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First Ever Launch of Voice SMS by ComCEL

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First Ever Launch of Voice SMS by ComCEL Empty First Ever Launch of Voice SMS by ComCEL

Message  Sasaye Jeu 30 Oct 2008 - 17:48

Haiti Witnesses the First Ever Launch of Voice SMS by ComCEL
ComCEL Sources Application From Kirusa, the Leading Vendor of Voice SMS

Last update: 11:11 a.m. EDT Oct. 29, 2008
PORT AU PRINCE, REPUBLIC OF HAITI, and NEW PROVIDENCE, NJ, Oct 29, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Communication Cellulaire D'Haiti S.A. (ComCEL), the first telecommunications operator to launch GSM service in Haiti which provides high-quality affordable wireless service under the Voila brand name, today announced the launch of Voice SMS service sourced from Kirusa. Voice SMS will enable Voila subscribers to send messages in their own voice. Kirusa is the world's leading vendor of Voice SMS and a leading developer of mobile value-added services.

Kirusa Voice SMS is a world renowned mobile messaging application. It enables mobile subscribers to compose short voice messages. Voila has made the Voice SMS service available to all of its prepaid and postpaid subscribers.

To compose a Voice SMS, a Voila subscriber just has to dial '*' and the number of the person to whom they wish to send the message, speak for 20 seconds and disconnect. If the recipient is a Voila subscriber, the individual will receive a text SMS notification and can dial *0* to hear their Voice SMS. Old Voice SMS can be retrieved by dialing *1*. They also have the option of replying, forwarding, saving or deleting the Voice SMS messages. The Voice SMS platform will automatically call off-net (who are not on the Voila network) message recipients in Haiti and play their message. The message recipient can elect to reply after listening to the Voice SMS.

Voila subscribers will pay HTG 3.00 (approximately USD 0.08) to send a Voice SMS. Listening to the Voice SMS for the first time is free of charge. To make the service available to its subscribers, Voila has incorporated Kirusa Voice SMS service integrated with the NMS Vision server media platform into its mobile network.

Commenting on the occasion, Inderpal Singh Mumick, CEO of Kirusa, says, "Kirusa Voice SMS has proven successful in Asia and Middle East. We are proud to have brought this successful application to Americas, specifically to Haiti." He further added, "Voice SMS is a revenue generating service. Its derivative applications can result in incremental revenues for the operators while providing a lower cost communication service to customers than traditional voice products."

"We are excited about the launch of Voice SMS service which opens up a new way of mobile messaging for our subscribers, first of its kind in Haiti," said Robin Padberg, CEO of ComCEL. He further added, "Kirusa implemented the service in Haiti within six weeks, and continues to impress us with its product's superior technology and enhanced features."

About ComCEL
Communication Cellulaire D'Haiti S.A. (ComCEL) is a leading mobile telecommunications operator in Haiti, providing high-quality affordable wireless service under the Voila brand name. ComCEL directly employs more than 500 local staff and provides indirect employment to more than 15,000 Haitians. Since its inception ten years ago, ComCEL has invested over US$200 million in Haiti. ComCEL is a subsidiary of Trilogy International Partners LLC (Trilogy), based in Bellevue, Washington, which operates mobile communications companies in Bolivia, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and New Zealand. Additional information about ComCEL can be found at and

About Kirusa
Kirusa is the world's leading vendor of Voice SMS and a leading developer of mobile value added services that provide the freedom of multimodality. Kirusa's solutions include the hugely successful KV.SMS(TM), the world's most advanced "Voice SMS" solution that has been selected by more than twenty carriers around the world. The Voice SMS solution allows mobile subscribers to send and reply to SMS messages with voice. Kirusa's solution works on all handsets and on all networks, and offers the industry's most intuitive user interface, with features such as Direct Listen(TM) for direct access and reply to messages, Speed Codes(TM) for quickly sending messages, group messaging, mobile number portability, background music, interconnection, and international Voice SMS. KV.SMS can be deployed in a matter of weeks, and its rapid user adoption has led to explosive revenue growth for Kirusa's customers. Kirusa offers an exchange service for interconnection of Voice SMS messages between carriers, and is pioneering a suite of applications that touch mobile users through voice.

Kirusa has partnered with Qualcomm to deliver a Brew client for sending and receiving Voice SMS messages. Kirusa solutions are built on Kirusa's patented and patent pending technology and its highly reliable and scalable multimodal platform. The platform enables subscribers to cost effectively deploy additional revenue-generating services such as messaging, search, information, and entertainment applications. Kirusa's solutions are used by mobile subscribers millions of times every day. Kirusa has been recognized as one of top 100 technology companies by Silicon India, and one of top 25 emerging technology companies by Smart Techie magazine.

Headquartered in New Jersey and led by an experienced team of wireless telecom executives and technologists, Kirusa has sales offices in three continents, with research and development facilities in New Delhi and in Bangalore, India. 'Kirusa Voice SMS,' 'Direct Listen,' and 'Speed Codes' are trademarks of Kirusa, Inc. For more information, please visit

Media Contact
Anju T Makin
Alchemy Corporate Communications
Tel: +91 98101 70135
Email Contact

Paul Crosa
VP Sales & Marketing - Voilà
Tel: +509-3441-0572
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