Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti

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Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti
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Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes

Le gros roseau
7 participants

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Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes Empty Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes

Message  Doub-Sossis Ven 24 Sep 2010 - 16:30

Mr. Préval is the executioner of the Haitian people.
A case of Genocide that will not remain unpunished

by Paul Gustave Magloire
HAITI Former Minister of Interior, President of MORN HAITI, INC

Wednesday September 22, 2010, 11:23 the ground shook one more time in Haiti. Yes, a new earthquake was felt. It was a repeat of the earthquake of a magnitude of 4.4 on the Richter scale. It was felt during the night of Monday to Tuesday in Port-au-Prince and in some provinces, but there were no casualties. Its epicenter was located between the towns of Petit-Goâve and Miragoâne (south-west of the capital).
One speaks of GENOCIDE in the case where certain actions were undertaken and these actions have caused harm to a large number of people or a segment of a population or an ethnic group. These actions can be considered an act of GENOCIDE if they were perpetrated for political, social, economic, or religious reasons. The act of GENOCIDE constitutes a great violation of the human rights of people and a denial of their humanity.
One of the most well known acts of GENOCIDE was the one perpetrated by the Nazis, under the order of Adolph Hitler, against the Jewish people of Europe. Indeed, the Jews were eliminated massively and systematically in concentration camps and gas chambers within the framework of the Final Solution aiming at exterminating these people. The Nazis leaders primarily responsible for this crime against humanity were trialed and condemned by an international court in Nuremberg, Germany, after the Second World War. More recently, the international court of Hague, in Holland, considered and condemned also several personalities known for crime against humanity. Such is the case for the Serb leader, Slobodan Milosevic and for the trial of the Liberian leader, Charles Taylor.
The acts being pursued by Mr. Préval and the Haitian government have all of the characteristics of GENOCIDE for several reasons. As a specialist in the field explain to us:
“One does not need platoons armed with machine-guns to kill 100,000 people in order to qualify it as an act of GENOCIDE… the mere fact that a government has chosen to deliberately do nothing to save endangered lives within a population, when it had all of the means or could obtain the support to do so, falls squarely within the framework of an act of GENOCIDE…”
In fact, the actions of Mr. Préval and his government resulted in the death of tens of thousands of people and could continue to cause still more victims. Because, one should consider the possibility where a hurricane would head for Haiti, and end up striking the areas where the hundreds of thousands of the displaced victims from the earthquake of last January 12, those who currently live in precarious shelters. In fact, if that were to happen, it would perpetuate the act of GENOCIDE. This is because Mr. Préval chose to leave these people under the tents, in order to have them near Port-au-Prince, the capital, for lucrative and political reasons. This decision will greatly hurt not just one or two people, but the several tens of thousands of people as well as the entire Haitian nation. Therefore, he must be judged for this act of GENOCIDE.
We must recall that President Préval knew that Port-au-Prince was threatened with the possibility of being struck by a cataclysm and that there was a risk that the population would be massively decimated.
For the two years before the earthquake, there were repeated earth tremors, and the Haitian and foreign specialists advised the government of the possibility that an important seism would strike the country and that it would be a disaster, taking into account the state in which the population of the capital city lived. President Préval and his government turned a deaf ear and even seemed to make fun of these forecasts, although they had come from very credible scientists, some of them were even working for the government.
During the transition government, which preceded the Préval government, the Ministry of the Interior, which we headed at the time, had launched several programs to improve the living conditions and protection of the population within the Haitian capital. In fact, the capital, Port-au-Prince, was so densely populated that, by itself, it constituted a time-bomb that could explode anytime under the effect of any major bad weather or an earthquake, either one of which would cause thousands of deaths. But, the reality was going to exceed anyone’s imagination. In fact, the earthquake of last January 12 resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and victims of all kinds.
Mr. Préval, once he took over power, had put an end to the Depopulation program of the capital and the majority of the 64 projects in progress. For example, the construction of the administrative complexes for each geographical department of the country was not completed. The purpose of these administrative projects and these complexes were to make available to the provinces a minimum of equipment and to facilitate the displacement of the population of Port-au-Prince in order to find the incentive and the environment necessary for the displaced people to make a new home in the provinces.
Even the plan set up to reinforce the services of civil protection in agreement with the US-Military Southern Command, had been blocked. Each time the country was prone to an important disaster, it was necessary to call upon an intervention of the neighbors within the area and more principally upon the services of the American military base of Guantanamo. As such, in order to avoid the delays that could ensue and be ready at all times, an agreement envisaged the installation of a modern and well equipped US unit of civil protection within the capital. Mr. Préval chose instead to give the space reserved for this unit to Venezuela and as such has put an end to this project.
Therefore, the actions of Mr. Préval deprived several tens of thousands of wounded victims the urgent care that they needed to survive immediately after the seism. It is an act of GENOCIDE.
In the days which followed the earthquake, President Préval and his cabinet simply abandoned the population to its dire fate. That’s the reason why, for days, the rumor persisted that they had all perished under the rubble, (which was nothing of the sort), or that they had left the country. Because, when Mr. Préval emerged from the hole in which he was hiding, he declared that he did not want to speak neither with the US president, Barack Obama, nor with the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, (the two of them, the most ready to send help for the victims); in his opinion, his allies are Venezuela and Iran… Therefore, President Préval had chosen to abandon his people, whom he had constitutionally sworn to serve and condemned thousands of people to perish by lack of care. As such he committed an act of GENOCIDE.
