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Can't Blame White People.

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Can't Blame White People. Empty Can't Blame White People.

Message  Thunder Lun 28 Mai 2007 - 0:35

Can't Blame White People
by Bill Cosby

They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English.
I can't even talk the way these people talk:
Why you ain't,
Where you is,
What he drive,
Where he stay,
Where he work,
Who you be...
And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk.
And then I heard the father talk
Everybody knows it's important to speak English...
except these knuckleheads.
Mushmouth is what they speak!?
You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth.
In fact you will never get any kind of job making a decent living.
People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an
and now we've got these knuckleheads throwing that all away.?
The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this
These people are not parenting.
They are buying things for kids. $500 sneakers for what?
And they won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics.
I am talking about these people who cry
when their son is standing there in an orange suit.
Where were you when he was 2?
Where were you when he was 12?
Where were you when he was 18?
And, how come you didn't know that he had a pistol?
And where is the father?
Or who is his father?
People putting their clothes on backward:
Isn't that a sign of something gone wrong?
People with their hats on backward,
pants down around the crack,
isn't that a sign of something?
They're walking around with their nasty underwear showing, and
holding onto their pants to keep them from falling to the ground!

Or are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up?
Isn't it a sign of something
when she has her dress all the way up to her panty line,
and got all types of needle piercings
going through her body?
What part of Africa did this come from?
We are not Africans.
Those people are not Africans;
they don't know a thing about Africa .
With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that
crap, and all of them are in jail.
Brown or black versus the Board of Education
is no longer the white person's problem.
We have got to take the neighborhood back.
People used to be ashamed.
Today a woman has eight children
with eight different 'husbands' --
or men or whatever you call them now.
We have millionaire football players
who cannot read.
We have million-dollar basketball players
who can't write two paragraphs.
We as black folks have to do a better job.
Someone working at Wal-Mart
with seven kids saying...
you are hurting us.
We have to start holding each other
to a higher standard.
We cannot blame the white people any longer.
It is not for media or anyone of this time
anymore to say whether I'm right or wrong.
It is time, ladies and gentlemen,
to look at the numbers.
Fifty percent of our children are dropping out
of high school.
Sixty percent of the incarcerated males
happen to be illiterate. There's a correlation.
Tell the media to stop asking me what I think about people who
don't believe what I'm saying or feel that I'm too harsh or feel that I'm
just running my mouth because I'm old.
Seventy percent of the teenagers pregnant happen to be African
American girls.
Don't ask me to soften my message.

Bill Cosby,
and the person who sent this to you.
Pass this along!
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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Lun 28 Mai 2007 - 7:05

God bless Bill Cosby.This is the right message ;I hope Louis Farrakhan understands what Cosby is talking about.I hope the Rapt musicians read and understand ,if possible, the meaning of Cosby's indignation.

But I do not agree with the title of the message completely.Why these knuckleheads can not read ;is it only because their parents neglect them?Why does the media give so much importance to Mike Tyson;Why Michael Jordan,Tiger Wood are revered like Gods whereas very few young black people know Benjamin Gordon.Why the black milionnaires like Bill Cosby ,Magic Johnson , Oprah Winfrey do not build more vocational schools to help these dropouts learn a trade?I adore Miss Winfrey for what she is doing in South Africa ,but she must understands charity begins at home. Yes it is time for black people to stop blaming white folks ,but those of us who are priviledged to escape the vicious circle of ignorance and proverty must do more to help educate our brothers and sisters who are neglected in the public school system.We have an obligation to create our own schools where our children will learn our true culture ,our history,chemistry, physics, mathematics instead of being offered a basketball to practice at home .Why are the black kids not given more homework to pratice reading ,algebra ,geometry ,physics instead of standing in the corners talking about baskettball, football, rapt musics ,we should not be surprised that we have millionaires football players who can not read.We ,I mean black people, do not promote education in our culture .We create movie such as :"Do the right thing" to promote violence ;not to promote education and self esteem.

