Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti

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Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell

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Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell Empty Haiti''s Great White Hope by John Maxwell

Message  jafrikayiti Dim 24 Mai 2009 - 8:25

Haiti's Great White Hope?


Sunday, May 24, 2009

History is littered with treachery. In the noisome Slough
of Dishonour are mired thousands of reputations, most of those who
betrayed their own countries, like Pierre Laval, Vidkun Quisling, Jonas
Savimbi and Augusto Pinochet.
Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell 20090523T170000-0500_152049_OBS_HAITI_S_GREAT_WHITE_HOPE__1

The deepest pits, though, the most purulent sinks, are
reserved for those who have ranged abroad to betray and sabotage
strangers, to inflict unnecessary suffering on people who have never
given them cause for complaint. People like Leopold of Belgium, Neville
Chamberlain, Hitler, Ariel Sharon and George W Bush spring readily to
mind. On Monday, former President Clinton announced that he would
accept an invitation from the UN secretary general, Ban Ki Moon of
South Korea, to become the SG's personal envoy in Haiti. It is an
appointment that will end in disaster. I mention Ban Ki Moon's
nationality because I believe that the disaster that already exists in
Haiti is the result of a culture clash which is entirely
incomprehensible to most people outside the Western hemisphere and not
easily understood by most people outside the international crime scene
that has been created in Haiti.

Ground Zero for Modern Civilisation

It is my contention that the modern world was born in
Haiti. When you understand that the modern rotary printing press is a
direct descendant of mills made to grind sugar you may begin to get the
drift of my argument. Since I am not a historian my arguments will not
be subtle and nuanced. I am simply presenting a few crude facts which,
however you interpret them, will lead inexorably, I believe, to the
conclusion that modern ideas of liberty and freedom, modern capitalism
and globalisation of production and exchange, would have spent much
longer in gestation had it not been for the black slaves of Haiti who
abolished slavery and the slave trade. In the process they defeated the
armies of the leading world powers of the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries, destroyed the French empire in the western hemisphere,
doubled the size and power of the United States and incidentally
promoted the European sugar beet industry and revolutionised European

The problem with all this, as I have repeatedly pointed
out, is that had the Haitians been ethnically European, their
achievements would now suffuse the world narrative; conversely, had
Spartacus been black, he would long ago have faded into the mists of
barbarian myth. The Haitians and all the other blacks of the Western
hemisphere were uprooted from their native grounds, their civilisations
laid waste, and they themselves transported to unknown lands in which
they were forced to create unexampled riches and luxury for their
rapists and despoilers.

For reasons lost to history, the blacks in Haiti and
Jamaica were, for most of their captivity, the most unwilling subjects
and continued to fight for their freedom for more than three centuries.
The Enlightenment and its prophets and philosophers popularised the
ideas of freedom and liberty, the rights of man. Nowhere was freedom
taken more seriously than by the Haitians, who, described as Frenchmen,
fought valiantly for American freedom in that nation's Revolutionary
War of Independence. When Revolution convulsed France in turn, the
Haitians threw their support to those they thought were fighting for
freedom. When that proved a false trail, the Haitians continued to
fight, defeating the French, British and Spanish armies sent to
re-enslave them.

Although the Americans and the French said they believed
in freedom, they formed an unholy combination to restrict Haiti's
liberty. The fact of Haitian freedom frightened the Americans and other
world powers. Haiti promised freedom to any captive who set foot on her
soil and armed, provisioned and supplied trained soldiers to Simon
Bolivar for the liberation of South America. Nearly 200 years before
the United Nations (and France and the USA), Haiti proclaimed Universal
Human Rights, threatening the slave societies in America and the
Caribbean. Haiti's freedom was compromised by French and American
financial blackmail, and as I've said before, what the Atlantic powers
could not achieve by force of arms they achieved by compound interest.
Haiti was the first heavily indebted poor country, and the United
States, Canada, France and the multilateral financial organisations,
the World Bank, the InterAmerican Development Bank and the IMF have
worked hard to keep her in that bondage.
Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell 20090523T170000-0500_152049_OBS_HAITI_S_GREAT_WHITE_HOPE__2
In this March 10, 2009 file photo, former
US President Bill Clinton greets United Nations workers in
Port-au-Prince. The United Nations recently named Clinton as its
special envoy to Haiti, with a mission to help the impoverished nation
achieve some measure of stability after devastating floods and other
crises. (Photo: AP)

