Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti

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Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti
Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti
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Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA

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Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA   Empty Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA

Message  Joel Dim 26 Avr 2015 - 17:38

Dr RENAUD responsab CHAPIT ki gen pou RAPO ak AYITI.
Mesye yo te voye LET sa a ,an NOVANM 2014 ;tankou nou ka we se yon REKIZITWA kont mesye TET KALE yo e se te anvan TOUT ESKANDL yo te pete:

Letter to US president Barack Obama: The Haitian president is positioning himself to govern by decree, to impose on the Haitian people, against their will, a system that is like a backward dictatorship (NEHRO)

stanley lucas-michel martelly touthaiti
Stanley Lucas adviser of president Michel Martelly who wants to impose on the Haitian people a system that is like a backward dictatorship

Mr. Barack Obama
President of the United States of America
White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington DC 20500

Mister President:

We are writing in the name of the New England Human Rights Organization, an organization for the defense of human rights based in Boston, in the State of Massachusetts, to give you a picture of the sociopolitical reality of Haiti that appears today somber and that calls for all national and international consciences to help avoid a catastrophe that is shaping up at the horizon of this country of more than ten million inhabitants.

Ever since he rose to the highest office in Haiti, three and a half years ago, the Haitian President, Mister Joseph Michel Martelly, runs the country with no respect for the Haitian constitution. Some members of the parliament are arrested and humiliated while working. Attorneys-at Law are harassed, arrested in defiance of the law and cannot freely exercise their profession.

Peaceful manifestations are harshly repressed. The press is under attack. Both individual and collective freedom is in jeopardy. Special judges, with no training and without the required qualifications for the position are hired with the only goal to prosecute the citizens with dissenting political views. We are still waiting for elections that are three and half years overdue. The Haitian president is positioning himself to govern by decree, which is a grave violation to the law of the land.

A Minister of Justice uses his authority to throw in prison all those who say no to the disaster in the conduct of public affairs in the Republic.

Mister President,

We are writing this, as a Haitian American citizens who supported your candidacy and who continue to support you through “Organizing for Action”, to tell you that it is a critical moment in Haiti and that the permissiveness of your administration toward such a shady government puzzle us and we suggest that you appoint a Special Representative to help you collect the facts you might need.

How come a government commissioner, who orders the arrest of a Haitian citizen for illicit drug traffic, gets fired because the drug dealer is a good friend of the President? Is it acceptable for the Haitian President to choose to spend time in the house of that drug dealer accused by the commissioner? Given the constant harassment the commissioner has been subjected to, he felt the need to seek refuge in Canada in order to save his life. Is it the rule of law when the president acts as if he was the state?

Furthermore, is it acceptable that a judge, who orders the arrest of a kidnapper’s wife for accessory, simply accepts that in the middle of the night and unbeknownst to him the authorities release the woman? Mister Martelly thinks he is the State and if someone is not with him, he has no right.

Mister President,

As we are writing this letter, political prisoners are left to rot in prison only because they have dared to ask the President to give some explanation on his conduct of the affairs of the country.

In January 2015, the President of the Republic of Haiti will govern the country by decree in order to impose on the Haitian people, against their will, a system that is like a backward dictatorship. Act as soon as you can, Mister President, to avoid this terrible outcome in Haiti.

There are enough crises in this world today. One more from Haiti is not truly necessary.

We painted this picture of the reality as thoroughly as we could in order to solicit an urgent intervention of your Administration to avoid complete chaos in Haiti.

We hope that you will fully understand and even accept our reasoning, Mister President

Respectfully yours,

President of NEHRO

Vice President of NEHRO

Public Relations

Michel Martelly: La derniere danse

Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 17750
Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Histoire
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Le patriote

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Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA   Empty Re: Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA

Message  Joel Dim 26 Avr 2015 - 17:48

Pou sa sa vo ;Apre preske 5 MWA ,OBAMA reponn mesyedam  yo.
Eske se ESKANDAL yo ki fe OBAMA reponn ;jije noumenm;men na we ke misye siyen REPONS lan ki an limenm remakab.
Misye ta gen dwa jis INYORE l:

Réponse du président américain Barack Obama à l’organisation NEHRO relative à sa lettre ouverte de Novembre 2014 dénonçant les exactions de Michel Martelly

Détails  Catégorie : Actualités   Publié le samedi 25 avril 2015 16:37  .

