Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti

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Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti
Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti
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Proclamation de Soulouque Aux Haitiens.

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Proclamation de Soulouque Aux Haitiens. Empty Proclamation de Soulouque Aux Haitiens.

Message  T-Kout Jeu 25 Mai 2017 - 16:11

Proclamation de Soulouque Aux Haitiens. Tumblr_nnw12j2eC91smf838o1_500

Proclamation de Soulouque Aux Haitiens. Tumblr_nnw12j2eC91smf838o2_500

Although not as well known for sponsoring African-American immigration as Boyer or Geffrard, Soulouque’s regime did endeavor to attract people of color from Louisiana. In the above images, we see a Proclamation in Creole composed by Henri Fourrier in 1859, entitled Proclamation de Soulouque Aux Haitiens. The piece shows how people of color followed events in Haiti from Louisiana. Emile Desdunes, an agent of the Haitian state and prominent Creole of color, worked on behalf of Soulouque’s government to bring African-Americans to Haiti, where there presence was desired for labor, specifically, in the agricultural sector.

It is quite fascinating that this proclamation is in Creole, as well, a language all Haitians understood and aligned well with Soulouque’s non-elite origins. For more on Louisiana Creoles of Color and Haiti, the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture has an excellent page on Haitian (or Saint Dominguan) immigration in the 18th and 19th centuries, including how Haiti and the Haitian Revolution influenced people of color in literature, culture, music, and social movements.

Image Courtesy of the Louisiana State University Library Creole Echoes Exhibit

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Nombre de messages : 255
Localisation : N.Y.
Opinion politique : N/A
Loisirs : Musique, Lire
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2014

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Proclamation de Soulouque Aux Haitiens. Empty Re: Proclamation de Soulouque Aux Haitiens.

Message  Joel Jeu 25 Mai 2017 - 17:28


SOULOUK se te yon NASYONALIS jis lan MWEL li.PETET si WOYOM li an te perdire ,nou pa ta pran lan PYEJ lang FRANSE an ke KLEJE FRANSE an te vin ANRASINEN ak KONKODA MALE 1860 lan;le LEGLIZ KATOLIK se te ti FRANSE li t ap prepare ,se pa t AYISYEN!!!!!

SOULOUK se te DENYE PREZIDAN ou byen ANPERE ki te GOUMEN lan GE ENDEPANDANS lan.Misye te refize kontinye peye RANSON ENDEPENDANS lan!!!!

Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 17750
Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Histoire
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006

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