Eventually, 93 years ago, the Americans invaded Haiti,
destroyed the constitution, the government and their social system.
American Jim Crow segregation and injustice destroyed the Haitian
middle class, enhanced and exacerbated class distinctions and
antagonisms and left Haiti a ravaged, dysfunctional mess, ruled by a
corrupt American-trained military in the interest of a small, corrupt
gang of mainly expatriate or white capitalists, ready to support any
and every murderous dictator who protected their interests.

Finally, 20 years ago, the Haitians rose up and overthrew
the Duvaliers and the apprentice dictators who followed. In their first
free election the Haitians elected a black parish priest of small
stature, the man whose words and spirit had embodied their struggle.
But the real rulers of Haiti, the corrupt, bloodthirsty capitalists
with their American passports and their bulletproof SUVs, had no
intention of letting Haitians exercise the universal human rights their
leaders had proclaimed two centuries before.

When Jean Bertrand Aristide was deposed after a few
months in office, it was with the help of the CIA, USAID, and other
American entities. Then ensued one of the most disgraceful episodes in
the long, unsavoury history of diplomacy. Bill Clinton - elected
president promising to treat the Haitian refugees as human beings -
elected instead to observe the same barbarous policies as George Bush
I, and when the refugees became a flood, Clinton's answer was more
illegality. He parked two massive floating slave barracoons in Kingston
Harbour where refugees picked up in Jamaican waters were, with the
craven connivance of the Patterson government, denied asylum, captured
and processed and 22 per cent of them selected for the Guantanamo Bay
concentration camp while the rest were returned to their murderers in

Eventually, largely due to pressure from black pressure
groups in the US and crucially, a fast to the death begun by Randolph
Robinson, Clinton agreed to restore Aristide while General Colin Powell
talked grandly of the soldier's honour he shared with Haiti's then
murderer-in-chief, a scamp called Raoul Cedras. President Clinton made
several pledges to Aristide and to Haiti, but history does not seem to
record that any were kept. Had even a few been kept, Haiti may have
been able to guarantee public security and to instal some desperately
needed infrastructure. Instead Haitians are still scooping water to
drink from potholes in the street and stave off hunger with 'fritters'
made from earth and cooking fat.

The Haitian Army, the most corrupt and evil public
institution in the western hemisphere, was abolished by Aristide, to
the displeasure of the North American powers. Now that the Americans
have deposed Aristide for the second time, security is in the hands of
a motley mercenary army, a UN peacekeeping force. Security in Haiti is
so good that three years ago, the then head of this force, a Brazilian
general, was found shot to death after a friendly chat with Haitian
elites. The rapes, massacres, disappearances and kidnappings continue
unabated and the only popular political force, the Fanmi Lavalas, has
been effectively neutered. President Clinton "will aim to attract
private and government investment and aid for the poor Caribbean island
nation", according to Clinton's office and a senior UN official. "A UN
official said that Clinton would act as a 'cheerleader' for the
economically distressed country, cajoling government and business
leaders into pouring fresh money into a place that is largely dependent
on foreign assistance."

It all sounds so nice and cosy, a poor, black 'hapless'
nation under the tutelage of the rich and civilised of the earth. I am
prepared to bet that neither Haitian democracy nor Bill Clinton's
reputation will survive this appointment. Democracy is impossible
without popular participation and decision making. In Haiti, democracy
is impossible without Lavalas and Aristide. If Haiti itself is to
survive, the UN General Assembly needs to seize this baton from the
spectacularly unqualified and ignorant Security Council and its very
nice and affable secretary general, even less attuned to Haitian
reality than the last SG, Kofi Annan and his accomplices, Colin Powell,
Condoleezza Rice, PJ Patterson and Patrick Manning.