Consequently, the population, sensing that they had been abandoned by the very government, which was supposed to protect it, had chosen to spontaneously leave the capital to go to search refuge in the provinces. The Mayor of the commune of Abricots, Professor Jean-Claude Fignolé, spoke about “the unworthiness of the central government, which more and more shied away from its areas of responsibility”. In fact, Mr. Préval and his government, at the beginning, supported this displacement to the provinces. Mr. Préval even spoke about the possibility of a new earthquake of higher intensity and about the risks that the hundreds of thousands of homeless people in the capital are exposed to, living in precarious situations.
Thereafter, Mr. Préval and his government backtracked, because they calculated that even with the imminent dangers represented by the possibility of one catastrophic hurricane season, the depopulation of the capital would go against their political interests and against the lucrative interests of their cohorts. Mr. Préval thinks that the homeless people represent a captive electorate, which could vote for the “cat” that he chose to succeed him. Meanwhile, his cohorts, the principal providers of goods and services to the government, are making huge profits on the back of the people left homeless by the earthquake. It is all of that, which must be put in the context of the act of Genocide.
Thus, like Mr. Préval and his government had managed to put an end to the Depopulation program of the capital, which was launched before their arrival in power, they were also going to savagely be opposed to the displacement of the population.
Mr. Préval himself was going to take a stand in order to show that it was preferable that everyone remains within the capital, in spite of the absence of any real support to protect the homeless people from the potential of the bad weather and the disastrous consequences that could result from it. He even sought to encourage those who had already left to return back to the capital, by spreading the rumor that the government was going to give a house to all those who had been living under a tent. Mr. Préval and his government went even as far as accusing of secession the mayors who defended the opinions that it makes sense for them to organize a welcoming environment for the disaster victims in their provincial towns. Letters emanating from the Ministry for the Interior will be able to testify to this fact. Finally, as in the case of the Final Solution, Mr. Préval and his cohorts achieved their goals to create camps, concentrating a population in excess of more than 1.5 million people, totally exposed to the possibility of the next hurricane and worse yet of the next earthquake.
The earthquake, which shook Haiti on last January 12, left behind ruins and desolation. Indeed, the great majority of the public buildings of the capital and almost the totality of the houses crumbled under the strong jolts of the earthquake. More than 270,000 people died in less than 36 seconds and the casualties, and those who were affected by the collapse of the houses and the buildings, numbered in the hundreds of thousands. Today, more than one million of our brothers and sisters sleep in open air, among them children, babies, expectant mothers and old men, casualties and amputees who lost either an arm or a leg, or who still have all the limbs of their body completely broken. Today they are among the homeless people whom one finds under the shaky roofs in the capital and its suburbs, and in Gréssier, Léogane, Grand-Goâve, Petit-Goâve, in Jacmel, receiving very little support from the government.
The alarming cries of the human rights organizations, against the inhumane treatment being suffered by the homeless people, left Mr. Préval and his cohorts totally insensitive. In fact, the people who are in the camps are prone to all kinds of indignities and deprivations. These people live among the rats and the insects, because the camps are unclean, to say the least. In this kind of environment, infections and epidemics could spread quickly and result in thousands of deaths. The women and the children live in an atmosphere of sexual abuses and are afraid to move about in order to reduce the risk of being raped or abused, sometimes even in the middle of the street and in broad day light.
Access to health care and education is very limited, and more and more young girls are getting pregnant. Thus, if these concentration camps, erected for the disaster victims, are allowed to continue to exist, they will have a negative impact on several generations, and the future of a whole country will be mortgaged. This is why the action of Mr. Préval is characterized as GENOCIDE.
Yet, immediately after the earthquake, several organizations, including MORN, had published various very feasible approaches for the displacement of the homeless people toward the provinces, of course those willing to do so, with the support of the government. We insisted on the urgency to move this population towards places where it could find adequate shelters and care before the rainy season, precisely towards the provincial towns, by beginning a speedy decentralization of the country.
Mr. Préval had hundreds of million dollars to do it. But, he knowingly refused and has set aside these funds to be used instead in a plan of road construction, which will favor, according to him, the power grabbing mechanism by his chosen “young cat” who is the boss of the company that deals with the building of these roads in question.
Thus, Mr. Préval and his government concentrated more than 1.5 million people in camps for financial reasons and politics. It is GENOCIDE.
Several scientists agree, even without being able to envisage precisely the exact date that Port-au-Prince was going to be struck soon by another earthquake that could be greater than that of January 12.
Do we have to wait and see a reenacting of this GENOCIDE before taking the necessary measures to protect thousands of lives? Absolutely not! It is as if we would close our eyes to the possibility of what can happen. Thus, we believe that we are faced with an emergency and that we must act immediately. We must act before it is too late.
That’s why we are asking every one of you, for whom the lives of our brothers and sisters, who are abandoned in the streets, have any importance, to accompany us in this humanistic endeavor.
Thanks to the support of two large law firms in the United States and one in Europe, we are preparing to call Mr. Préval to court for GENOCIDE and massive violations of the human rights of the population. One of the law firms will be in charge of the human rights violations lawsuit; another will pursue those who benefitted from the deplorable situation of the homeless people to make their fortunes. The third one has the responsibility of bringing the lawsuit in front of the international courts.
In addition to our effort to convict the perpetrators criminally, a sum of $1.5 billion is being claimed for damages on behalf of the victims. This money will be used by the human rights organizations in order to help the homeless people to get settled quickly in the provincial towns and ultimately to protect themselves from the perils of bad weather and to have a new start and a new life. We want also to make sure that the profit makers will refund all the moneys they have personally accumulated at the expense of the victims, and that they are tracked down until justice is served.
We will establish this precedent so that it is the last time that a Haitian government and its cohorts deceive the population and get away without paying a price.
To all perpetrators, be warned!

