Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti

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Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti
Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti
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haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!!

grandzo di
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haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!! Empty haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!!

Message  OBSERVER KEEN Ven 18 Fév 2011 - 21:52

we are the laughing stock of the world; we have traveled with our youth to another country for soccer; the president of our federation is supposedly a doctor, yet our youth did not get a medical check-up; have they had a medical check-up, we would have discovered that some have malaria. yes, the Jamaican government acted in the best interest of its people; our country is in the middle of an infectious epidemic, and two of our players tested positive for malaria; so they put our team in quarantine, not because of the malaria, but because if our officials could fail to diagnose malaria, then what else they have missed. so, they took preventive measures, and it was not an overreaction given the circumstances of our cholera epidemic.
that is why I hate nationalism, it makes people stupid.

we will be more of a laughing when we get prezidan laloz !!!

Dernière édition par OBSERVER KEEN le Ven 18 Fév 2011 - 22:03, édité 1 fois


Nombre de messages : 966
Localisation : USA
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2006

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haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!! Empty Re: haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!!

Message  grandzo di Ven 18 Fév 2011 - 22:02

Observer keen

Koute problem la// Martelly deja presiden.. es ou konpran ca… ce pa yon bagay.. martelly ceci ou cela ou maniga cela ou ceci.. peuple haitien.. yon peuple eduke ap vote pou martelly.. ce pep kap vote pou li.. ce la demokrati… FOK NOU RESPECTE DEMOCRASI

grandzo di
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 2244
Localisation : VIhja
Opinion politique : centre
Loisirs : full contact
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2006

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haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!! Empty Re: haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!!

Message  OBSERVER KEEN Ven 18 Fév 2011 - 22:08

mon opposition a lui est egalement democratique!
je parle des alliances politiques pour lui faire echouer! et ce c'est la democratie aussi!
je demande a president aristide de se montrer grand et fier en supportant manigat malgre leur differentes ideologies politiques pour eviter au pays cette macaquerie!!! je parle seulement des voies legales et democratiques pour lui faire echouer!
mes critiques sont democratiques! savons bien que j'ai supporte son droit de se presenter comme candidat a la presidence, et je resperai le choix du peuple; mais cela ne veut pas dire que je dois cesser de critiquer ce choix!


Nombre de messages : 966
Localisation : USA
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2006

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haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!! Empty Re: haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!!

Message  grandzo di Ven 18 Fév 2011 - 22:21


je n'ai pas dit que tu dois voter pour X et Y..

Tu as le droit de critiquer… je n'ai aucun problème avec ton choix..

Je dis que le peuple haitien est un grand peuple intelligent.. il saura pour quel candidat, il faudra voter.. C'est tout ce que je dis..

Le peuple haitien est un grand peuple… Il votera pour le meilleur candidat.. C'est tout.

grandzo di
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 2244
Localisation : VIhja
Opinion politique : centre
Loisirs : full contact
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2006

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haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!! Empty Re: haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!!

Message  OBSERVER KEEN Ven 18 Fév 2011 - 22:28

K.H.L a écrit:KEEN

je n'ai pas dit que tu dois voter pour X et Y..

Tu as le droit de critiquer… je n'ai aucun problème avec ton choix..

Je dis que le peuple haitien est un grand peuple intelligent.. il saura pour quel candidat, il faudra voter.. C'est tout ce que je dis..

Le peuple haitien est un grand peuple… Il votera pour le meilleur candidat.. C'est tout.

the generation that gave us our independence and fought to keep it were great, we are now a bunch of midgets!
no, we are not a great people nor a great nation; but we do have a great history. do not confuse great past with great present! we do have the history to propel us to greatness, but at the present, we are midgets!


Nombre de messages : 966
Localisation : USA
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2006

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haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!! Empty Re: haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!!

Message  grandzo di Ven 18 Fév 2011 - 23:29

You are absolutely right

grandzo di
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 2244
Localisation : VIhja
Opinion politique : centre
Loisirs : full contact
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2006

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Jeu de rôle: Le crapaud sans pattes

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haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!! Empty Re: haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!!

