Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti

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Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti
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CNN's Roland Martin Is Haitian

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CNN's Roland Martin Is Haitian Empty CNN's Roland Martin Is Haitian

Message  piporiko Sam 14 Fév 2009 - 22:55

CNN's Roland Martin Is Haitian
I have been watching Roland Martin on CNN all this time and I had no idea that he was Haitian. Did you know?
If you watch CNN, I am sure you know who Roland Martin is. Just in case you don't know, allow me to tell you.
Roland Martin is a commentator for TV One Cable Network . Roland Martin is also a CNN Analyst. He has appeared on a variety of CNN shows including Campbell Brown: No Bias No Bull, The Situation Room (anchored by Wolf Blitzer), Anderson Cooper 360, Lou Dobbs Tonight, and many others.
What do you mean Roland Martin is Haitian?
Didn't you know? Being Haitian is a bloodline, just like being Jewish, Italian, or Irish, only a selected few earn that privilege!
Haitian Artist Smith Georges caught the moment on video, Watch the the video now.
How is Roland Martin linked to the Haitian Bloodline you ask?
Here is what Roland Martin revealed during an Obama Inaugural Ball on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 in Washington D.C. :
Roland Martin says: "On my mother's side, her father, his parents migrated from Haiti to Louisiana "
Roland Martin also revealed, during the Obama Inaugural Ball, a project he is working on along with Haitian-American State Senator Kwame Raoul, who replaced President Barack Obama in Illinois, to travel to Haiti to report and to contribute in improving the living condition of the Haitian people.
Roland Martin of CNN is very proud of his Haitian heritage.
Thank you artist Smith Georges for capturing this moment on video and for bringing it to our attention.

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