Dernière édition par le Lun 28 Mai 2007 - 12:40, édité 3 fois
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  Joel Lun 28 Mai 2007 - 7:38

Sans Malice,

Thunder is an extreme right winger.He is the wrong messenger,even if I agree with some of Bill Cosby observations.
Underclasses exist also in many European countries.In Glasgow Scotland ,for example you couldn't imagine how many white families are on the dole ,how many of them are drug addicts.You find them also in a country like France.
To applaud the message of Cosby ,is to give aid and comfort to the enemy.
Note that,each time Cosby makes one of his utterances ,he is wildly praised in the right wing talk shows ;talk shows like Rush Limbaugh's ,Sean Hannity etc.

Yes ,we got to clean house,but at the same time ,let's not forget that Black people in America have made tremendous progress ,despite tremendous odds.
They are among the richest ,the best educated PEOPLE on Earth .
Let's keep a certain perspective.

Dernière édition par le Lun 28 Mai 2007 - 14:53, édité 1 fois

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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  OBSERVER KEEN Lun 28 Mai 2007 - 14:32

I applaud cosby, and agree with him 99.9999999% of the times. We have to stop the self-defeating philosophy of keeping the dirty laundry within the family. it is appalling to know that in less than two years, as a haitian immigrant, I could already write english more elegantly than the average african-american student. yet, I came from a country with less than ten public libraries in its capital.
we know that white schools are better equipped; but we also know that the average african-american school in the worst american district may have more educational resources than the average school in Romania for example.
it is not racial inequity that prevents the average african-american from mastering the basic knowledge of a technologically driven world. it is lack of discipline and interest.
In other words, the white schools are comparatively better equipped than the black schools, but that does not mean that the black schools are fundamentally ill-equipped. similarly, a billionaire is much richer than a millionaire, but that does not mean that the millionaire is poor by any standard.
the majority of black schools have built-in libraries and college-educated teachers in addition to computer labs. there are no shortage of book stores and public libraries in America. one can learn about anything in america with a dollar--- homeless bookstands are almost everywhere in downtown america.
let's assume that the maintream publishing companies have no interest in producing books about african history. does that mean that knowledge about africa is inaccessible? not at all, because there are many small publishing companies in america producing africa-related books; and there is more than one africa-themed bookstores in almost every black neighbohood; yet african-Americans on average have no clues about african culture or tribes.

Here is the picture that I have witnessed about public libraries in new york: black kids tend to go there to harrass girls while white kids go there to study.
The problem with african-americans, particularly in the urban areas, is that they tend to be anti-intellectual; for them, the cerebral game is game for white people or chinese; and the weirdest thing is that some of them are quite proud to be ignorant. they would joke about not being able to do basic arithmetic problems.

black leadership?
let's take NACCP for example. they have an annual image award; but such a ceremony is about celebrating artistic personalities. but the problem with this is that, throughout history, black have been perceived as excellent artists. even the most racist europeans would argue that blacks have a natural knock for artistry, particularly music and comedy. so, in concentring on celebrating black artists, we are not necessarily moving away from racial stereotypes---- in fact, we are reinforcing them
if we were to change our image in the social consciousness, then we would have to celebrate black engineers and scientists and authors in addition to the artists.


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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Lun 28 Mai 2007 - 15:05


I agree with you to some extent ,but how do you explain the fact that a high school student does not know the parts of speech of the english language?I am not saying that blacks in the United States are blameless for their conditions.What Mr. Cosby should understand is the educational system that promotes mediocrity in our schools;it is not conducive to encourage black kids to excel or to appreciate education.

Yes the parents are responsible to teach their children that Michael Jordan and Tiger Wood are not Gods., and there are more meaningful occupations than put a ball in a hole or in a baskett.The problem is mutidimensional.You said that how come in less than two years you could already speak english more eloquently than the average american student or write it more elegantly.How could they speak differently if their teachers do not teach them that an adverb modify a verb; you did not mention that in your school in haiti you had studied the basic syntaxe of different languages such as :french ,english and spanish even latin and Greek for those students who choose section A or B in high School.Do the african americans kids have the same values as you?You were told that the only way to survive and to better your life is through education ,but the young kids in Harlem or in Watts who are bombaded by adevertisements on Tv glorifying Mike Tyson , Michael Jordan , Tiger Wood do not think the same way ,Waht do they see in Harlem or in the south side of Chicago are dugs dealers ,pimps etc.I remember watching the film:" Coton comes to harlem" in the 70.s in which Bill Cosby, Sidney Poitier, Harry Belafonte play the major roles ,In watching the movie I said to myself how many blacks kids could really understand its morale.We have to combat that negative images that our movies, our comedians ,our musicians are projected of black people.It is not fair to only blame the victims.
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  OBSERVER KEEN Lun 28 Mai 2007 - 15:28

