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The Day John McCain Won The Election !

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The Day John McCain Won The Election ! Empty The Day John McCain Won The Election !

Message  Jude Sam 30 Aoû 2008 - 8:19

Novermber 4th is still along time down the road, but if John McCain is measuring for drapes in the Oval Office at that time we will all be able to look at his pick of Sarah Palin as the day he sealed the deal.

For months hard-core conservitives have talked with me on the radio or via email and they have been conflicted. McCain is sometimes with us, but other times against us. At points it seems as though he is intenionally spitting in our collective eye. We certainly don't want Obama, but is McCain all that much better? While Obama has been able to harnass energy among his core and even some from new voters, the McCain campaign was looking as sleepy as Bob Dole's. People actively engaged in GOP politics just weren't feeling it. Then Sarah Palin walked on stage with McCain in Dayton.

Immediately my email box was jammed and my cell phone started ringing. Conservatives were cheering. Some had tears in their eyes just hours after mocking the Obama loyalists for doing the same thing. With the pick of Sarah Palin, John McCain has energized his base in a way that he could not have done with any other candidate. Romney? Pawlenty? Huckabee? Meg Whitman? Only Palin with her history and life experience could have generated this much excitement from the conservative base.

It's as though Karl Rove sat down with pen and paper and sketched out the perfect conservative nominee....

* A hunter with a lifetime membership in the NRA.
* Regularly attends church.
* Fought corruption even within her own party.
* Knew her son would have Down Syndrome and still chose life.
* Has a son who is headed to Iraq, but still supports the war.
* Has more executive experience than Obama and Biden combined.
* Sold the governor's state plane because it's a waste of tax dollars.
* Her husband is a union laborer.
* Wants to drill in ANWR.
* Oh yeah, she's a woman!

The more I think about her pick the more I realize she may have been the only person in the whole country who could give John McCain a solid chance to win.

John and Cisco
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 1864
Localisation : Frans
Loisirs : Financial Exchanges - Geopolitic
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Le progressiste !

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The Day John McCain Won The Election ! Empty Re: The Day John McCain Won The Election !

Message  Jude Sam 30 Aoû 2008 - 8:31

What Sarah Brings
Posted by: Michael Medved at 9:11 PM

The selection of Sarah Palin as the Vice Presidential nominee does a number of things for the McCain campaign, all of them good --

1. It begins to close the energy gap. The biggest problem for the GOP this year is that Obama devotees were vastly more energized than McCain supporters. Even though polling looked close, the other side was more excited about their candidate. The Palin pick will help Republicans to catch up, exciting the party’s base – particularly religious conservatives.
2. It underscores the best issues for McCain – drilling for oil and cutting government waste. Palin’s obviously an expert on energy production (taxpayers in her state get yearly government checks because of it) at the same time she’s won credibility taking on big oil companies. She’s also been tight-fisted (and veto prepared) when it comes to cutting spending.
3. She emphasizes McCain’s credibility as a reformer. She’s clearly identified with the reform wing of the notoriously corrupt Alaska Republican Party. McCain owned the title “reformer” in 2000 – with his talk of cleaning up lobbyist influence and special interests in Washington. No he should recapture the designation and make the most powerful and important point of this election cycle: you can’t clean up government by expanding it. The only way to fight government corruption is to shrink government, not grow it. McCain and Palina re the right team to go to Washington to drain the swamp and give back the people’s money – not to expand the bureaucracy with dozens of ambitious new federal programs.
4. Palin allows Republicans to compete on the novelty front. One of Barack’s biggest advantages has been the widespread sense of wonderment he inspires: “I can’t believe we can really elect a black guy on a national ticket!” Now McCainiacs can claim a miracle of our own, as we pinch our delirious selves: “I can’t believe we can really elect a woman on a national ticket – and a conservative woman at that!”
5. The choice should help to reassure grumblers on the right who have insisted that McCain isn’t a “real conservative.” For these folks, the Arizona Senator’s lifetime rating of 82.3% from the American Conservative Union was never enough (Obama’s number is 8%, and Biden’s is 13%). Along with his pro-life, pro-gun, never-supported-a-tax increase voting record, McCain now shows that in the most important decision of his political career he reaches to the right, not to the center. Sure, he offered praise for his friends Lieberman and Ridge (talk is free, after all) but when it counted to define his legacy, to launch his administration, he selected one of the nation’s most conservative governors – and a stalwart leader on the human life issue. More than anything else, this shows McCain’s true political identity, and should reinforce his promise to appoint Justices like Alito and Roberts, Scalia and Thomas.
6. Yes, this undermines McCain’s future use of the experience issue, but that’s almost certainly a good thing, too. The experience issue has never worked well in presidential elections: Gerald Ford tried it against a one-term Governor of Georgia (the worthless Jimmy Carter) and lost; Carter tried it against Reagan (no foreign policy experience as Governor of California!) and got wiped out; George H.W. Bush tried to make it stick against Bill Clinton and the result was the lowest percentage of the vote for a Republican candidate since Wiliam Howard Taft. The line McCain’s been using “He’s Not Ready to Lead” is still viable – and should emphasize a discussion of Obama’s policies, not his job history—his radicalism, not his resume. Meanwhile, we should invite comparisons of Governor Palin’s experience with Obama’s: won’t the PTA connect more with middle class voters than “community organizer,” and property tax-cutting small town mayor count more than slippery State Senator who voted “present” a disquieting proportion of the time. In any event, both tickets now balance experience with youthful energy – but McCain is balancing it the right way, with the experience at the top.
7. The televised Vice Presidential Debate in October suddenly becomes an important media event, and offers more risks for Joe Biden than Sarah Palin. If the GOP had nominated a “boring old white guy” (Romney, Lieberman, Ridge, or even Pawlenty—who’s not old) few viewers would have tuned in. The novelty of a young, attractive female taking on grizzled Joe Biden will give this debate special juice. The expectations for Palin are so low she should have no difficulty (if well prepared) in exceeding them. Moreover, Biden can’t fire back contemptuously the way Lloyd Bentsen did against Dan Quayle because Palin is a sympathetic female. Republican Rick Lazio lost the Senatorial election against Hillary when he tried to be too tough and confrontational in the debate. Palin, on the other hand, can surprise the world by being as aggressive as possible against Biden --- after all, her nickname on her state championship high school basketball team (she was point guard) was “Sarah Barracuda.”