Paul Gustave Magloire
HAITI Former Minister of Interior, President of MORN HAITI, INC
Super Star
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Nombre de messages : 2429
Localisation : Montreal
Loisirs : cockfighting
Date d'inscription : 24/12/2007

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Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes Empty Tempête violente à Port-au-Prince - Au moins un mort et des blessés graves

Message  Doub-Sossis Ven 24 Sep 2010 - 20:43

Tempête violente à Port-au-Prince - Au moins un mort et des blessés graves
vendredi 24 septembre 2010,
Radio Kiskeya

Une tempête soudaine a frappé Port-au-Prince en fin d’après-midi. On rapporte un mort dans le quartier de Poste Marchand. Il y a aussi des blessés graves dans les camps de déplacés du Champs-de-Mars. Plusieurs appels à l’aide sont lancés aux autorités et à la Croix-Rouge pour porter assistance aux déplacés des camps de Delmas.

De nombreux dégats matériels sont rapportés, notamment des maisons fragilisées effondrées, des tentes écrasées, des arbres déracinés, des pilonnes électriques et des antennes cellulaires cassés par la force du vent.

Cette soudaine dépression a provoqué un mouvement de panique au sein de la population qui n’est pas encore sortie du traumatisme du tremblement de terre.

Les routes bloquées ont provoquées des embouteillages monstres.

Nos installations à Port-au-Prince ont été affectées, nos antennes Internet et AFP ont été arrachées par le vent.

Le centre de protection civile a précisé que les dégâts se limitaient pour le moment à la grande région métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince.