let's not forget that there are many cultural deterrents that we descendants of slaves have acquired in the new world. these cultural traits apparently are not part of the native african culture. for example, i have noticed among descendants of slaves, both in Haiti and America, a tendency to cut corners. these cultural traits may have had a survival advantage during slavery where the slaves had to be sneaky and able to cut corners as a means of enjoying the slightest pleasure; but in the new world, these attitudes are self-defeating. this attitude of enjoying while one can may compel a college to stay all night partying at club instead of going back to campus to prepare for the final exams.
just as in culture, certains characteristics can initially be beneficial, but later become detrimental. take the case of the appendix for instance. that organ was a valuable physiological asset to our leaves-eating homonid-ancestors(the ancestors of all humankind), but now is a vestigial organ with a potentially detrimental effect on our health.
yes it is true black americans have made tremendous progress, but one subgroup remains a big problem-- that is the lower-income blacks. although many people may disagree with me, and may even call me an "Uncle Tom" for this, i am convinced that the relative low-economic status of these blacks cannot explain their high level of illiteracy, and crimes; for their most basic needs, both educational and nutritional are more than guaranteed in this country. these blacks simply have their priorities in the wrong sequence.

"""When a group of people start naming their kids after cars, we know that we have a big problem""".


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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Lun 28 Mai 2007 - 15:48

You are wrong to generalize that all blacks cut corners ,One of my sons was in a hospital after a major operation;he demanded that his twin brother brought him his books in order to prepare for his final exam.Some white kids do cut corners also.This trait is more environmental than genetic or racial.

Since an ealrly age I was encouraged to excel in schools that is why I refuse to let my kids pratice backettball after school in the playground of Lefrak City.I encouraged them to study hard.Today I am proud of them.The parent who calls his or her child cadillac or chevrolet ,whatever is not typical of all blacks folKs; therefore it is wrong to stereotype us all according to the perceptions you have of the few .
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  OBSERVER KEEN Lun 28 Mai 2007 - 15:54

sans malice, what you have just said about the school system is a myth because my personal experience is in total contrast to your arguments.
the truth: when i started school in this country, i was enrolled in relatively one of the worst schools in the state of new york, erasmus high for science and math. do you know that my teachers were much more attentive than my former teachers at "Petit Seminaire College Saint Martial."?
my new teachers taught me english grammar much more efficiently than my former teachers could teach me french in my elite school in haiti. my lab was much better equipped, and my new teachers were much more knowledgeable. yet, most kids from petit seminaire saint martial can come to the states and work successfull toward a college degree. The major differences here are personal motivation and parental guidance. the failure of black kids in public schools is not a reflection of mediocre learning apparatus, but rather of parental neglect and negative peer pressure. do you know that at my old school that i could phone my teachers to ask questions about homework? yes, in my relatively bad high school, I have had these great opportunities and privileges. i have even had teachers set aside afterschool just to talk about homeworks. i have even had math clubs and science clubs. i have even had tennis coaches in that relatively bad high school.
the truth that most people are denying is that the black schools are quite equipped to provide a modern solid education, but the kids and their parents have other priorities. for instance, the same parent won't hesitate to buy the latest fashionable pair of sneakers for their kids to go to school, but would forget to sign the permission slip for a trip to the science museum.
some of my math teachers at erasmus had masters in math, and were doing research in their spare time for companies. did I have that in haiti? hell no.


