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Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed...

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Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed... Empty Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed...

Message  ainsi ne soit-il Jeu 4 Nov 2010 - 23:25

Sorry, Michou, Barack cannot quit smoking yet...

Si j'ai bien compris, Massachussetts avait parti le bal républicain. Ce revers-là lançait donc un sérieux avertissement aux démocrates. Les gens de ce pays sont un monde à l'envers comme dans un asile de fous. Ha! ha! ha!

Ou plutôt, ces gens-là. The're so predictible or rather unpredictible. Well, if that made any difference... as far as I comprenne. Anprè lougarou a pale... ha! ha! ha! il n'est donc pas question d'un deuxième mandat pour Obama. Décidément, on ne parle pas de défaire les démocrates mais de terrasser le monstre Obama. La réaction des ''Ricains armés'' est compréhensible devant this painted man plus grand que nature. Allez comprendre pourquoi T-Bush revient cette semaine sous les feux de la rampe dans les bonnes grâces de ses con-patriotes et que Sarah Palin, elle, est devenue une star des médias comme je l'avais souhaité pour elle dans une autre confrontation. Hum! Place aux cancres!

Place aux paresseux reconvertis à l'écriture! Martine la tourmente, lui, n'a ni ces prétentions ni ces intentions-là.

Hey! Barack, don't fall asleep at the wheel again. And whose idea was it to expose Michelle to the media in a mid-term fight perdu à l'avance? Bad calculation.

No wonder some Haïtian-Americans like to juggle when it comes to debate American politics. When I questioned my American cousins and friends, they didn't seem to follow politics very closely. I remember passing by the twins towers on my last visit to New York in 2001. Later on, after the predictible accident (lol), I asked my cousin how he was coping with those events. He told me that New York was pretty safe as far as he was concerned. Meaning no comments. Ha! Ha! Ha!

How good it is to observ afar the Super Bowl, the World Series, The NBA finals! With the gubernatorail and senatorial elections taking place every two years and one chapter that coincides with the presidential vote, no wonder the Americans will always be recognized as triple champions at home... of course.

Oh boy! That has been a cold shower over the head of the ones (down south) who have forgotten not to close both eyes simultaneously when they go sleeping. Anyway, in America, Blacks will always be allowed collectively just a snooze. I know what's going on...

I remember when I caught myself singing, centuries ago, (lol) ''O Canada, our home and native land...'' Actually, I just read an interview (probably her last while on vice-royal duty) with Michaëlle Jean in which she explained that her new job will be facilitated by the fact that she's not Haïtian because she entered Canada in circumstances that stripped her and her family of that nationality. Well said, baby. Well intellectualized. L'appétit vient en mangeant, as they say dans la langue de Molière. No disrespect; I like her and Haiti does need her as well. She remains the daughter of a beautiful although contraried dream. She is to an extent the proof that the dream lives on. I think she is loved by more than two nations. Peace to ye all!

And what an elegant way to silence her detractors from Quebec, a province that she acknowledges as part of the fibers in her slim body. Now I understand the reason for my perennial trials in Zot's land; I never knew how to intellectualize things in order to move on. Ha! Ha! Ha!

To the contrary, I felt offended when my white colleague supervisor in another life implied that I was a product of Canada. I have never heard anything more silly. You should have seen how his face turned red like a beet when I replied ''Not really, Her Majesty''. No disrespect for my fellow Haitians living in Canada. Ha! Ha! Ha!

Sur ce, je souhaite bonne nuit aux oiseaux diurnes. Et quoi donc aux rapaces nocturnes? Chhhwèt kwendèk! ha! ha! ha! On est seulement jeudi. Imaginez la surprise du vendredi.

Paroles du saigneur.
ainsi ne soit-il
ainsi ne soit-il
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 2404
Localisation : terre-neuve
Loisirs : chiquer du tabac, molester les molosses
Date d'inscription : 03/05/2010

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: l'hallucinogène

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Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed... Empty Re: Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed...