Plus de détails bientôt.
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 2429
Localisation : Montreal
Loisirs : cockfighting
Date d'inscription : 24/12/2007

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Message  Le gros roseau Ven 24 Sep 2010 - 22:56

I agree with Magloire 100% ,How come Fidel Castro can move thousands of cubans to spare their lives during a hurricane and the haitian government can not move these people to a safer region of the country nine months after the earthquake.Why do we have to rebuild the capital at the same place that is considered the most dangerous,hazardous region of the country?

This is the reason why I beg the haitians to ignore the election in November ;this is not the priority of the country right now.people are dying in thses camps and this stupid moron can not do anything to protect them ,and despite of his incompetency he wants to keep the power by organizing a fraudulent election in November.

mr .Clinton;

This is why I beg you to stay away from Preval and his corrupt, incompetent government.You will share the responsibility of a civil riot in the country if you persist in working with these ignoramuses.It is an aberration for the haitian government and the United nations to waste such a great amount of money in an election that is going to create more discord and hatred among haitians right now.

You made mistakes already in dealing with haiti during your presidency,please this time spare us your myopia and lack of comprehension of haitian history.listen to the people who know the country, and who are defending the poors.It is obvious that Preval and his Ministers don't have the know how to deal with this crisis.Please let Preval's mandate expire so the haitians who are competent can deal with their problems.we appreciate your service and your magnanimity toward our people ,but your cooperation with Rene Preval makes you an accomplice of this genocide.

Le gros roseau
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 9664
Localisation : Usa
Loisirs : sport ,internet,stock market
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2010

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Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes Empty Re: Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes

Message  kami Sam 25 Sep 2010 - 5:49


Nombre de messages : 2981
Localisation : ICI
Opinion politique : La séparation des pouvoirs
Loisirs : Lecture, Dormir
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2006

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Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes Empty Re: Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes

Message  Doub-Sossis Sam 25 Sep 2010 - 10:43

Haïti - Flash Infos : Tempête, évaluation de la situation en cours
25/09/2010 08:25:39

La violente tempête qui a frappé la capital hier à fait au moins 5 morts (3 enfants et 2 adultes). Un enfant est mort dans le Camp aménagé sur le terrain de Golf à Pétion ville , deux autres enfants sont mort , une femme a également péri dans le camp Accra et une autre à Poste Marchand. Il s’agit d’un bilan provisoire qui pourrait s’alourdir il y a eu de nombreux blessés grave.

La Minustah a déployé 5 bataillons de casques bleus à travers la ville pour évaluer les camps et les dégâts et ont également répondu aux appels des personnes prises au piège pour des urgences médicales.

La situation est difficile, les réfugiés dans certains camps sont très en colère ce qui entrave les opérations de secours « nous n'avons pas pu entrer dans un camp pour évaluer les destructions, les gens étaient en colère » a expliqué un agent de la Protection civile.

Nombreux dégât au Camps Corail et Tabarre Issa pas d’autres infos pour le moment

« Nous bénéficions de l'aide de Casques bleus, de policiers haïtiens et de l'ONU pour évacuer les personnes dont les abris sont détruits ou renversés par les coups de vent. Ils sont en train d'installer des tonnelles en plastic pour accueillir les déplacés » à déclaré un représentant des autorités haïtiennes.

Des équipes multisectorielle ont été réunies par OIM/CCCM et depuis la levée du jour [ce samedi] procèdent avec des équipe du PAM et d'autres agences à l'évaluation de la situation. Au moins cinq (5) équipes supplémentaires d'IFRC seront déployés en collaboration avec CCCM. Ce sont des équipes d'évaluations rapides qui déclencheront des distributions de l’aide d'urgence. Une évaluation aérienne des zones devrait être effectué dans les heures à venir.

La pluie s'est arrêtée sur Port-au-Prince mais pourrait recommencer durant les prochains jours, ont indiqué les responsables du service météorologique.