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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  OBSERVER KEEN Lun 28 Mai 2007 - 16:02

"let's not forget that there are many cultural deterrents that we descendants of slaves have acquired in the new world. these cultural traits apparently are not part of the native african culture"

sans malice, the last sentence above clearly indicates that i do not beleive such a tendency to be racial.

I have not said all blacks as i have just proved. i would be insane and very insulting to say such a thing. but i would claim that a statistically significant percentage of blacks(descendants of slaves) appear to display a tendency to cut corners; and i would add that such a tendency is not inherent, but was acquired within the context of our former existence as slaves in the new world.


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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Lun 28 Mai 2007 - 16:04

Your personal gratification of the school system in Brooklyn does not explain the high rate of dropouts and mediocre performances of the majority of high school students in the college entrance examination where 75% of them have to take remedial course in english ,math ,science etc.
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  Joel Lun 28 Mai 2007 - 17:01


Don't compare us to other blacks and think we will come ahead.
Yes I know,we are the only blacks who have accomplished the impossible ;the haitian revolution ;but what have we done after1804?

Don't blame the victims ,like Sans Malice said.
How come ,the budget for a child in the public education system of Scarsdale is about twice that of a child in the average public system of the Bronx or Brooklyn.

Do yo know that the worst school system in the United States is not in a so called ghetto area ?
It's in Appalachia,the area where the two states Kentucky and West Virginia meet;it's also an area where the population is more than 95% white.
Is there something innately wrong with these people of European descent ,these Scot Irish?
Are you ready to define the people of European descent by the Appalachians?
People like Bill Cosby are giving an alibi to the people responsible to implement policy in the United States.
I don't whitewash the attitudes of the people described by Cosby ,but by the same token ,it's not all their fault!

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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  OBSERVER KEEN Lun 28 Mai 2007 - 22:22

as i have said again and again, it is not lack of resources that is the root of academic underachievement among low-income blacks nor is it biology. i repeat, it is not an inherent deficiency.
please, do not distort my arguments by supposedly extracting dispeakable philosophy of white supremacy from my opinions. there is not even one bone of the docile house nigger in my body. i have sent a big chunck of my busy life fighting the erroneous philosophy of white supremacy; however, i know that the majority of my community's ills are caused by other fellow blacks. the dirty streets for example have nothing to do with whites--- when a young man eats and throws away the chicken-bones in the streets, white repression cannot be the cause of this filthy behavior.
joel, my intention has not been to show that haitians are better than african-americans.
our statistics in academia are not that great either for less than 50% of our students succeed in obtaining the baccalaureat diploma despite the fact that one only needs 50% of the total score to pass. however, haitians that fail academically have plenty of excuses if not reasons. why? because we are not properly equipped, and often have no books to learn from. the academic underachievement of haitians may plausibly be blamed on a broken educational system stuck in the past, but not that of the african-americans. i guarantee you that if haitians had had 50% of the educational resources currently available to african-americans, we would have already sent native astronauts to the moon.
what I have intended to show is that Haitian students perhaps value education more than African-Americans, not that we haitians are inherently better.

sans malice, the dropout rates that you have mentioned has nothing to do with a supposed lack of educational materials. it is a trend encouraged by anti-intellectualism within the urban black subculture.
for example, a havard economist who is black has just published the results of a sociological study that demonstrates that smart black students lose popularity within their black schools whereas smart white students' popularity increase as their grades improve.
do not forget the importance of cultural elements.
for example, while many indians are dying of hunger, free-roaming cows are all over town. cows are a great source of proteins, yet the hindus would not touch because cows are religiously regarded as sacred.

sans malice, in America, both the traditional left and the traditional right are unreasonable. one falsely claim that nothing bad happened to blacks in this country whereas the other claims that everything remains bad for blacks.
I refuse to perceive the state of blacks in these extreme lenses. I personally beleive that in America racism can affect about 5% of my potential rate of achievements in this world; but the good news is that if i even achieve 60% of my potentiality, i will be better off than about 80% of whites world-wide. why is that? because I live in America period.