Message  Le gros roseau Ven 5 Nov 2010 - 11:17

It seems to me that you don't want Obama to succeed,but you can not say it overtly .You're afraid of the consequences of your hatred toward the first black President of this great country which by the way just sent a carrier with helicopters in Haiti to help the haitians.

You give too much importance to an event that is normal in a mid term election.You remember that a republican replaced Ted kennedy in the Senate but you forget that a black is reelected governor of Massachussett;you forget that the democrats still have a majority in the Senate.You ask :"Did President Obama fell asleep at the wheel?"You know better than that.On the contrary his critics are saying he pushed for too many changes at the same time ;health care reform, finance reform, education reform, energy policy reform.Therefore it is ludicrous to say that president Obama fells asleep at the wheel.You don't take into consideration the state of the economy at the end of the Bush administration.You forget that president Bush found the country with a surplus,and in less than a year this surplus becomes a deficit.You forget that the unemployemant rate was 7.5% at the end of 2008.How could President Obma erase that defcit in less than 2 years while the United States is fighting two wars?

You're glad that the republicans won this mid term election .May I ask you why?

Le gros roseau
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Nombre de messages : 9664
Localisation : Usa
Loisirs : sport ,internet,stock market
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2010

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Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed... Empty Re: Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed...

Message  Sasaye Ven 5 Nov 2010 - 13:00

Ah Ah !!!
Sa k ap regle laa depase ekonomi, Pwogram lasante ak tout lot refom ke Prezidan Obama ap prekonize.
Tou sa li prezante yo se mezi ke popilasyon an te dwe kanpe pou bat bravo.
Men maladi Meriken an pi grav pase yon kansè.

Pwoblèm nèg yo sè ke tout pwogram sayo, tout refom sayo pwopoze by the wrong person.

Mesye yo pou anpil, apre efory eleksyon an, ki te kreye yon espès de Beatlemania kote tout moun ap rantre lan won.
Tout moun sou avèk lide ke TBush avèk Patriyot Akt li an ta p degèpi.
Lè yon finn desoule, yo gade yo wè yo genyen yon Prezidan Nwa.

Pandan lemond antye ap fwote de men yo avek satisfaksyon ke JUSTICE EST FAITE,
le rasisme est finalement vaincu.
Tout peyi montre Obama plis respè, plis antouzyas, plis soutyen, plis admirasyon.
Men bagay saa ta p fè anpil meriken eat their hearts out.

And that's the big pwoblèm.
Here comes the Tea Party.
Konplo an fenk komanse.
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 8252
Localisation : Canada
Opinion politique : Indépendance totale
Loisirs : Arts et Musique, Pale Ayisien
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2007

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Jeu de rôle: Maestro

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Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed... Empty Re: Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed...

Message  ainsi ne soit-il Ven 5 Nov 2010 - 15:58

Konsiy la byen pase wi papa. Nou pa tande dènye slogan ke lidè repibliken yo ap repete youn apre lót: ''Barack Obama is the worst president this country has ever had.'' Franchman mezanmi, sa ta depase antandman pou tout repibliken ak demokrat ki pretand yo pa rasis yo ta kanpe e denonse zak gwosyète konsa. Ameriken san elegans, epi yo vle pou tout moun sanble ak yo.

Lan semèn la, LaFrans frenk remèt Toni Morrisson la Croix de la Légion d'honneur, yo kokenn distenksyon. Se pa pase manmzel pale franse non, se pou enportans ak bote zèv li ekri. Sa pa raple anyen? Se te toujou konsa, Afro-Ameriken yo pat janm jwenn kredi Ozetazini. Jodi a, ki ès ki motè kilti Ameriiken, sou do ki ès juif ap ranmase lajan e pi y'ap jwe tout jwèt pou anpeche kominote nwa afranchi yo de enfluyans yo. Muzisyen jazz yo te konn manje anpil baf lan men polisye blan si yo te konn oze met pye yo dewo club kote yo te konn ap jwe pandan ke se tankou dieux yo te akeyi yo an Europe. Sèl nazi fachis ak mantalite rasis ameriken ki pat vle wè yo.