Lire aussi :
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 2429
Localisation : Montreal
Loisirs : cockfighting
Date d'inscription : 24/12/2007

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Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes Empty Debut Epidemie de diphterie dans le Nord d'Ouest

Message  Doub-Sossis Sam 25 Sep 2010 - 10:47


Je prends plaisir à t'informer que cette épidémie était prévisible et évitable.Les enfants de la zone n'ont pas été vacciné depuis plusieurs années. Je comprends que pour se donner bonne conscience, on fait de la publicité autour des mesures prises pour circonscrire l'épidémie mais on devrait commencer par sanctionner le coupables. La vaccination étant l'une des interventions les plus rentables (en termes de réduction de la morbidité et de la mortalité), "ne pas vacciner des enfants " est un crime. Les irresponsables tuent nos enfants...

Si nécessaire, j'élaborerai un peu plus.



Msc in Tropical diseases control
Medical Epidemiologist
Independant consultant

--- En date de : Ven 24.9.10, Stanley Lucas <> a écrit :

De: Stanley Lucas <>
À: "G. Stanley Lucas" <>
Date: Vendredi 24 septembre 2010, 17h36


1- Des cas fièvre, associéee à une raideur de nuque et à des troubles respiratoires ont été répertoriés le 7 septembre dernier à la localité Bellevue Raymond, située dans la 1e section communale de la commune de Jean Rabel

2.-Suite à une information d'un leader de la zone la Direction sanitaire départementale dépêcha le 9 septembre une équipe formée d'épidémiologiques, d'infirmières hygiénistes, de médecins généralistes aux fins d'investigation

3.- Les premiers éléments de l'enquête ont conduit à une suspicion de cas de diphtérie

4.- Un cordon sanitaire est mis en place et des séances de vaccination sont en cours

5.- 500 enfants et femmes en age de procréer ont reçu une première dose de vaccin

6.- Une campagne massive de vaccinatin est prévue dans toute la comune de Jean Rabel pour éviter toute expansion du phénomène dont l'étiologie n'est pas encore déterminée

7.- 8 décès ont été notifiés à date sans évidence de corrélation avec la diphtérie

8.- 4 spécimens de sang ont été analysés au Laboratoire National de Santé Publique . 3 résultats sont négatifs mais un résultat positif pour diphtérie

9.- Un plan de riposte est élaboré par la Direction Sanitaire du Nord ouest pour suivre l'évolution de la situation et prendre les mesures appropriées. Ce plan bénéficie de l'appui de la Direction d'Epidémiologie de Laboratoire et de Recherche(DELR) l'OPS/OMS, CDC, Coopération Cubaine
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 2429
Localisation : Montreal
Loisirs : cockfighting
Date d'inscription : 24/12/2007

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Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes Empty Re: Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes

Message  Sasaye Sam 25 Sep 2010 - 12:02

Nou pa konnen ke se pa konsa sa fet?

Dapre lwa ak konvansyon entenasyonal, yo pa pouswiv yon ansyen dirijan politik pou
movèz gouvenans avèk move aksyon ke yo komèt pandan yo opouvwa.

Alò, poukisa papa Busch ak tout ti Bush pa janm pase devan tribinal pou jenosid?
Idi Amin mouri lan kabann li.
Janklod ap viv trankilman a Pari.
Nixon mouri lakay li.
Menmsi yo ta jwenn prèv sou sa yo akize Aristid yo, anyen pa t ap pase.

Yo pa opouvwa anko.

Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 8252
Localisation : Canada
Opinion politique : Indépendance totale
Loisirs : Arts et Musique, Pale Ayisien
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2007

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Message  kami Sam 25 Sep 2010 - 12:59

Une boufee de chaleur?

Sasaye, Msye ap soufri de sa yo rele d'andropause ou byen syndrome d'Adam, lol...

Nombre de messages : 2981
Localisation : ICI
Opinion politique : La séparation des pouvoirs
Loisirs : Lecture, Dormir
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2006

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Message  Joel Sam 25 Sep 2010 - 13:15

Sasaye a écrit:Nou pa konnen ke se pa konsa sa fet?

Dapre lwa ak konvansyon entenasyonal, yo pa pouswiv yon ansyen dirijan politik pou
movèz gouvenans avèk move aksyon ke yo komèt pandan yo opouvwa.

Alò, poukisa papa Busch ak tout ti Bush pa janm pase devan tribinal pou jenosid?
Idi Amin mouri lan kabann li.
Janklod ap viv trankilman a Pari.
Nixon mouri lakay li.
Menmsi yo ta jwenn prèv sou sa yo akize Aristid yo, anyen pa t ap pase.

