public assets of the nation. Mining exploration may not be allowed without public participation, legal and parliamentary approval. There can be no legal contracts made in Haiti while the people are under US occupation and Haitians are not free.  (Art 36-5, 1987 Haiti Constitution )

But under the Obama administration, Bill and Hillary Clinton brought the World Bank into the UN not only to collect Haiti quake funds that mostly never reached Haiti, but the World Bank was used as the Clinton/Obama front to unilaterally amend Haiti's mining laws to benefit the Wall Street, the Clintonites, their foreign affiliates without Haiti public participation or Haiti legal approval. All actions forced on Haiti and all contracts entered into in the name of Haiti's people while Haiti is under this US multinational occupation are a violation of basic human rights and international rights' laws.

1. A career UN employee named Gerald Latorture, living in Boca Raton Florida and chosen by US officials, was the one to sign the Status of Force Agreement, known as the SOFA, which is the US-negotiated, UN agreement that brought in this military occupation to Haiti. The SOFA agreement was illegal in 2004. It's illegal today.

2. It's our contention, that Hillary Clinton's emails would have provided a wealth of evidence about the US foreign aid scam and resource plundering racket in Haiti. For instance Secretary Clinton's emails to World Bank president Jim Yong Kim and to UN  Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and to the South Korean executives at Sae-A, - the anchor tenant running the Caracol sweatshop up in Haiti’s North-  are critical information that would reveal the nefarious uses of "philanthropy" to enrich the Clintons off the back of dying Haitians.  

The Caracol Industrial Park, the Clintons' flagship reconstruction project in Haiti, is nowhere near the earthquake zone in the South. Caracol was built in Northern Haiti's gold and resource belt. A mere nine (9) miles away from the copper and gold mining operations being fought over by the world oligarchs. Haitians at Ezili's Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network have exposed that Caracol is not about bringing sustainable jobs to Haitians, but it's a cover for the Clintons and World Bank executives and investors to use earthquake funds to build infrastructure for Clinton Foundation mining magnates.

3. Justice demands that the impunity of these legal bandits carting off Haiti resources behind this illegal occupation is stopped.

4. The US outsourced military operations in Haiti circumvents and violates US Congressional War Powers Act and international laws of nations.

The three questions Haitians ask US citizens to consider are:
- What’s so important in Haiti that the US would built its fourth largest embassy in the world there, while funding a UN proxy occupation force for over 10-years now?

 - Haiti has the lowest crime rate and the lowest prison population rate in the Caribbean it not the entire Western Hemisphere. The Dominican Republic has FOUR times more violence than Haiti. Why is the UN not bringing stability to the more violent DR? Or, in Brazil, Detroit, Washington DC, Jamaica, Mexico, Bahamas – all with greater violence than Haiti?

-Why is there a UN, Chapter 7 shoot-to-kill “peace enforcement” mission in Haiti for over 11 years? A country not at war, without a peace agreement to enforce and with less violence than most countries in the Western Hemisphere? Why is there a UN Chapter 7 shoot-to kill “peace enforcement” mission in a country not at war and with the lowest crime rate in the Caribbean?

-Haiti has trillions of dollars in natural resources – gold, oil, natural gas, iridium, copper, et al– why does Haiti need Obama/Bush/Clinton’s meager 41cent an hour sweatshop jobs or US charity (false aid) with so much of its own resources to develop the local economy? -- Ezili Dantò, Executive Director of the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network and the Free Haiti Movement, March 30, 2015
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 8252
Localisation : Canada
Opinion politique : Indépendance totale
Loisirs : Arts et Musique, Pale Ayisien
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2007

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Jeu de rôle: Maestro

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Ayibobo! Ezili Danto. Fanm vayan! Empty Re: Ayibobo! Ezili Danto. Fanm vayan!

Message  Joel Dim 5 Avr 2015 - 10:34

EZILI DANTO ki ap reponn yon AMERIKEN ki di l ke kontreman a sa l ap di ke VERTIERES pa t pi gran BATAY lan ITWA LIMANITE.