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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  OBSERVER KEEN Lun 28 Mai 2007 - 22:36

i also have to admit that when a people have been deprived for so long that they become oblivious to newly open opportunities. perhaps, that is the case with some black americans. just as a man who has been bitten by snakes so many times will take any silly twidy branch as a coiling snake.
sans malice, i was not boasting of the greatness of my former high school. it was a relatively bad high school; but its bad reputation has had nothing to do with lack of educational resources. on the contrary, my library was always nearly empty most of the times. all my books were given to me free of charge; my teachers have offices where i can go to discuss the lessons of the day.
with these kinds of resources, black students should be able to do basic algebra, and know sufficient american history.
I am not blaming the victims. you want to see victims, go to dafur, go to cite soleil.
these are real victims whose life-conditions are pre-determined. it is an insult to call people who have libraries in their district, who have free museums a couple miles away, people who can take their kids to the zoo free of charge if they prove that they are low-income families.
come on joel, what victims are talking about?
the poorest in this country can have access to private tutoring, do you know that? the tutors would not go to their house, their kids can get one-on-one tutoring in state-run facilities.

Dernière édition par le Lun 28 Mai 2007 - 22:50, édité 1 fois


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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  OBSERVER KEEN Lun 28 Mai 2007 - 22:47

joel, what victims are you talking about?
the same people that have free libraries two blocks away from their home? the same people that have zoos in their district? the same people who do not have to buy books for their kids because the school provide free of charge? the same people that have free bus rides for their kids? the same people that would buy expensive sneakers for their kids, but no baby einsteins videos for their toddlers?
if you want to see victims, go to the small villages of congo, and the poor people of Dafur.
sans malice, i was not boasting of the greatness of my former high school. on the contrary, my school had had a bad reputation, but not as a result of a lack of educational resources. my school was so full of stuff that my teachers would give me educational stuff from molecular models to electronic devices.
my arguments were intended to show that even if blacks havew much less than whites, they have more than enough for a solid education.
yes, there is disparity, but disparity cannot explain the high level of ignorance among young blacks in America.


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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  OBSERVER KEEN Lun 28 Mai 2007 - 23:01

we need to take care of our kids, and everything else is gravy.
we need to make sure that our kids have a book in their hands some time in the day. that is our responsibility!!!!
we have more power over our kids than the media.
we blame the media because it is an easy way out.
we blame some black guy who is earning his living on tv, some rap dancers for the failure of our kids.
it is bullshit!!!!
i love vampire-themed movies, but that does not make me go out and suck people's blood.
sans malice, 70% of rap music are bought by college-bound white surbanite teenagers; yet, that does not prevent them from learning their algebra or taking AP classes.
it is not the music, it is not the media.
these guys are plain scapegoats!!!!!!!
the real culprits are negligent parents, parents with the wrong priorities.


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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Mar 29 Mai 2007 - 7:50

Again you misinterpret our remarks.Joel and I are not saying that blacks can not achieve because of a lack of educational materiel in their schools.Yes we are aware of all the opportunities that you mentionned,but when you live in a society that puts you down because of the color of your skin;when you're living in an environment where the most respected people are durgs dealers and pimps; it is very unrealistic to think that all black kids should be like Dr Benjamin Gordon.

Granted that our broken families where single parents have to work two jobs in order to make ends meet contribute to this neglect of our children,and Bill Cosby's remarks are appropriate to incite shame in our behaviors. But in order to break the vicious circle of ignorance and proverty in our community,we,as a people ,have to do more for our less fortunate brothers and sisters whether in haiti ,in the Sates or in Dafur.Materiel things do not educate children:teachers, parents educate .