Yo pa opouvwa anko.


Lè w reponn rans misye yo ;se ankouraje w ap ankouraje l pou l vini ak plis rans.
Ou pi serye ke sa!

Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 17750
Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Histoire
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006

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Jeu de rôle: Le patriote

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Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes Empty Re: Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes

Message  Le gros roseau Sam 25 Sep 2010 - 15:50


eske se vre yo pa pouswiv chef deta pou sa yo fè pandan yo o pouvwa.poukisa yo pann Saddham Hussein an Iraq;ki jan yo rele lot nonm k e yo di ki te fè jenosid nan Serbia ankò.pouki sa yo te jije Petain?poukisa Noriega te nan prison?poukisa jij panyol te fè arete Pinochet?

ni Preval ni LONU koupab si 1.2 milyon moun sa yo ta genyen yon epidemi ki ravaje yo.paske genyen moyen ke yo ta ka retire moun yo anba tant yo nan Port-au-prince si gouvenman an te pa tout vil nan peyi ki kraze ,siman genyen legliz;lekol meri, nan lot kote ke yo ta ka ba moun yon kote desan pou yo domi .o lye yo pral depanse des milyon pou yo fè yon elektyon malatchyong si gouvenman an te konsidere moun sa yo tankou moun jodya yo pa ta ap sibi efè la pli saa ki sot touye 5 premye priorite ki pou te genyen nan peyi ;se pou yo te mobilise tout resous peyi pou bati kay menm si an pay yo te kouvri.yo te ka bati yo nan tout bò forè des pins,mòn kabrit kenscoff etc.fok nou di ke neg sa yo se yon paket nil e mechan. se pou lonu te rnaplase en pe jandam pa manb servis jenie militè se pou gouvenman te mande lot peyi sekou pou yo voye chapantye, plombye, elektrisyen , mason pou vinn bati kay pou moun yo rete.genyen yon paket ouvriye an chomaj o Zeta Zuni si kominote enternatyonla te vle jodya yo ta mobilise toput ouvriye sa yo pou yo al bati kay an pa jandam pep ayisyen beswen pa jodya Preval ap mande pou lonu chanje manb MINUSTAH a.nanpren gè sivil an ayiti poukisa 600.000.000 dola saa pa depanse pou bati kay pou sinistre yo pa jodya moun ap soufri apre desas natirel men fout swa disan moun ki ap dirije le mond yo pa janm aprann anyen.nenpot moun ki genyen pitye e charite wè nesisite pou kreye yon fos de sekou international ki genyen kontenjensi plan pou chak peyi .yon paket birokrat initil chita ap touche lajan pou gremesi nan yon bann ONG ki pa itil anyen.

Le gros roseau
Super Star
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Nombre de messages : 9664
Localisation : Usa
Loisirs : sport ,internet,stock market
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2010

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Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes Empty Re: Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes

Message  kami Sam 25 Sep 2010 - 18:28


Sasaye pa two kler nan sal ap di an. Gade Charles Taylor du Liberia devant le tribunal de la Hague, Noriega en prison a Paris apres avoir termine son long sejour dans les prisons des E.U., Pinochet du Chili te pase devan la justice malgre laj avansel.

Pagin yo cour ki pral pran mesye sa yo au serye konsenan Preval, yap pedi lajan yo.

Nombre de messages : 2981
Localisation : ICI
Opinion politique : La séparation des pouvoirs
Loisirs : Lecture, Dormir
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2006

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Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes Empty Re: Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes

Message  Amoph Sam 25 Sep 2010 - 19:26

Yon prezidan elu demokratikman, o kour exzèrsis manda li, benefisye yon derogasyon a la lwa komu'n.

Privilèj selon lekèl, pa gen moun, pa gen enstans, pa gen peyi, ... ki kapabl pourswivr prezidan an sou pouvwar a.

Ofisyèlman tout moun, tout enstans, tout peyi, ... rekonètr prezidan an.

Prezidan kouvèr par yon IMUNITE pandan lexzèrsis de sa fonksyon !!!

Sof an ka de flagran deli, de kri'm de ho't trayizon, ... la plu ho't enstans juridik du peyi gen drwa angaje dè prosedur de DESTITUSYON a lankontr du Chèf de LETA.