Coretta Scott King and Michelle Obama

The Haitian struggle - the greatest David vs. Goliath battle being played out on this planet

Vertiere 1803, final battle that ended slavery and colonialism in Haiti
by Ezili Dantò/HLLN, Nov. 22, 2008, Haitian Perspectives


Hello William Mandel,

You write, Mr. Mandel, that the "greatest battles ever fought on this planet," by any measure you wish to use, were those by the Russians in defense against Hitler in World War II. The Russians lost 27,000,000 lives. That is beyond all comparison with those of any other country in any war ever fought."

This is Ezili Dantò of HLLN and I write you here to respectfully disagree. Vertieres was the greatest battle ever fought because it created a different paradigm to rival that of the Euro/US tribes on this planet. But if we are simply looking at it from the viewpoint of lives lost, I’ll go there with you also. For, how many Africans lost their lives to the European Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade - Estimates range up to 100million lives.

It's the greatest battle, William Mandel, because in the annals of HUMAN HISTORY, no humans, no sentient beings, SO TERRORIZED, for so long - 300 unendurable years, had ever defeated their tormentors.

Even Spartacus didn't accomplish what the Africans were able to do at Vertieres. The Haitian Revolution is the only successful revolution of an enslaved population in recorded WORLD HISTORY.

The example you gave in terms of Russian lives lost is horrendous. And this African woman would never minimize any lost of human life or compete for a prize in terms of suffering. Suffering is suffering and untenable. But if you’re going there, I’ll take the ride, in memory of all the African Ancestors and say let’s look at the reality, William Mandel…

How long had the Northern tribes been slaughtering each other in Europe before they took it global - over 2000 years at a minimum!!!

How many of each other do you think they murdered before Hitler came along? How many during their 100-year war, during the Middle Ages, during the European witch hunts where they slaughtered their own wives, women, daughters and girl children in the Church’s many anti-superstition campaigns based on getting rid of women power at that time in Europe? How many of each other did the European tribes slaughter during the Spanish Inquisition? What was learnt from these wars for domination and economic power? Anything? How many of each other did the French, British, Spaniards, Dutch, et al, terminate before they reached Ayiti and annihilated the Tainos, brought in enslaved Africans to do work they wouldn’t deign to do and 300 years later, those enslaved beat, IN COMBAT, the French, the English, the Spanish and then the French at Vertieres to end the unspeakable torture?

Yes, Vertieres was the greatest battle for human dignity ever fought. But of course, as the descendants of those brave African men and women who first put liberty into application for all of humanity, you could say, William Mandel, we can't see this any other way. Would slavery of Africans and direct colonization have ended but for Vertieres? Uhmmm?

We won our independence IN COMBAT against the French, the English, the Spaniards, a US embargo, and then crushed the French at Vertieres once and for all. That crushing defeat led also to the rise of the United States as a world power in contrast to those we defeated so directly and doubling its size with the Louisiana Purchase. Haiti though, now would face centuries of the European tribes with their US derivatives coming together as "white" to keep it contained in poverty and for European cultural supremacy to dominate. And so, the five Latin American countries that tiny Haiti helped liberate in the Americas from Euro enslavement and colonialization, pressured by the US/Euro "white" alliance, would not invite Haiti to sit at the equivalent of the first OAS region meeting. The US would prevent, for over 60 years, with an embargo similar to the one they have on Cuba right now, any trade with Haiti. France would not stop trying to re-enslave the Africans who had crushed them, until they had ushered in ecclesiastic colonialism and forced on Haiti an Independence Debt that forced Haitians to close all rural schools – and go back to something like sharecropping as was done to Black Americans after the Civil War in the US - an Independence debt which the US took over, adding on more usury interests rates onto the back of a non-allied Black Haiti and Haiti was compelled to keep paying and did not finish paying off until 1947. Thomas Jefferson paid $15million dollars for the Louisiana Purchase, an area that made up 13 new US States. Haiti was forced, at gun-point, by the Euro\US tribes to pay $150 million - ten times the amount paid for the Louisiana Purchase - for an independence it had won IN COMBAT after giving 300 years of free labor to the French/Spanish combined and for an area smaller or equal to the State of Rhode Island...not to mention that amount kept being re-negotiated at their Northern predator bankers’ and Robber Barrons’ whims, whenever these folks needed to finance something in the North or elsewhere...

