Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti

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Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti
Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti
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humanistic aid vs charity??

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humanistic aid vs charity?? Empty humanistic aid vs charity??

Message  OBSERVER KEEN Mar 6 Jan 2009 - 0:44

the biggest problem with the international aid system is that it is based solely on charity. charity is giving without taking into consideration the inherent value of human dignity. charity is free gift that conditions the human person to a life of dependency while humanistic aid is an aid that not only alleviates the immediate need, but it also prepares the recipient to gradually assume responsibility for his or her needs and desires. In fact, many philanthropic organizations have opted for humanistic aid in the forms of micro-loans, farming equipments and husbandry resources.

to be continued!


Nombre de messages : 966
Localisation : USA
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2006

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