Osito manda prezidan an pran fen :

Imunite (derogasyon a la lwa komu'n an) leve,

Prezidan devyen justisyabl o mê'm titr ke nenpOrt kèl sitwayen.

E là, si Chèf DETA a te "enfreint" la lwa o kour e/w aprè, exzèrsis manda li, plent gen drwa depoze, dè pourswit judisyèr kapabl angaje kontr lwi nan peyi a, tou kO'm a letranje.

CPI ===> Cour pénale internationale ("se trouvant à la HAYE aux Pays-Bas" pour juje lè kriminel de guèr, antr otr).

Gen yon seri de Grand Nasyon, gen yon'n ladan yo ke nou pa ta panse, konsyant du fèt ke demokrasi la kay yo fonksyone a "deux" vitès refuze si'nye akOr la.

De pèur ke enstans entèrnasyonal via CPI pa trake dè dirijan, dè militèr jenosidèr la kay yo.


Dernière édition par Amoph le Mar 28 Sep 2010 - 5:21, édité 2 fois


Nombre de messages : 601
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006

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Message  Sasaye Dim 26 Sep 2010 - 0:14


Se pa yon tribinal enpasyal tankou Koudejistis Lahay an Olann lan, ki pann Sadam Hisenn.

Se yon tribinal kangourou ke meriken ki anvayi Irak konstitye pou jije e kondane nèg lan. Se pa dapre la lwa Irakyen ke ekzekisyon saa fèt. Se te yon maskarad.
Yo prann pandan li te gen pouvwa lan peyi l e yo te bezwen eliminen l.

Milosovitch te yon jenosidè tout bon, li mete zam sou sitwayen Kroatyen e masakre milye moun. Li fè masak Bosnia-Herzegovina, touye popilasyon mizilman ak sitwayen orijin Albanè. Se yon vre ka Jenosid.

Noriega pase lan mem maskarad politik avèk Sadam.
Ki tribinal ki te kondane Noriega?
Yon prezidan ke meriken komèt jenosid pou yo al kidnape l lan peyi l, pandan l opouvwa. Saa deja se yon vyolasyon flagrant de lwa entènasyonal ki kouvri
souvrente yon peyi.
Nou tout konnen poukisa Bush al kidnape Noriega ki te ansyen ajan CIA e alye politik yo.

Pinochet te touye anpil moun tou. Lespay te akize l paske li te touye sije espayol.

Charles Taylor se te yon kriminel de gè, ki masakre yon bann inosan akoz de etni yo e pozisyon yo. Li se yon jenisidè tou.

Alo, avèk kilès lan mesye sayo nou vle konpare Preval?
Super Star
Super Star

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Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes Empty Re: Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes

Message  Erzulie Dim 26 Sep 2010 - 10:48

Map vin-n mete pou Ti-Paul pita...

Nombre de messages : 186
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Date d'inscription : 11/09/2009

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Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes Empty Re: Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes

Message  Joel Dim 26 Sep 2010 - 18:08


Mwen kirye.Eske PAUL MAGLOIRE sa a ,ansyen minis de Linteryè?
Se sou youn lan gouvènman poutchis yo?
Si se sa ,e misye gen odas l ap pale de jenosid?
Kòm se DOUB lan ki mete atik sa a sou sit lan ;sou ki gouvènman misye te minis de LENTERYÈ an?

Super Star
Super Star

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Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006

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Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes Empty Re: Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes

Message  Erzulie Dim 26 Sep 2010 - 18:20

Se li minm minm li te minis sou Latortue, peson pa konen kotel soti de ki prevyen epi nou tandel minis. eksperyans msye sete tradiker franse an kreyol pou vwad lamerik. Depi sou gouvenman Latortue Ing. Preptit tap mande gouvenman-an poul te fe preparasyon pou yon gwo seyis kap rive sou peu. Latortue ak neg sa-a pat prepare ni kite okenn plan pou seyis lan.

Neg sa-a li drol anpil wi e minm inpe fou. kitem ba-w yon egzanp. Li ta ka di ke si yon bonmb atomik tome an Ayiti li ta bon konsa pye bwa ak plant ta leve byen.

Nombre de messages : 186
Localisation : HAITI
Loisirs : VODOU
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2009

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Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes Empty Re: Preval poursuivi pour GENOCIDE: $1.5 Milliards de dommages aux Victimes

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