Se vle yo pa vle pou se yon Nwa ki pou jwenn kredi remete peyi a sou pye tande, menm jan yo te souse tout san ki lan kor esklav yo. Moun sa yo se demon ki drese'l tout tan tankou yon revenan an Ayiti apre ke li finn met pye sou kou'w. Se jalouzi, hèn, kupidite, negrofobi, ki ap gide moun sa yo paske yo konen ke yo an koz. Se vle yo pa vle Obama reyisi menm wi. Yo pito al lan gè paske yo ta admèt ke se Nwa ki sove peyi yo a.

Mwen byen kontan w wè enjistis la klè konsa GR e mwen osi kontan ke S... konprand byen de ki sa m'ap pale. Quelle idée! pou m'pa ta vle Obama rete la.

Obama fè yon voup vap sou yo gen lè. Si misye pat depanse prop enèji'l soutyen yon seri de moun pata ase. Se sa ki fè yo sezi wi. Sè ke li defye pouvwa lajan, pouvwa trilyon dola yo ka depanse. Ki doua Obama? Se sèl kote moun gwosye konsa, yo envante manti pou ka fè la gè, yo deklare ouvètman ki sa yo vle fè ak prop prezidan ki elu demokratikman. E pi pou Ayisyen chita ap fè restavèk devan salopri konsa.

Apali, y'ap montre Obama fós lajan yo. Ou byen m'pa konn ki sa yo bezwen lan misye. Yon sèl bagay, si n'al kote ki lwen, na konprand, e mwen sèten ke si Obama se yon Ameriken, li pa fout ti-moun yo pou sa.

Dernière édition par martine la tourmente le Ven 5 Nov 2010 - 17:31, édité 1 fois
ainsi ne soit-il
ainsi ne soit-il
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 2404
Localisation : terre-neuve
Loisirs : chiquer du tabac, molester les molosses
Date d'inscription : 03/05/2010

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: l'hallucinogène

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Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed... Empty Re: Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed...

Message  Le gros roseau Ven 5 Nov 2010 - 16:44

Bohener pa kache di li se moun sa yo ki te barbecue 6 milyon jwif. Alò sa pa dwe etone yon moun si yo di ke Obama se pi move presidan Ameriken.Ki bò Bush yo soti?ki sa Obma fè pandan 20 mwa saa ki fè se li ki pi move desisyon Obama pran ki pa apwouve pa kongrè ameriken apre debat fet?eske se pa Bush ak paulson ki te komanse pwogram stimulus la kote Paulson te ba Goldman Sachs yon paket bilyon ke pèsonn pa konnen kote lajan saa yon moun ki pa ka panse selman ki avegle pa ènn e prejidis ki pou di ke Obama se pi move presidan ameriken.

men se pa moun sa yo ki majorite o Zeta Zuni.Sak pase la se paske demokrat yo rete lakay yo.ou pat wè nwa ameriken pi cho devan bann lan fwa saa .yon jounal tankou Ebony te mande eske nwa yo tap abadonnnen demokrat yo.e sanble se vre.gen lè anpil afro ameriken ak endepandan yo abandonen pati demokrat lan nan elektyon ki sot fet la paske yo pa kontan .men si yon moun analyze pwoblem ekonomik ameriken yan ak objektivite eske w ka ba Presidan Obama responsabilite saa.eske se Obma ki te fè Bush anvayi iraq?eske se Obama ki te fè Bush ba rich yo taxe break la pandan ke li ap depanse plis ke 4 bilyyon chak jou nan la gè?balans komersyal peyi ya defisitè.Yon moun pat beswen ekonomis pou te konprann ke se nan yon depresyon ke Bush tap kondwi peyi ya.Men jodya repibliken ta vle ke Obama fè Eta zuni tounen yon paradi nan 20 mwa.

