Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti

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Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti
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Brazil needs to build stadiums in order to host the 2014 WC

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Brazil needs to build stadiums in order to host the 2014 WC Empty Brazil needs to build stadiums in order to host the 2014 WC

Message  gwotoro Ven 15 Sep 2006 - 22:03

Football/Soccer - President Lula: Brazil needs to build 12 stadiums in order to host the 2014 World Cup

BRASILIA, Sept 14 (Reuters) -
Brazil must build at least 12 new stadiums if it wants to host the 2014 World Cup, president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said on Thursday.

"We don't have any stadium which is in a condition to host World Cup games," Lula said during a speech. "We're going to have to build at least 12 new stadiums in this country."

The 2014 World Cup is due to be held in South America under FIFA's rotation system, and the continent's 10 football federations voted in 2003 to back Brazil as their only candidate.

The Colombian government has since said that its country is interested in staging the tournament.

Lula also suggested that Brazil should play another so-called peace match, this time in Lebanon, following their visit to strife-torn Haiti to play a friendly in 2004.

"Lebanon needs the Brazilian team," he said. "Maybe it's time ..... to play a game in Lebanon for peace.

Super Star
Super Star

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Date d'inscription : 20/08/2006

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