Message  kami Sam 19 Fév 2011 - 6:59

K.H.L a écrit:You are absolutely right
haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!! How-to-Get-Six-Pack-Abs too just love those six-pack.

Nombre de messages : 2981
Localisation : ICI
Opinion politique : La séparation des pouvoirs
Loisirs : Lecture, Dormir
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2006

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haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!! Empty Re: haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!!

Message  drno Sam 19 Fév 2011 - 10:11

I am for different point of views and I respect them, but I cannot seem to understand the notion that people that vote for Martelly are not educated or do not know what they are doing or they are going to make Haiti super inferior. If I was living in Haiti I would probably vote for him too and I know a few friends in Haiti that are going to do the same thing, and I do not think we are not educated at all because every single school that I went to classmates and instructors always say that “ you Haitians are very good in sciences”
I understand that many people including myself do not like the way Martelly used to behave during his shows, but that does not mean it he is not going to help the country. I do not recall too many US presidents that did not do crazy things before they came to power, and some of them did while on duty. We have senators that are on duty now, and when we look at what they believe in, it is nothing but a disgraced for human kind.

Problem ke malade o geyen an se pali key o di dokte a. neg yo genyen pwoblem paske yo we ke genyen plis ke 20 anne ke se Aristid ki te genyen popilarite Martelly genyen an, so yo paka digere li. Youn bagay ke mwen konnen ke le youn moun fe youn paket tan wap adori youn moun, ou fini pa reflechi menm jan avek li. Aristid genyen youn filozofi ravet e depi li paka manje youn manje li pito gate li. Se sa ki passé la si se te Myrland manigat ki te genyen tout moun sa deye li, Aristidien yo tap kanmpe loin li tou.
Paske mwen pat janm we te geneyen oken pwoblem le se te Preval kit e anfas Lesly Manigat paske Preval se marassa ak Aristid. Mwen panse ke tout moun genyen dwa yo pou yo chwazi moun yo vle, men se le ou gad eke moun ki genyen lespri ap di ke Martelly pa fe youn bon Preziidan pou Haiti paske lit e kon dessan pantalon e youn paket lot bagay e missie pa genyen 10 plom.

Pou mwen fini, map di nou koun ke ide Myrlande yo bon men li se youn moun ka domi je kale paske plan li genyen yo ka manche nan youn peyi ki gentan sou 2 piel kap mache, men pa youn peyi tankou Haiti ki pa menm genyen 2 pie.
Mwen ta swete ke mwen pa atake pesonalite oken moun la, e ma pressie tout opinion moun menm le ke moun nan ap make pa sou plas.


Nombre de messages : 402
Date d'inscription : 22/08/2006

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haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!! Empty Re: haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!!

Message  Le gros roseau Sam 19 Fév 2011 - 11:55

Although I can not vote in Haiti I would like the people who say that Martelly is going to do great things for the country to convince me that he is better than Myrlande Manigat..Please do not write about promises he made for anybody can make them.Will martelly have a better team ;does he articulate the problems of the country better?Is he more educated?Is he more honest than Myrlande?

karl said the people of haiti will choose the better candidate ,impliying Michel martelly.Karl, please tell me who is the better candidate?Shed some lights on Michel Martelly's back ground that makes you such a fanatic of lady Gaga.Although this is a selection organized by the international community with Preval's help,I don't think haitians will make the mistake to elect Michel Martelly as their president.If they do then one must admit that people have the government they deserve.

Le gros roseau
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Date d'inscription : 21/08/2010

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haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!! Empty Re: haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!!

Message  ed428 Sam 19 Fév 2011 - 13:55

This is probably another reason why Haiti does need another buffon as its president. It's very unfortunate that Mr. Martely's past behavior as an artist may cost him the presidency.


Nombre de messages : 359
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Date d'inscription : 30/01/2008

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haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!! Empty Re: haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!!

Message  grandzo di Sam 19 Fév 2011 - 14:58

too just love those six-pack.

grandzo di
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 2244
Localisation : VIhja
Opinion politique : centre
Loisirs : full contact
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2006

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Le crapaud sans pattes

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haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!! Empty Re: haiti: an international joke getting more and more so!!!

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