Le gros roseau
Super Star
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Nombre de messages : 9664
Localisation : Usa
Loisirs : sport ,internet,stock market
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2010

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Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed... Empty Re: Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed...

Message  Le gros roseau Ven 5 Nov 2010 - 21:09


Did you hear the news tonight :the american economy has created thousands and thousands more jobs during the past six months ;the Dow Jones industrial average has passed the 11.000 points mark more than in last 4 years.Why the press did not publish these figures before the election?Obama is against the establishment of jewish communities in Palestine.Therefore those who own the press will do whatever they can to sabotage his administration.When a President has those who control the means of production and the press against him ;it is not very difficult for them to incite the people to revolt against the President .Jimmy Carter had the same problems.

Le gros roseau
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 9664
Localisation : Usa
Loisirs : sport ,internet,stock market
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2010

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Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed... Empty Re: Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed...

Message  ainsi ne soit-il Ven 5 Nov 2010 - 21:55

Manipulatè yo chita ap konfond moun depi kèlk tan. Tout gwo bri sa yo se teste y'ap teste Obama. Pou tout sa misye realize lan mitan 20 mwa epi se li ki ta responsabl fristrasyon Ameriken mwayen yo, se ri le mond antye ap ri de yo.

Yo jis anraje paske Obama komanse fè sa li te di ke li pwal fè. Men yo prefere fè sa pase komsi se anpyete gouvènman ap anpyete sou libète endividyèl yo. Obama di klèman ke se yon kestyon HONNÊTETÉ fason l'ap fonksyone. Sa deranje yo. E pi gwo malè pou li, sa gen lè vle mache.

Bra Republiken yo chaje ak Tea Party, yo komanse pran presyon paske balon a lan pye yo. Yo majoritè lan yon Chanbr ki pwal pèmèt yo bloke tout inisyativ ak desizyon gouvènman a ki pase pa yo pou aspè legal ou bidjetè. They better deliver. Men non, m'ap ranse, paske moun sa yo ki pat al vote yo k'ap proteste paske sityasyon yo pa amelyore se pa yo ki forme baz Tea Party, yon rasanbleman troublemakers si se pou mwen.

Sa k'san lè rive, se kouman Repibliken yo pwal pran distans yo ak Tea Party ki asyeje yo a. M'menm di ke se vanjans Sarah Palin, yon vanjans chochè kote li fè tèt tout moun chaje a komanse pa Repibliken yo ki ti trouve manmzèl se yon anbara pou pati a depi lan kanpay prezidansyèl la. Maintenant, ils en ont plein les mains avec le Tea party et Sarah Palin. Fanm sa a pa manje anyen k'frèt. Ha! ha! ha!

Se pa fót mwen, politik se yon teatr pou tout kalite komedi, mwen pa ka pa ri. Apre Chris O'Donnell kite avwe ke l'te tranpe lan Satanism, mwen tande anpil remak sou Sarah Palin kom si manmzèl se yon renn-teng lan Alaska, kote tout chamann amerendyen yo se akwentans li. Dayè, mari manmzèl se yon desandan pemyè nasyon yo. Ha! ha! ha!

Imajine w, yon fanm ki ap fè ekzèsis pou'l rete an form men lè li bezwen retrouve trankilite d'espri'l apre kanpay elektoral, se retounen Alaska pou'l al tye karibou ak chevrèy.

Pandan ke n'ap tande ke prezidan Brezil jodi a se yon fan admirabl, ki gen profondè, pou medya Ameriken kontinye ap vand moun lide ke Palin ka kandida an 2012. Ah! se vre, yo konn sa pèp Ameriken a renmen tout bon. Mwen-menm se obsève m'ap obsève. Mwen t'ap tande komantè Rudolph Giulani lè yo mande'l sa li pense de Palin... no real comment. Men lè yo mande'l si li ta vle kandida an 2012, li te repond ''sèlman si pa gen lót kandida.'' Sa montre ke sa Republiken yo pense de prop tèt yo. ha! ha! ha!

