Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti

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Yes we can ou l’hymne d’Obama

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Yes we can ou l’hymne d’Obama Empty Yes we can ou l’hymne d’Obama

Message  Invité Dim 3 Fév 2008 - 10:21

Yes, we can win the super Tuesday!

Yes, we can win the nomination!

Go Obama, Go!


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Yes we can ou l’hymne d’Obama Empty Re: Yes we can ou l’hymne d’Obama

Message  Marc-Henry Dim 3 Fév 2008 - 12:16

Veuillez écouter le tube au portail du forum ...

Solidarité et Unité pour sauver Haiti

Nombre de messages : 6355
Localisation : Canada
Opinion politique : Démocrate
Loisirs : Lecture et Internet
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2006

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Jeu de rôle: Lobbyiste

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Yes we can ou l’hymne d’Obama Empty Re: Yes we can ou l’hymne d’Obama

Message  Invité Dim 3 Fév 2008 - 15:44

Je l'ai déjà écouté et c'est pourquoi j'ai lancé ce cri et souhait.


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Yes we can ou l’hymne d’Obama Empty Re: Yes we can ou l’hymne d’Obama

Message  Marc-Henry Dim 3 Fév 2008 - 22:31

[ezilidanto] Vote for Barack Obama‏

Standing on truth, living without fear – Supporting Barack Obama’s visionof what can be… Ezili Danto Note: Haitians must believe they can overcome the odds to succeed. And, success, somesay, is not determined by the cards you are dealt in life, but how you playthem.

That is why, playing the cards dealt, HLLN wants to use this occasion to urgesupport for Barack Obama for President. We endorse Obama because of hiscourage, empathy, ethics, charisma, remarkable personal journey and, mostdecidedly because of his stance on immigration, the war in Iraq, health care,education, worker’s rights, reforming the criminal justice system, repairingthe environment and against corporate welfare and subsidies.

Why? Because we Haitians are in the furnace of that “hope, possibility andchange” that didn't bring us any change, but have Haitians eating all mannersof dirt to survive – suffering occupation, hunger, misery, rape, torture,indefinite detention and slaughter. For, President Rene Preval unfortunatelyhas been nothing if not a tool of the status quo - empire, endless debt,militarization, privatization and deep corporate greed - in Haiti. Yet, at thetime he came along, there was no other viable choice for the people of Haiti.Same I think today with the US and the choice of Barack Obama. It may all turnout that Obama's offer of "hope, possibility and change" ends up looking likePresident Rene Preval's "HOPE" because the good old boy's network is too evilto be challenged by good people. Still, what choices do we have? Paralysis,cynicism and impasse are for neophytes. NAFTA-Clinton is not a change fromyesterday. Not for the poor and jobless in the U.S. Not for the “tan” womenof Juarez, Mexico, nor the Black women of Ouanaminthe, Haiti, all tossed aroundby NAFTA employers like so much garbage.

No tenable choice exist with the remaining status quo candidates so vested inthe Washington system that vies to exterminate equitable divisions, thepoor’s rights and decent folks’ soul and humanity, globally. Barack Obamahas no dynasty, no monarch, no oil interests to protect and extend. Not yet. Heembraces, not what the United State is, but a vision of what the U.S. can be.So, this may be the only time, before he's more vested in Washington’s systemthat with sheer vision, determination and clear, uncompromised conscience hecould help catapult the strong but beaten down and nearly invisible collectiveUS wish to be what we say we are, and herald in an unexpected quantum leap forthe US citizenry, and therefore the planet. A leap towards more decency andcivility, away from profit-over-people values.

Either way, this is the moment for action. Not debate.

After Super Tuesday, it won't take much courage to support or not supportBarack Obama. So today, when silence could mean indecision, fear, complicity orcynicism, we speak to formalize the grassroots work we've done outside thepublic eye, making public HLLN's support for Senator Barack Obama for presidentof the United States. People know us for our regular collaboration with an international network offolks well educated in the pain, misery and suffering wrought on by constantU.S. government duplicity abroad and at home, and its grand tradition ofpromoting death and deceit under the guise of extending equity, democracy,generosity and humanitarian help. But today, at this historic moment, despiteknowing full well the shams involved in the US electoral process, we arestanding on truth, living without fear to endorse the only people’s candidateremaining in this election. HLLN endorses Barack Obama and Michelle Obama tohelp lead the US towards a more civilized, peaceful tomorrow and authenticchange that would bring prosperity and opportunities for all.

We respectfully ask all who are going to the polls this Tuesday, to join us.Listen to the silent screams of the disenfranchised women on this planetwishing an end to senseless wars, hunger, death and misery. Vote for BarackObama.

(The Obamas have no assassination fear - ; OBAMA - Yes, we can - ). Marguerite Laurent, Esq.Founder and Chair, Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network (“HLLN”)February 2, 2008

Solidarité et Unité pour sauver Haiti

Nombre de messages : 6355
Localisation : Canada
Opinion politique : Démocrate
Loisirs : Lecture et Internet
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2006

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Lobbyiste

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Yes we can ou l’hymne d’Obama Empty Re: Yes we can ou l’hymne d’Obama

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