Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti

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Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti
Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti
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Attention Dr Condolezza Rice.

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Attention Dr Condolezza Rice. Empty Attention Dr Condolezza Rice.

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Mer 30 Mai 2007 - 8:32

Tell your President to prepare the troops.Russia tets new missiles.ICBM,cruise rockets can penetrate any defense system ,officials warns.Russia testesd new missiles Tuesday that a kremlin official boasted could penetrate any defense system,and President Vladimir Putin warned that shield in Europe would turn the region into a" power keg."

Doctor Rice ,as an expert on Russia ,and as an admirer of President Bush are you advising him to invade Russia pretty soon?Here are where the real arms of mass destruction located.Please forget about Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan ,North Korea ,move the troops to Russia to destroy those ICBM cruise rockets; then and only then the war in Iraq can be justified.If you do not advise the President to invade Russia as soon as possible thus you and your dear president are not better than the nazis Generals that the Nuremberg Tribunal condemned for genocide .Remember Ronald Reagan called Russia the evil empire ,please deliver us from this evil empire ,please Doctor Rice.(lol)I know you like texan Cow Boy ,but Miss Rice is Geroges Bush a real Cow boy or just an irresponsible bully?
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 11114
Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Lecture et Internet
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

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Jeu de rôle: Stock market

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Attention Dr Condolezza Rice. Empty Re: Attention Dr Condolezza Rice.

Message  Invité Mer 30 Mai 2007 - 21:49


Dernière édition par benlatay le Dim 6 Sep 2009 - 20:14, édité 2 fois


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Attention Dr Condolezza Rice. Empty Re: Attention Dr Condolezza Rice.

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Jeu 31 Mai 2007 - 7:47

"The war in Iraq is not the disease.Iraq is a symptom.The disease is arrogance. "Bill Richardson

Yes,They say:"A mind is a terrible thing to waste".But I wonder when certain black intellectuals share certain points of view or policies if they have a mind anymore .When a man of Collin Powell's intelligence has the courage , the temerity and the audacity to tell a lie in front of the World can we say that he is responsible of his actions;When a brillliant woman like Miss Rice continues to serve the Cow Boy diplomacy,where the law of the jungle is her sole guidance ,thus can we say both of them have a mind ;or are they rather become just puppets that are manipulated by some insane magicians.It is inconceivable for me to understand that the prestige of The Secretary of States job can make persons of this caliber so blind to decency and compassion.Jimmy carter said the other day that the foreign policy of the United States under President Bush is a disaster.I adhere to his comments completely.

It is with great sadness that I am witnessing the slaughter of so many innocent people:Irakis and americans alike , because of the mistake of a few deranged minds.

Dernière édition par le Jeu 31 Mai 2007 - 10:19, édité 1 fois
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 11114
Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Lecture et Internet
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Stock market

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Attention Dr Condolezza Rice. Empty Re: Attention Dr Condolezza Rice.

Message  Invité Jeu 31 Mai 2007 - 8:58


Dernière édition par benlatay le Dim 6 Sep 2009 - 20:14, édité 3 fois


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Attention Dr Condolezza Rice. Empty Re: Attention Dr Condolezza Rice.

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Jeu 31 Mai 2007 - 9:13

There is no limitation of any language in your texts;you express yourself correctly, my friend .Indeed "Some people were born to serve."(lol).Have a good day.You said it like it is.
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 11114
Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Lecture et Internet
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Stock market

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Attention Dr Condolezza Rice. Empty Re: Attention Dr Condolezza Rice.

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