Post-Quake Giving To Haiti: An Updated Look At Major Charities
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Post-Quake Giving To Haiti: An Updated Look At Major Charities
Post-Quake Giving To Haiti: An Updated Look At Major Charities
NPR surveyed 12 of the largest and best known U.S. charities working in Haiti and according to the information provided by the groups, their funds are currently being used to build temporary shelters and fix damaged homes for people to move out of camps, as well as for cholera prevention, clean water, food and sanitation to camps; and, healthcare.
Several organizations surveyed received more donations and spent more in 2011, but as much as 35 percent of the total money raised by these groups remains unspent.
NPR surveyed 12 of the largest and best known U.S. charities working in Haiti and according to the information provided by the groups, their funds are currently being used to build temporary shelters and fix damaged homes for people to move out of camps, as well as for cholera prevention, clean water, food and sanitation to camps; and, healthcare.
Several organizations surveyed received more donations and spent more in 2011, but as much as 35 percent of the total money raised by these groups remains unspent.
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