We won’t mention the gunboat diplomacy of the Germans, French, Spaniards, et al … over the centuries, or the pillage and plunder of Haiti’s gold reserves, which the US Marines flew out of Haiti during the 19-year US occupation of Haiti from 1915 to 1934. Or, the virtual re-enslavement of Haitians, deforestation, environmental degradation, stealing peasant lands for big business, et al… that went on during this reign. Or, Mr. Mandel how many Haitians were slaughtered by the Americans?

I mean whose counting, right? But understand, Mr. Mandel, the US/Euros still cannot stomach the significance of the Battle of Vertieres…

But, to quote Michel Sanon great poem on the matter:

Who is to tell me when
To celebrate my history?
Who is to tell me
When to dress my wounds
And to reminisce
My trials, my sorrow
When to shed tears
Over my brave children
And to glorify their names?
They suffered and died
Every bloody month
Of the bloody year.
I was born
Of abject inhumanity
With the noble destiny
Of carrying the sword
Of precious humanity
In a New World
Cursed by the West Storm
And raped by the powers
Of greed, wickedness, and death.
I am the mother of martyrs
Of survivors and overcomers.
Alone, I faced the wrath
Of this world's powers...

So, Dessalines’ descendants continue to fight the US/Euro powers to make stick the victory at Vertieres...that battle goes on today, William Mandel. How many Haitians do you think have been slaughtered in the intervening years????

Is it more than 27million since the first Euro/US battle vying for the soul of the people of the South began? You write, Mr. Mandel, that the "greatest battles ever fought on this planet," by

Hitler merely applied to Europe colonialist procedures  
"It would be useful to study clinically, in detail, the behavior of Hitler, and of Hitlerism and to reveal to the very distinguished, the very humanist, very Christian twentieth century bourgeois that he has a silent Hitler in him, that Hitler inhabits him, that Hitler is his demon, that if he vituperates, it is by lack of logic, and, in sum, what he does not forgive Hitler is not the crime in itself, the crime against man, it is not the humiliation of the man in himself, but the crime against the white man, the humiliation of the white man, of having applied to Europe colonialist procedures which till now were reserved to Arabs in Algeria, coolies in India, and Negroes of Africa" --Aime Cesaire, Discours sur le colonialisme, 1955 (Excerpted from V.Y. Mudimbe's The Idea of Africa, page 212).

any measure you wish to use, were those by the Russians in defense against Hitler in World War II. The Russians lost 27,000,000 lives. That is beyond all comparison with those of any other country in any war ever fought."

I, sir as Dessalines’ descendant, respond that you can tell your story, but this one is our history and we say what is “the greatest battles ever fought on this planet." And the Haitians who stood on the hill of Vertieres, watching French general, Rochambeau leave with his dogs come to re-enslave them with their tails between their legs in DEFEAT, knew that after 300-years of European enslavement, that that was the greatest battle ever fought. Sorry, we’re telling our story, now. This voice you don’t know, because it’s been minimized, vilified and discounted. But not today. This moment has been fought for over 500 centuries...

And in today, at this moment, we, Dessalines’ descendants, respond, Nou La! (We're still here!) and that “the greatest battles ever fought on this planet” by any measure you wish to use, are those by today and yesterday's Haitian men, children and women who took up and take up arms against the US/Euros in the so-called New World to live as independent, African, Vodun and free Black peoples without interference. It's a David and Goliath struggle and the greatest story never told.