Yo pa gen an-yen pou yo pèdi e se pou sa yo pa gen okenn desans, y'ap fonse tout boulin sou Barack Obama.

Pafwa m'ap mande'm si Republiken yo (ou Demokrat) p'ap suiv sa k'ap pase sou forumAyiti. (LOL) Bagay ki pwal pase san lè pi enteresan ankor.

Vandredi swa, tout moun trankil.

Mais qu'est-il arrivé à la Joconde (Mona Lisa), Sainte Marie des grâces? Allô poulette! suis-je méchant?
ainsi ne soit-il
ainsi ne soit-il
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 2404
Localisation : terre-neuve
Loisirs : chiquer du tabac, molester les molosses
Date d'inscription : 03/05/2010

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: l'hallucinogène

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Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed... Empty Re: Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed...

Message  ainsi ne soit-il Ven 5 Nov 2010 - 22:41

Le gros roseau a écrit:martine

Did you hear the news tonight :the american economy has created thousands and thousands more jobs during the past six months ;the Dow Jones industrial average has passed the 11.000 points mark more than in last 4 years.Why the press did not publish these figures before the election?Obama is against the establishment of jewish communities in Palestine.Therefore those who own the press will do whatever they can to sabotage his administration.When a President has those who control the means of production and the press against him ;it is not very difficult for them to incite the people to revolt against the President .Jimmy Carter had the same problems.

Oui, j'ai entendu ces nouvelles sur des ondes canadiennes tard dans la nuit d'hier après avoir écrit mon babillage mais j'étais un peu occupé et je n'ai pas eu le temps d'aller réécouter ces nouvelles. J'espérais d'ailleurs que l'un de vous vienne confirmer ces nouvelles et je vous en remercie. You are very right, sir. As I have been saying, now we all know that the medias are controlled by manipulative spirits. Anhan! do yo remember me singing Israel, Israel, Israel lately. Ha! ha! ha! Sometimes, I wish you would take me more seriously.

Trust me. Obama knows well what happened. An humbling experience, said the man. Some lobbies have the power to get everybody confuse. Hum! (LOL) Se anpil fós k'ap goumen lan peyi sila. Mwen t'ap li kote w ekri Bohener se Alman. Sa te fè kling kling lan zorèy mwen wi. Politik se konpromi kondi yo di. Y'ap regle koze yo.

Mon chè, mwen pa yon admiratè Giulani men mwen li konn peyi sila trè byen. Dison li konn ke lan politik Ozetazini, se pa yon travay repozan pou main propr.

E menm ankor, sou konfli Israel-Palestine sa a, sa k konen, anpil pa ta vle misye reyisi itou kote tout neg sa yo echwa malgre sa ki te de bonne volonte. Franchman, moun ka konn ki sa, ki ès pou yo kwè.
ainsi ne soit-il
ainsi ne soit-il
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 2404
Localisation : terre-neuve
Loisirs : chiquer du tabac, molester les molosses
Date d'inscription : 03/05/2010

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: l'hallucinogène

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Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed... Empty Re: Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed...

Message  Le gros roseau Sam 6 Nov 2010 - 10:25

If I praise the jews and their country sometimes it is because I recognize their will to survive despite all the hatred against them.I do not condone their crimes against the palestinians people."Justice for all "is my motto.I have never been and will never be a fan of the oppressors whatever their color, nationality or ethnicity.I understand your sacarsm:"Israel, Israel, Isarel."Yes I admire their will to develop and defend their country.I admire their solidarity and their schools system.They do not adopt other people's culture and language,but I will always criticise them for their oppression of the palestinians people.

Le gros roseau
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Nombre de messages : 9664
Localisation : Usa
Loisirs : sport ,internet,stock market
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2010

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Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed... Empty Re: Did Barack fall asleep at the steering wheel? Ted Kennedy, you're so missed...

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