Obama oreilles

Tout Haiti vous invite à lire (texte en Anglais) la réponse du président américain Barack Obama à l’organisation de défense des droits humains le "New England Human Rights Organization (NEHRO)" suite à sa lettre (voir ici) 12 Novembre 2014: Lettre ouverte au président Obama par le New England (NEHRO) – Sur les actions illégales de Michel Martelly.

Dans cette lettre responsive le président américain a réaffirmé sa conviction dans le respect de la liberté individuelle et le respect des droits de l’homme.

Réponse du président américain Barack Obama à l’organisation NEHRO relative à sa lettre ouverte de Novemb...

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Multiplication des partis politiques et mentalité d’esclave (2 de 2)
RNDDH - Scandale aux Gonaïves : Rançonnement d'un diaspora (justiciable) avec la complicité des autorités judiciaires et policières (rapport Complet)


Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 17750
Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Histoire
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Le patriote

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Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA   Empty Re: Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA

Message  Sasaye Dim 26 Avr 2015 - 20:51

KK rat déyè bwèt!
Obama pa fout di anyen lan sa lèt lan adrese.
Se yon bann jeneralite ki pa gen anyen pou wè ak Ayiti.
Premye bagay pou l ta fè, se rekonèt ke se Ilari ki mete n lan gagòt saa.

Epi, pou yon administrasyon ki gen ekspètiz lan tout bagay, pèsonn pa wè ke non nèg ki siyen lèt lan mal ekri. Ni sekretè, ni sekirite, ni copyridè pa wè ke prezidan yo an komèt yo gwo erè fondamantal lan reponn yon korespondans ofisyèl.

Ki fout mele yo ak Ayiti avèk tout ayisyen.
Kilè na ranje eskanp figi nou?
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 8252
Localisation : Canada
Opinion politique : Indépendance totale
Loisirs : Arts et Musique, Pale Ayisien
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2007

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Maestro

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Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA   Empty Re: Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA

Message  Joel Dim 26 Avr 2015 - 22:05

Ou pa janm konnen SASAYE;

Mesye sa yo se "kontribite" PATI DEMOKRAT lan.
Se NEG ki konn leve FON pou PATI an.
Yo pa konn ki le PATI an ka bezwen DOKTE RENAUD ak ZANMI l yo.
Sa k di yo paka frape POT yo si MICHELLE OBAMA gen ANBISYON?

"Just saying"
Dr RENAUD ak mesye NEHRO yo rive lan pwen ke yo pa bezwen lan "hoax".
Se yo ki pibliye REPONS lan ;NEG sa yo pa p fe anyen pou diminye KREDIBILITE yo.

BIRO OBAMA reponn ak yon bann JENERALITE ,se vre ;an menm tan tou nou pa p prese vini ak kliche.

Le fet ke BIRO OBAMA a reponn LET lan ;sa vle di,sa l vle di;mwen pa konnen.
Mwen pa kwe ke dr RENAUD ap pran lan "hoax" 'yo depase "stage" sa a!

Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 17750
Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Histoire
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Le patriote

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Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA   Empty Re: Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA

Message  Antitétanix Dim 26 Avr 2015 - 22:37

Depuis quand les Américains revenaient-ils sur leur décision même quand ils ont eu tort?

Ça c'est pour les Haïtianos qui depuis Haiti étaient déjà convaincus que tout devait se faire dans le pays avec l'aval des Yankees. Aujourd'hui, c'est les mêmes qui crient à bas l'impérialisme après l'avoir bien servi.

Ils avaient déjà vendu leurs âmes au diable en approuvant et en applaudissant Clinton, un sale menteur, comme le nouveau maître d'Haïti.

Au fond, je ne crois même pas au sérieux de cette correspondance. Je plains ceux qui aiment aller déterrer ces chiffons-là.


Nombre de messages : 937
Localisation : Haïti
Opinion politique : le camp d'Haïti
Loisirs : Lecture, sports.
Date d'inscription : 01/01/2015

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Jeu de rôle: Aucun

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Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA   Empty Re: Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA

Message  Sasaye Dim 26 Avr 2015 - 23:04

Mwen pa konnen Dr Renaud ak asosye l yo.
Sak siprann mwen se ke yo pibliye repons lan epi yap mande tout ayisyen pou li repons lan. Eske yo twouve repons Obama a satisfè yo?