We Haitians have paid and paid and paid the price for our sovereignty and for peaceful co-existence with the white tribes and their surrounding colonies, client states and territories. Here's how Sanon, describes it:

"Alone, with my hurting hands
I broke the first link
Of the mighty chain
Of human curse
Called slavery.
Alone on the traitorous hill
Of the New World
I carried the cross of a race
Into this century
Of furious revolution
And industrialization
Refusing to get crucified.
I've been chained
I've been robbed
I've been raped and stabbed
And I have fought back
Fearlessly, continuously. .
Alone I have paid and paid.
I have paid the senseless price
I have paid the endless price..."

But, the wrath of Euro/US empire lands in Haiti, again and again and again, the latest in 2004 to undo Vertieres. But it is and will always be a vain task.

We have no standard war weapons or media machinery or any diplomatic or military powers to unleash – the tools of combat crawls from OUR BODIES. And the spirit that runs in our veins that is as old, if not more ancient, than the sacred land Haiti defends. For, over 50-million years ago, when the US land mass was still under water, the Island of Ayiti existed and Africans who recognize this space, have always recognized it as home. The miracle is that despite the Northern tribes’ barbarity, intransigence, greed, inhumanity and impoverishment of Haiti since they got there in 1503, the seemingly meek peoples of Haiti and the South, be they African-Haitians or the Taino-Haitians before them, remain known, to one and all as being pure of heart and loving human beings. Still rising, as Maya Angelou, would say, even amidst the bitter twisted lies, even within the endless slaughtering to wipe them off the planet.

Why is that? Because death means nothing to the Africans who've lived in harmony with nature on this planet for so long. And besides, we know, as HLLN has written - Vertieres cannot be undone..... We’ll take being pure at heart and extending Vodun energies -sacred energies, before all else…

Although, as Michel Sanon, writes that means each Haitian still connected to Africa's womb must struggle "Every bloody month of every bloody year," constantly:

The Divine Mother symbol (vèvè) for Haiti's Ezili Dantò

With a burning spear
Stuck in my chest.
Sometimes it weakens me
But I always rise
High above the pain
And the wickedness
Of powerful forces
From near and far
To claim my dignity.
I have friends
Who suck up my blood...
From my wounded heart.
Though today I choose to stand
And stand in pride and love
With my dear family
To celebrate in harmony
Our common history
In the month of February
I was alone when in Vertières
I rose to face the Devil
When hell broke loose
Unleashing its fire storm
With waves of flame rushing
To engulf me whole...
Alone in the vast universe
I froze hell over
And walked on its ashes
To create my own history.
Nobody stood by my side.
I alone remember.
It was the eighteenth day
Of a month called

But, this, this greatest story never told, this Haitian David vs. Goliath struggle we are living with, its ultimate lesson – the ruling metaphor of Haitian history will be that we burnt the port cities and retreated inland, for when the time arrives for the world to understand what was held in sacred trust for all of humanity to reclaim, after the vampires and parasites are marginalized, their energies balanced and redeemed. Kreyòl pale, kreyòl konprann. You have your colonies, we have ours. One day at the Great Crossroads, this Battle will end, and we'll all meet then and included there will even be the irreducible essences of those 27,000,000 lives the Russians thought lost.

Ezili Dantò

Super Star
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Nombre de messages : 17750
Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Histoire
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006

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Ayibobo! Ezili Danto. Fanm vayan! Empty Re: Ayibobo! Ezili Danto. Fanm vayan!

Message  Sasaye Dim 5 Avr 2015 - 20:48

O wi !!!!!!!!!!!

Mwen renmen fanm saa ak tout nanm mwen.
Men yon mesaj li voye pou nou:
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 8252
Localisation : Canada
Opinion politique : Indépendance totale
Loisirs : Arts et Musique, Pale Ayisien
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2007

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Maestro

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