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Does Senator Mac Cain have the expertise and the qualities to be President ?

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Does Senator Mac Cain have the expertise and the qualities to be President ? Empty Does Senator Mac Cain have the expertise and the qualities to be President ?

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Lun 13 Oct 2008 - 4:51

This question deserves an evaluation of Senator John Mac Cain's curriculum vitae.We should evaluate John Mac Cain's careers with equity in order to be fair and impartial.For it is important that the person who will be the Commander in chief of the most powerful country on this earth has a sound judgement, the intelligence and moral authority to govern wisely in these difficult times.

Raised in a military family Cadet John Mac Cain graduated among the bottom 10 students of a promotion of almost 900.He said that he didn't have the self control, discipline and motivation to succeed in the Naval Academy.Son of an Admiral John Mac Cain doesn't deserve any felicitation for his performance.On the contrary one must conclude if he weren't the son of an Admiral maybe John Mac cain would have been expelled from the Academy.

What about his military career,We know he was not an ace as an aviator.He was not selected as an astronaut.Although he deserves our respects for his service to the Armed forces of the united States ,but the wear of a military uniform doesn't make somebody a hero.The Court martial of Lieutenant Crawley for the My Lai massacre proves my point.As for his judgement one can not regard his participation in this war as a barometer of his good judgement for Mc Namara himself said:" the war was a mistake."As for his refusal to be liberated by the North Vietnamese before the end of the war;again one has to listen to Senator Mac cain carefully to understand his position at the time.He said:"I did not think the war will last that long"In other words if he knew that he would have to stay in jail for so many years ,maybe he would have accepted the offer.One of the better General of the United States Army ,General Wesley Clarke said"I do not think the career of a military pilot recommends him to be the president of the United States of America.

It is useless to speak about his family life for he said:"I was not a good husband to my first wife.Why is he a good husband to this one.Is it because John Mac Cain is wiser and more mature ,God only knows.I would not speculate for I am not without sins myself.But one can ask what moral authority does John mac cain have to criticize Senator Obama's life?

Let us analyze his career as a Senator.During the 26 years he serves in the Senate how many laws does Senator Mac cain write to alleviate the sufferings of the poor of this country?I heard that he co -sponsored one or two this a career that deserves felicitations?I do not think so.One of the most important law voted by Senator Mac cain :the authorization of the war power authority to president Bush was a disaster for the country.Senator Mac Cain wants to take credit for the surge of the troops in Iraq.The decrease of the killings in iraq as shown by a documentary shown on 60 minutes last night proved that it is not the surge that caused the reduction in casualities of the american soldiers but rather the use of sophisticated weapons and tactics.The same weapons could have made the same difference had the military used them sooner.Enough for his analysis of the war that he authorized,although he said in the 21st century a country should not invade another country because of his military superiority.What a statement?

Another poor judgement of Senator Mac Cain is The choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate.Is it the choice of a wise and experienced leader?How can one evaluate a Governor who has only two years in office?What did Govenrnor Palin did which is so remarkable for Senator Mac Cain to choose her as the futur Vice President of the United States?Senator John MacCain knows very well as an old and sick man ,the probabilty for Sarah Palin to become president of the United States is very high.Didn't he know that Sarah palin was under investigation of the legislative branch of government of the state of Alaska for abuse of power?Does one have to remind him the importance of the Vice presidency of the United states?

Based on these observations can anybody with common sense vote for Senator John Mac cain?Is Senator Clinton right in saying :"no way, no How ,no Mac cain."I think she is.John mac cain said :When I look at Putin I see three letters :"K.G.B".What does he think when he looks at Georges Bush Sr.Is this the statement of a mature man who aspires to become the Commander in chief of the most powerful army in the world?Do we need to reactivate the cold war in these times of economic crisis when 3/4 of the world population are suffering of all kind of miseries;when the earth is in danger because of man made pollutants.?I hesitate to give the authoirity to pull the nuclear trigger to John Mac Cain for he recognizes that he has a bad temper and lacks the self control that is the quality of a great leader.

Dernière édition par Rodlam Sans Malice le Lun 13 Oct 2008 - 10:15, édité 2 fois
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
Super Star
Super Star

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Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Lecture et Internet
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

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Does Senator Mac Cain have the expertise and the qualities to be President ? Empty Re: Does Senator Mac Cain have the expertise and the qualities to be President ?

Message  piporiko Lun 13 Oct 2008 - 9:28

Le sage a parle...

Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 4753
Age : 53
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Opinion politique : Homme de gauche,anti-imperialiste....
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

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Does Senator Mac Cain have the expertise and the qualities to be President ? Empty Re: Does Senator Mac Cain have the expertise and the qualities to be President ?

Message  piporiko Lun 13 Oct 2008 - 9:38

McCain fait une allusion déplacée
LEMONDE.FR avec AFP, Reuters et AP |

"Je respecte le sénateur Obama. Nous mènerons une campagne respectueuse et nous ferons en sorte que tout le monde fasse de même et cela est important", a-t-il dit, ajoutant John McCain a également dit en parlant de son adversaire qu'il allait "fouetter son 'vous savez-quoi '"
Tiens ta langue, John ! Distancé dans les sondages, le candidat républicain, John McCain, a appelé, dimanche 12 octobre, à une "campagne respectueuse", avant de déraper verbalement. Devant une cinquantaine de ses partisans réunis à son QG de campagne, à Arlington, en Virginie, où il s'est retiré pour préparer le débat de mercredi, il a déclaré : "Je respecte le sénateur Obama. Nous mènerons une campagne respectueuse et nous ferons en sorte que tout le monde fasse de même et cela est important", a-t-il dit devant des bénévoles travaillant pour sa campagne. Jusqu'ici, tout va bien. Puis, les choses se corsent.

John McCain a également dit en parlant de son adversaire qu'il allait "fouetter son 'vous savez-quoi'" lors du débat télévisé, ce qui a provoqué les rires et les applaudissements de l'assistance. Ce commentaire vraisemblablement non prévu pourrait lui attirer des critiques car le fouet reste aux Etats-Unis un instrument lié à l'histoire de l'esclavage. Surtout, cette sortie intervient au moment où la question raciale, longtemps taboue, a fait irruption dans la campagne avec les déclarations d'un parlementaire démocrate, John Lewis, figure de la lutte pour les droits civiques dans les années 1960, qui a accusé ce week-end John McCain d'inciter à la haine contre Barack Obama.

Les attaques du camp républicain ne semblent pas entraver la dynamique du candidat démocrate. Barack Obama devance son rival républicain de dix points, selon un sondage Washington Post-ABC News publié lundi. Obama est crédité de 53 % des intentions de vote contre 43 % à McCain. Près de deux tiers des personnes interrogées (64 %) disent avoir une opinion favorable du candidat démocrate, en hausse de six points par rapport au mois dernier. L'avance du sénateur de l'Illinois est seulement de quatre points dans une enquête d'opinion Reuters-C-Span-Zogby, également publiée lundi : le candidat démocrate réunit 48 % des intentions de vote contre 44 % au sénateur de l'Arizona et enregistre un recul de deux points par rapport à un précédent sondage. La marge d'erreur de cette enquête est de 2,9 points.

Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 4753
Age : 53
Localisation : USA
Opinion politique : Homme de gauche,anti-imperialiste....
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

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Jeu de rôle: L'impulsif

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Does Senator Mac Cain have the expertise and the qualities to be President ? Empty Re: Does Senator Mac Cain have the expertise and the qualities to be President ?

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