Alò ma p mande m eske nèg sayo konpran lang Angle an?
Paske mwen pa ta p kouri fè labanyè ak chifon (ranyon ) saa ki pa montre ayisyen respè.
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 8252
Localisation : Canada
Opinion politique : Indépendance totale
Loisirs : Arts et Musique, Pale Ayisien
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2007

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Maestro

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Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA   Empty Re: Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA

Message  Joel Lun 27 Avr 2015 - 5:39

Pou konprann LANG ANGLE an ;mesyedam sa yo konprann li.

Genyen ladan yo se PWOFESE lan INIVESITE BOSTON ;se MANM yon REZO PWOFESYONEL AYISYEN lan NODES lan ,sitou ak sa ki pou we ak LA SANTE.

Menm jan nou gen STANLEY LUCAS ki lan move BO an ,konekte ak PATI REPIBLIKEN an ;mesyedam sa yo lan BON BO an ,konekte ak PATI DEMOKRAT lan.

Mwen li tou sa mwen kapab sou mesyedam sa yo ;pou sa sa vo ,kwe mwen ,yo pa NOVIS ,yo pa p voye monte.

Siman genyen ladan yo ki kapab pran TELEFON pou yo pale ak JOHN KERRY ;m ap espekile;JOHN KERRY se ansyen SENATE MASSACHUSETS.

Men yon ti referans ak OGANIZASYON an ,ak REZO ak RESOUS ke yo gen KONEKSYON ak yo:

Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 17750
Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Histoire
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Le patriote

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Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA   Empty Re: Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA

Message  Joel Mer 29 Avr 2015 - 17:28

Pou ENFOMASYON ;pou sa sa vo;OBAMA ou BIRO OBAMA te pwononse l sou zafe mesye GANG GALIL yo ke yo te lage.
Men yon ATIK ki te paret lan NEW YORK TIMES le 20 AVRIL:

U.S. Expresses Concern About Dismissal of Haiti Kidnapping Case


PORT-AU-PRINCE — The Obama administration expressed concern on Monday over the speed of a court ruling in Haiti that dropped charges against a man accused in a kidnapping ring who had close ties to the family of President Michel Martelly.

On Friday, the judge freed Woodly Ethéart, who has known Mr. Martelly since they both worked in the music business, and Renel Nelfort. Mr. Ethéart and Mr. Nelfort are suspected of being the leaders of the Galil Gang, and they were indicted in March on charges of masterminding a host of violent crimes, including murder, money laundering and more than a dozen kidnappings.

Shortly after the indictments were announced, the minister of justice dismissed the prosecutor, saying his deputies had asked the judge to free the men because they did not think they could win a conviction.

Continue reading the main story

Related Coverage

Ex-Promoter in Haiti Charged in Kidnapping RingMARCH 18, 2015

THE CENTER OF POWER President Michel Martelly of Haiti, center, seated between Prime Minister Evans Paul, whose predecessor was ousted in December, and Sophia Martelly, the first lady, who has been targeted in a corruption complaint.

Haitian Leader’s Power Grows as Scandals SwirlMARCH 16, 2015

“We are concerned about the ruling, including the speed in which it was made,” a State Department spokesman said in an email on Monday in response to a request for comment. “This is an ongoing case in the Haitian courts, and we understand the ruling could be appealed.”

Mr. Ethéart, a former music promoter, is a friend of Mr. Martelly’s brother-in-law, Charles Saint-Rémy, and his family owns La Souvenance, a restaurant where the president often dines.

Critics say that the president has surrounded himself with a network of friends and associates who have been arrested or figured in criminal investigations.

“The prosecutor in Port-au-Prince was removed because the government was not satisfied with the performance at the trial,” Péguy Jean, a spokesman for the Ministry of Justice, said on Monday. “At the end of the trial, the prosecutors asked the charges to be dropped.”

Mr. Martelly’s spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

A version of this article appears in print on April 21, 2015, on page A9 of the New York edition with the headline: U.S. Expresses Concern About Dismissal of Haiti Kidnapping Case. Order Reprints| Today's Paper|Subscribe  

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Federal Prosecutor Drops Kirchner Conspiracy

Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 17750
Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Histoire
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006

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Jeu de rôle: Le patriote

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Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA   Empty Re: Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA

Message  Le gros roseau Mer 29 Avr 2015 - 23:36

Yon moun gen dwa te apresye Clinton yon lè. Sa pa vle di ou pa ka kondane yo lè yo fè sa ki mal.

Le gros roseau
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Localisation : Usa
Loisirs : sport ,internet,stock market
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2010

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Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA   Empty Re: Yon LET ke NEHRO voye bay OBAMA ak repons OBAMA

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