Copyright ©️2009 John Maxwell

Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 2236
Localisation : Ottawa
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

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Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell Empty Re: Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell

Message  piporiko Dim 24 Mai 2009 - 9:03

Le yon moun finn li yon text konsa,wap mande w ki jan de moun moun ka defann stati quo aye?Dire ke jounalis sa pa moun peyi nou.

Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 4753
Age : 54
Localisation : USA
Opinion politique : Homme de gauche,anti-imperialiste....
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

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Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell Empty Re: Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell

Message  Sasaye Dim 24 Mai 2009 - 11:34

John Maxwell se pi gwo defansè pèp Ayisyen.
Nou poko janm gen yon jounalis konsa lan peyi nou.
Li gen plis fyète pou Ayiti ke Ayisyen.
Li konpran pi byen pase nou.
Epi li pa pè di sa l panse.

AYIBOBO Jonh Maxwell.
Super Star
Super Star

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Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell Empty Re: Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell

Message  Thunder Dim 24 Mai 2009 - 12:09

In Haiti, democracy
is impossible without Lavalas and Aristide.

Gen de deklarasyon yon moun fè, m mande eske li te lisid nan moman sa a. Fanmi Lavalas petèt reprezante katèl dwòg dilè Ketant yo, men nan oken ka yo pa reprezante pèp Ayisyen an. Pi gran defansè gwoup gang Fanmi Lavalas la ? ...oubyen pi gran defansè pèp Ayisyen?

Fòk nou manyè fè diferans sa yo. Epi Di Maxwell pale sa li konnen.
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 4692
Localisation : Planet Earth (Milky Way Galaxy)
Loisirs : Target Practice, Sports Cars, Konpa...
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006

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Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell Empty Re: Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell

Message  Joel Dim 24 Mai 2009 - 13:11

Non Thunder,

Jihn Maxwell ap touche lan men mesye Lavalas yo.Ou pa t konn sa?(lol)

Ou mèt sote ponpe ,pale de dwòg de moun ke Aristide touye (Adye),tout se kakarat dèyè bwat.

John Maxwell gen yon istwa entegrite.Se yon nèg ki ap lite depi Jamyik te koloni e li pa janm lage e Jamayiken yo koute sa misye di ak ekri.
Yon sèl moun ki ta ka konpare ak John Maxwell ann Ayiti ,se JAN DOMINIK!

Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 17750
Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Histoire
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006

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Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell Empty Re: Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell

Message  piporiko Dim 24 Mai 2009 - 13:15

Thunder a écrit:
In Haiti, democracy
is impossible without Lavalas and Aristide.

Gen de deklarasyon yon moun fè, m mande eske li te lisid nan moman sa a. Fanmi Lavalas petèt reprezante katèl dwòg dilè Ketant yo, men nan oken ka yo pa reprezante pèp Ayisyen an. Pi gran defansè gwoup gang Fanmi Lavalas la ? ...oubyen pi gran defansè pèp Ayisyen?

Fòk nou manyè fè diferans sa yo. Epi Di Maxwell pale sa li konnen.


Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 4753
Age : 54
Localisation : USA
Opinion politique : Homme de gauche,anti-imperialiste....
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: L'impulsif

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Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell Empty Re: Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell

Message  Thunder Dim 24 Mai 2009 - 13:20

Genyen repitasyon "entèg" pa vle di ke li toujou genyen rezon. Yon nònm ki ekri san Aristide pa ka genyen demokrasi nan peyi a, pa ka genyen lisidite l nan moman li t ap ekri l la. Se pou misye pale sa ke li konnen.
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 4692
Localisation : Planet Earth (Milky Way Galaxy)
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Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006

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Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell Empty Re: Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell

Message  Invité Dim 24 Mai 2009 - 14:06

Thunder a écrit:
In Haiti, democracy
is impossible without Lavalas and Aristide.

Gen de deklarasyon yon moun fè, m mande eske li te lisid nan moman sa a. Fanmi Lavalas petèt reprezante katèl dwòg dilè Ketant yo, men nan oken ka yo pa reprezante pèp Ayisyen an. Pi gran defansè gwoup gang Fanmi Lavalas la ? ...oubyen pi gran defansè pèp Ayisyen?

Fòk nou manyè fè diferans sa yo. Epi Di Maxwell pale sa li konnen.

