Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti

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Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti
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Ayisyen di yo pap kite machinn dominiken entre Ayiti

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Ayisyen di yo pap kite machinn dominiken entre Ayiti Empty Ayisyen di yo pap kite machinn dominiken entre Ayiti

Message  Invité Ven 22 Mai 2009 - 15:42

Haiti Senate chief stokes standoff, Dominican truckers union says

Ayisyen di yo pap kite machinn dominiken entre Ayiti C644C767-D77E-415C-8F57-5239521A6989

SANTO DOMINGO.- Dominican truckers union (Fenatrado) president Blas Peralta Friday said the weeks-long conflict between Dominican and Haitian truck drivers hasn’t been solved due to Haiti Senate president Ana Casis’ political interests.
The union leader, who often heads violent strikes in his country, said she’s the Haitian president René Preval’s main rival for which in his view seeks to deteriorate the Haitian crisis for political gains.
Dominican truckers demand that their Haitian pars desist from demanding to carry 50 percent of the freight of merchandise and from charging the RD$4,000 fee for each truck that enters Haiti.
He warned that if by tomorrow Saturday the Haitians continue to block the entry of Dominican trucks, they’ll shutter the Dominican-Haitian border and block the Haitian nationals from crossing the border to conduct any type of business in the country.
He said the standoff has cost Dominican truck drivers 30 million pesos, not counting what Dominican businesses have lost from the lack of trade.
An estimated 400 truck drivers are being directly affected, Peralta said and affirms that Casis funded the recently staged protest in front of the Dominican embassy in Haiti.


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Ayisyen di yo pap kite machinn dominiken entre Ayiti Empty Re: Ayisyen di yo pap kite machinn dominiken entre Ayiti

Message  Sasaye Ven 22 Mai 2009 - 18:56

Ki pawòl saa?
Nèg yo pa menm konnen kisa yap di:
Presidan Sena a se Dr. Kelly Bastien.
Senate Anacasis se yon gason, se pa yon fanm.
Chofè ayisyeyn yo gen yon bon pozisyon: Yo vle mwatye trafic ki ap fèt ant 2 peyi yo epi leta chaje pou chak kamyon ki pase fwontye a.

Se konsa pou konbat dominiken, fè presyon epi fè yo pedi lajan si yo pa vle negosye yon dil avèk nou.
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 8252
Localisation : Canada
Opinion politique : Indépendance totale
Loisirs : Arts et Musique, Pale Ayisien
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2007

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Maestro

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Ayisyen di yo pap kite machinn dominiken entre Ayiti Empty Re: Ayisyen di yo pap kite machinn dominiken entre Ayiti

Message  Invité Ven 22 Mai 2009 - 19:10

m'aplaudi yo . Nou son pep ki calm, nou pa rale manchet sou yo, nou anik fè presyon sou yo fout fè yo pedi lajan yo. Yo met bay presyon yo vle.


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Ayisyen di yo pap kite machinn dominiken entre Ayiti Empty Re: Ayisyen di yo pap kite machinn dominiken entre Ayiti

Message  Invité Sam 23 Mai 2009 - 9:43

Men ta renmen yon moun eksplike sa toro sa a di la a.

« La plupart des matières premières proviennent de la République dominicaine. En plus, beaucoup de marchandises transitent par des ports dominicains à cause d'une question de coût. »

Eske sa vle di se paske Preval chaje trop kob nan port ayisien yo ki fè nèg sa a di se an dominikani boujwa yo fè machandiz yo pase?

Eske misie pa fè yon krim oubien kontreband lè li aji konsa?

Ayisyen di yo pap kite machinn dominiken entre Ayiti Jerry


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