Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti

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La BBC revele des cas d'abus sexuels des employes onusiens

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La BBC revele des cas d'abus sexuels des employes onusiens Empty La BBC revele des cas d'abus sexuels des employes onusiens

Message  gwotoro Jeu 30 Nov 2006 - 23:42

UN troops face child abuse claims

Children have been subjected to rape and prostitution by United Nations peacekeepers in Haiti and Liberia, a BBC investigation has found.

Girls have told of regular encounters with soldiers where sex is demanded in return for food or money.

A senior official with the organisation has accepted the claims are credible.

The UN has faced several scandals involving its troops in recent years, including a DR Congo paedophile ring and prostitute trafficking in Kosovo.

The assistant secretary-general for peacekeeping operations acknowledges that sexual abuse is widespread.

"We've had a problem probably since the inception of peacekeeping - problems of this kind of exploitation of vulnerable populations," Jane Holl Lute told the BBC.

"My operating presumption is that this is either a problem or a potential problem in every single one of our missions."


The UN is scheduled to hold a special conference in New York on Monday 4 December, to address the issue.

The BBC inquiry was commissioned as part of Generation Next - a week of programmes focusing on people under 18.

The BBC's Mike Williams with a teenager who claims she was raped by a serviceman

In Haiti, the BBC's Mike Williams spoke to a street girl as young as 11 who had reported sexual abuse by peacekeepers outside the gates of the presidential palace in Port-au-Prince.

A 14-year-old described her abduction and rape inside a UN naval base in the country two years ago.

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