I did not like school during the early years of my life ;it was extremely difficult for me to concentrate ,not only because of the language used ,but also because of the attitude of the french brothers who could not understand my problems of hunger ,sleep deprivation etc.I repeat one grade,fifth grade;the second year in fifth grade I had a haitian teacher;his name was Desir Gilles.It was he ,who took the time to explain the simple arithmetic problems to me in creole.He showed me love and compassion, and from then on I started to appreciate education.It takes more than materiel things to educate,motivate a child.
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  OBSERVER KEEN Mar 29 Mai 2007 - 22:36

in haiti, the so-called "neg an deyo" tend to be the laughing stock of some schools and sections of the capital. So-called "neg lavil" would call them "gwo soulye", yet that does not prevent these insulted brothers and sisters from achieving both economically and academically.
there are many excuses for failurein America, but the truth remains that anyone with a moderate will can change his or her life around with sufficient time.
have you ever studied the culture of poor urban blacks?
in that subculture, no matter how dispeakable a crime a man commits, he can count on, most of the times, on his human environment not to turn him in.
you know how they call this philosophy--- they call it " don't snitch, no matter what".
I was fired in a job in the ghetto because I cared too much!!!
one parent told me that "his kid is no a white boy", don't treat him as one.
my only sin was to refer to him as Mr.
it is not the blacks, it is just the subcultute of many low-income black individuals in America.


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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  Thunder Mer 30 Mai 2007 - 0:39

Mwen felisite nou tout ki patisipe nan ti deba sa-a, menm lè Joel te bezwen jije mwen olye pou'l jije tèks-lan. (Mwen t'ap pale avè'l wi men mwen pa vle gade ti sijè sa-a tou)

Men sèl bagay m'ap repwoche nou, yon diskisyon konsa, te dwe fèt an kreyòl oubyen franse. se pa lè n'ap fè polemik sèlman pou nou pale kreyòl. Tout ayisyen la-a konprann kreyòl, men se pa yo tout ki konprann angle, donk nou ekskli yo. Menm lè ke sijè an angle.

Observer Keen,

Mwen pratikman dakò ak lojik wou yo, esksepte nan kèk ti pwen :

it is not the music, it is not the media.

Kisa wou fè ak sa yo rele "enfliyans"-lan ? Timoun se "ti makak", sa yo wè se sa yo fè. To enfliyans lan gen dwa pli ba pami blan k'ap achte mizik "rap". Paske yon moun genyen tandans pou'l kopye sou moun li "konsidere ki se sanblab li" pi vit ke l'ap kopye sou yon lòt. Ekzanp : Ti blan-an genyen 80% chans pou li adikte ak "meth" tan pou li adikte ak "crack-cocaine". L'ap genyen plis chans pou'l nan yon gang motosiklèt tan pou li ta nan gang yo rele "Blood" lan.

Mwen pap di ke kòz to elve mank edikasyon pami ameriken nwa se medya yo, men sa genyen yon pati li jwe ladan'l. Paske ti moun yo fè plis tan ap gade kisa rapè "50 cent" elatriye... ap fè ke yo gade kisa ke paran yo ap fè pou yon peryòd 24 trè. Se konkirans moun ki genyen plis lajan dwòg, moun ki touye plis moun pou gang nan, moun ki pa janm "snitch"... y'ap gade tout jounen. Konbyen ameriken nwa ke wou wè ki popilè nan kominote black-la gras ak kapasite entèlektyèl li ? genyen wi, men li pa konparab ak sa ki popilè nan di betiz, denigre fanm, flashe lajan sal elatrtiye...
Super Star
Super Star

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Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006

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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  OBSERVER KEEN Mer 30 Mai 2007 - 11:55

mwen rekonet infliyans media ak zanmi, men yonn nan bagay ke moun gen tandans se panse ke bagay sa yo gen plis infliyans ke inite familyal la ki se pa vre


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Date d'inscription : 29/08/2006

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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Mer 30 Mai 2007 - 17:59


observation saa pa base sou oken anket serye non ; paske ti moun isit pase plis tan devan televisyon ak sou teren spor yo ke yo pase ap pale ak paran yo.Pafwa yon sel paran lè li rantre lakay se fè yon ti manje epi apre sa se monte kabann ,moun yo pa genyen tan pou yo pale ak ti moun yo.Pa genyen kominikatyon vre ant paran ak ti moun zanmi plis ak televisyon ki enfliyanse ti moun lan.

