Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti

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Haiti: Mixed Commission Sends Constitution to National Palace

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Haiti: Mixed Commission Sends Constitution to National Palace  Empty Haiti: Mixed Commission Sends Constitution to National Palace

Message  Sasaye Lun 26 Déc 2011 - 11:40

Haiti: Mixed Commission Sends Constitution to National Palace

Monday, 26 December 2011 10:45
.. .PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti ( - The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Sorel Jacinthe (Moron Chamberllan/Inite) was on route to the National Palace on Sunday to deliver the corrected and signed Consitution to the President of the Republic as they were accepted by the 49th Legislature in May.

The Vice-President of the National Assembly, Jacinthe said Thursday the amended and signed Constitution was sent to the National Palace but upon leaving the capital to return to his home in Grand Anse, he was called by the President of the Republic who told him that there were areas vague or inconsistent in the text and asked for another review and another set of signatures.

Jacinthe said the mixed commission of parliamentarians, political actors and members of civil society were reconvened to review the text once more.

Reporter Emmanuel Paul
Deputy Sorel Jacinthe
12.25.11 | Vision2000

Over the weekend himself and the President of the Senate as well as the four secretaries of the National Assembly offices reviewed and signed the document, page by page, signing each page and says the document will be on the president's desk on Monday.

Jacinthe said by Tuesday, the President of the Republic should send the document to the National Press to be published in Le Moniteur.

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