Qui représante le peuple haitien alors ?


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Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell Empty Re: Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell

Message  Thunder Dim 24 Mai 2009 - 14:17

Reprezantan yon pèp se moun k ap goumen pou enterè pèp sa a an jeneral. Pou nan eta malsite ke pèp sa a ap viv toujou, montre klèman ke yo pa genyen reprezantan. Pwoblèm peyi a pa enposib pou rezoud, se moun ki nan enterè l ke li pa poko gen chans jwenn ki pou oriante l.
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 4692
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Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006

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Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell Empty Re: Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell

Message  jafrikayiti Mar 26 Mai 2009 - 11:44

Thunder, si ou pran deklarasyon Maxwell la nan yon sans absoli, mwen ta dakO ak ou wi. Asavwa, li pa fè sans pou misye ta vle di - san Aristide ak Lavalas pa ka janm gen demokrasi ann Ayiti. Men, se pa sa Maxwell di nan tèks li a. Li pa presize li konsa men, mwenmenm men ki souzantandi mwen li nan fraz misye a: (in today's Hatian political context) "democracy is impossible without Lavalas and Aristide". E la a mwen dakO ak misye san pou san. Poukisa?

Gade ki rezilta konsiltasyon popilè ki fè depi 1990 yo bay nan peyi a. Chak fwa Ayisyen vote lib e libè se Jean-Bertraqnd Aristide yo cwazi kOm prezidan. Lè yo pa jwenn manman yo tete grann e yo di sa klè, ni an 1995, ni an 2006. Ou gen dwa pa dakO ak chwa majorite a. Ou gen dwa pose odas pou ou deklare tout eleksyon yo te gen agiman sa yo menm si yon moun repete yo di mil fwa, ou konnen yo pa solid vre. Sinon, pa ta bezwen gen tout mannèv sa yo, tout envestisman etranje sa yo pou eseye elimine Fanmi Lavalas sou teren popitik la, ni ekzile Aristide lwen kontinan Amerik la. Menm diplomat Kanadyen (sous couvert de l'annymat bien sûr) admèt depi gen eleksyon lib Ayiti se Aristide ki ap genyen. Se sa ki fè eleksyon nan ane 2004 apre koudeta a pa t ap ka yon "solisyon" akseptab pou blan yo. Puiske se Lavalas la yo bezwen elimine.

Kidonk, pou nou retounen sou Maxwell, se DEMOKRASI a menm ki pwoblèm blan yo. Depi yo ta manke lage kontwol yo genyen sou itilizasyon magouy, represyon, kalomni, asasina karaktè... epi kite eleksyon demokratik fèt nan peyi a, sa ta vle di yo pèdi envestisman yo te fè nan koudeta a, paske Lavalas ak Aristide t ap resisite epi reprann pouvwa a.

Ou gen dwa pa dako ak enplikasyon sa Maxwell di a. Men, se ni fOt Maxwell, ni fot Aristide. Se anfas la ki tèlman mal kanpe, ki fè se sa ki sa , 5 ane apre 29 fevriye 2004. Se yon tristès, men se reyalite !

Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 2236
Localisation : Ottawa
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

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Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell Empty Re: Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell

Message  piporiko Mar 26 Mai 2009 - 11:48

E malgre tout bouste,anfas ap toujou rete sa li ye a:DES IDIOTS UTILES...

Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 4753
Age : 54
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Opinion politique : Homme de gauche,anti-imperialiste....
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

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Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell Empty Re: Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Mar 26 Mai 2009 - 14:49