Se pa etonnan pou ap travay nan yon katye epi wap gade jenn ti moun ki ap jwe byen ta sou teren spor nan pwojek yo. pafwa wap mande eske yo genyen paran.Mwen ak w pa genyen menm perseptyon de lekol ,map di ke si yon ti moun pa byen dwe epi li pa genyen yon paran tankou manman Dr Benjamin Gordon li genyen anpil chans poul yon dropout anvan li fini High School.e menm lè li fini High School li pa genyen anpil konesans vre a mwen ke se yonn nan ti moun ki byen dwe yo ki te ale nan lekol tankou Bronx High School of Science, Cardozo high school etc.
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
Super Star
Super Star

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Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  OBSERVER KEEN Jeu 31 Mai 2007 - 0:31

se paren moun pa konn ki jan pou yo parente.
gen moun ki panse se bay baton, gen lot ki panse se lese lot la fe sa li vle.
ou konnen gen moun an ayiti, ki kwe depi timoun lan te fet pou'l bon, lap bon, depi'l pat fet pou bon, pa gen aryen kap fe li bon.
ou we moun ka leve timoun ak jan de filozofi sa yo?
moun ki kwe nan filozofi deterministik pa jame fe efo pou aryen paske tout bagay te gentan detemine, pou yo preparasyon se radot, pale ak timoun se radot.
timoun yo gen paren, paren yo pake pou yo, paren pa gen priyorite pou yo.
banm ba ou yon ekzanp, yon paren pran yon timoun li menmen li nan zoo, li pa vle timoun avantire, li pa vle timoun poze keksyon, li pabay ti moun tan pou li aryen.
pou paren, ale nan zou an se yon hangout ke li ye.
sans, se yon sosyolog amate ke mwen ye.
eksperyans se ale nan yon paket pwoje nan new york pou obseve jan moun panse ak aji, ale nan libreri pou we ki jan diferan group timoun aji selon kondisyon sosyo-ekonomik yo pou we jan yo aji.
sans malice, nan amerika, nan group nwa pov yo( pa klas moyen lan ni gwo klas nwa yo), moun sa yo anti-intelektyel.
se bon bagay map ba wi fre mwen!!!
se konseye mwen teye pou timoun ki soukont leta ak yon epok.
mwen te nan tou tribinal fre mwen, mwen konn sa map di ya byen fre mwen!!!!


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Localisation : USA
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2006

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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Jeu 31 Mai 2007 - 17:40

Gade yon bagay aprèmidi ya map gade show Oprah Winfrey epi se de bagay sa yo tap pale:neglijans paran ak kominote nwa anver jeness la ;sa ke nou ka fè pou nou ede jenn ti moun nan kominote kote nap viv.Yon nan moun kite nan panel nan show se madanm ki met Essence magazine la ki yon magazine ki trè popilè ;li di yo beswen 1 milyon volontè ki pou ede ti moun tout kote o Zeta Zuni kote nap viv la; men sa pou nou fè si nou vle anregsitre non nou kom volontè ale sou adress elektronik saa ou byen rele 914-390-2327 se pa yon apel gratis men mwen kwè li vo la penn pou nou menm ayisyen ki konnen valè edikatyon pou nou ede frè ak sè nou yo nan kominote ke nap viv ,Mwen ak zanmi ki ap viv ak mwen yan nou pral travay kom volontè menm si se 2 zè de tan nou bay yon ti moun chak aprè midi.

mwen kwè se yon devwa ke ayisyen kreye yon pwogram konsa an ayiti tou.tankou Oprah di nan show a pafwa se yon sel bon ekzanp ke yon ti moun bezwen nan vi li pou l chanje atitid li .An nou mete la men a la pat pou nou eradike analfabetism tout kote ke nap viv.Mwen pral fè sa jis bon dye a rele di sa pap regle anyen; se pa vre.Nou ka sove jenn ti fi ak jenn ti gason ki pa genyen paran ki genyen tan pou chita pale ak yo.tankou tit forum saa rele nou pa ka rete ap blame lot moun tou tan ,nou pa ti moun ki sa nap fè pou nou retire tet nou nan malsite ya?Mwen kwè yonn nan kle delivrans nou se edikatyon.
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 11114
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Loisirs : Lecture et Internet
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

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Can't Blame White People. Empty Re: Can't Blame White People.

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