Bon mwen renmen li sa Maxwell ekri e map toujou kondane kou deta an ayiti;men tou fok nou genyen kouraj pou nou defann dwa nou ;fok nou genyen solidarite antre nou; poukisa fok se permisyon peyi caricom yo te mande pou yo te voye yon fos an ayiti jis Collin powell te dekonseye yo apre sa yo tout foure ke yo anba vant yo.?eske lè Eta Zuni ap defann enterè yo yo mande moun permisyon?Fok nou bouke kriye tankou ti moun.Fè tankou castro ya konprann nou.Yo fout nou yon premye kou deta kom nou di epi se yo nou aksepte ki pou ba nou pwotektyon epi lè yo fouke nou paske nou pa vle obeyi yo nou ap plede ekri nan jounal ,poukisa nou pat rasanble nan youn nan zile yo epi nou te mennen Aristide tounen?Poukisa Patterson pat di ke Aristide pap fè youn pa ?Liberte se pa bay yo bay sa se pran ou pran li; bouke plenyen.Lè pep la ba nou pouvwa se nou ki pou defann li.Bouke vinn mande yo charite.konsa yo pal foure dyol yo nan zafè nou ;sere senti nou pou nou viv ak sa nou genyen.poukisa yo pa ba Castro kou deta malgre tout jefor yo fè?nou pat tande sa Kissinger te di Franse yo:Les pleutres doivent se taire.
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

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Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell Empty Re: Haiti's Great White Hope by John Maxwell

Message  Thunder Jeu 28 Mai 2009 - 5:09

jafrikayiti a écrit:Thunder, si ou pran deklarasyon Maxwell la nan yon sans absoli, mwen ta dakO ak ou wi. Asavwa, li pa fè sans pou misye ta vle di - san Aristide ak Lavalas pa ka janm gen demokrasi ann Ayiti. Men, se pa sa Maxwell di nan tèks li a. Li pa presize li konsa men, mwenmenm men ki souzantandi mwen li nan fraz misye a: (in today's Hatian political context) "democracy is impossible without Lavalas and Aristide". E la a mwen dakO ak misye san pou san. Poukisa?

Gade ki rezilta konsiltasyon popilè ki fè depi 1990 yo bay nan peyi a. Chak fwa Ayisyen vote lib e libè se Jean-Bertraqnd Aristide yo cwazi kOm prezidan. Lè yo pa jwenn manman yo tete grann e yo di sa klè, ni an 1995, ni an 2006. Ou gen dwa pa dakO ak chwa majorite a. Ou gen dwa pose odas pou ou deklare tout eleksyon yo te gen agiman sa yo menm si yon moun repete yo di mil fwa, ou konnen yo pa solid vre. Sinon, pa ta bezwen gen tout mannèv sa yo, tout envestisman etranje sa yo pou eseye elimine Fanmi Lavalas sou teren popitik la, ni ekzile Aristide lwen kontinan Amerik la. Menm diplomat Kanadyen (sous couvert de l'annymat bien sûr) admèt depi gen eleksyon lib Ayiti se Aristide ki ap genyen. Se sa ki fè eleksyon nan ane 2004 apre koudeta a pa t ap ka yon "solisyon" akseptab pou blan yo. Puiske se Lavalas la yo bezwen elimine.

Kidonk, pou nou retounen sou Maxwell, se DEMOKRASI a menm ki pwoblèm blan yo. Depi yo ta manke lage kontwol yo genyen sou itilizasyon magouy, represyon, kalomni, asasina karaktè... epi kite eleksyon demokratik fèt nan peyi a, sa ta vle di yo pèdi envestisman yo te fè nan koudeta a, paske Lavalas ak Aristide t ap resisite epi reprann pouvwa a.

Ou gen dwa pa dako ak enplikasyon sa Maxwell di a. Men, se ni fOt Maxwell, ni fot Aristide. Se anfas la ki tèlman mal kanpe, ki fè se sa ki sa , 5 ane apre 29 fevriye 2004. Se yon tristès, men se reyalite !

Popilè, pa popilè se pou Jaf eksplike m kòman fè ke 50 moun mal ame fè arive pran mwatye nan peyi a nan 2 semèn pandan ke nou di ke 95% Ayisyen se Fanmi Lavalasyen ? ...epoutan 10 lane anvan sa, FAd'H te genyen 7.500 gason ladann, te genyen 3.000 atache ak 15.000 manb FRAPH te oblije rete men sou gachèt pou genbe pèp la sou nich li.

Reveye w Jaf! ...w ap reve zye klè, 1994 pa 2004! Vrè grann pou pèp la ta tete an 2006 lan se te Marc Bazin. Al mande Preval ki sektè ki te finanse kanpay elektoral li ?
Super Star
Super Star

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Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006

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