On Sunday, along with the rest of the Republican world, I get on a plane to travel to St. Paul. Suddenly, my attitude toward the journey has become more than dutiful --- like so many others, I feel vastly more eager, pumped, energized, optimistic about the Republican Convention. In an election that’s all about energy shortages and potential energy shortages, the Governor of Alaska has given the best possible birthday gift to John McCain.
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 1864
Localisation : Frans
Loisirs : Financial Exchanges - Geopolitic
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Le progressiste !

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The Day John McCain Won The Election ! Empty Re: The Day John McCain Won The Election !

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Sam 30 Aoû 2008 - 8:36

Tell us about these accomplishments that transform our lives por favor.What have she and john mac cain done on the national level that makes you so sure that the deal is sealed?
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Loisirs : Lecture et Internet
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

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The Day John McCain Won The Election ! Empty Re: The Day John McCain Won The Election !

Message  Jude Sam 30 Aoû 2008 - 8:41

2. It underscores the best issues for McCain – drilling for oil and cutting government waste. Palin’s obviously an expert on energy production (taxpayers in her state get yearly government checks because of it) at the same time she’s won credibility taking on big oil companies. She’s also been tight-fisted (and veto prepared) when it comes to cutting spending.

3. She emphasizes McCain’s credibility as a reformer. She’s clearly identified with the reform wing of the notoriously corrupt Alaska Republican Party. McCain owned the title “reformer” in 2000 – with his talk of cleaning up lobbyist influence and special interests in Washington.

Un : elle gère correctement le budget de l'état.
Deux : elle est contre la corruption que ça soit dans son parti ou chez les démocrates et elle a même revendu le jet privé acheté par un voleur républicain.

Ce ne sont que deux exemples de base qui montrent que elle agit, qu'elle change la manière de faire la politique et qu'elle nettoie les écuries d'Augias.
Pendant ce temps, Biden passe 35 ans à Washington enfermé dans une petite pièce et Obama s'amuse à faire des discours.

Je croyais que vous étiez contre la corruption et contre les dépenses inconsidérées de Bush et de l'état américain mais peut-être que je me suis trompé à votre sujet Sad
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 1864
Localisation : Frans
Loisirs : Financial Exchanges - Geopolitic
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Le progressiste !

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The Day John McCain Won The Election ! Empty Re: The Day John McCain Won The Election !

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Sam 30 Aoû 2008 - 8:47

That's all?What about Barack who was helping the poor people in the South Side of Chicago instead of taking a job in a big law firm in new york or boston?Helping them obtain health care, housing ,education.That is nothing?Joe biden has beeen reelected at least 5 times by the people of Delaware.He knows the role of the Vice president.He fought for the veterans to have good benefits after they served their country.Because a person manages a grocery store doesn't necessarily mean she can manage Home depot or general motors.(lol)
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 11114
Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Lecture et Internet
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

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Jeu de rôle: Stock market

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The Day John McCain Won The Election ! Empty Re: The Day John McCain Won The Election !

Message  Jude Sam 30 Aoû 2008 - 8:50

Because a person manages a grocery store doesn't necessarily mean she can manage Home depot or general motors.
Bizarrement quand Préval devient président juste après avoir simplement géré une petite boulangerie (et après avoir fait faillite) ce n'est plus un problème...
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 1864
Localisation : Frans
Loisirs : Financial Exchanges - Geopolitic
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Le progressiste !

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The Day John McCain Won The Election ! Empty Re: The Day John McCain Won The Election !

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Sam 30 Aoû 2008 - 9:05

Je n'ai jamais approuvé la candidature de Rene ne dis pas que Mme Palin n'ait pas les qualites requises pour etre Vice President;j'ai simplement souligne l'hypocrisie de Mac cain qui condamne Barack pour manque d'experience et choisit son Vice president avec moins d'experience au niveau federal.Elle declare ne pas savoir le role du Vice president.Notre choix ne doit pas etre basé simplement sur les personalites ,mais plutot sur les programmes des deux partis.Si pour vous l'addministration republiciane a apporte des ameliorations dans la vie d'un plus grand nombre d'americains qu'avant l'avenement de georges bush a la presidence;allez-, votez pour Mac cain et Palin.

mais si ceux qui ont des yeux pour voir constatent la deterioration de l'environnement. les deficits commerciaux et budgetaires. le cout d'une guerrre inutile,illegale et deterioration des droits constitutionels du citoyen. la reprise de la guerre froide apres tant de sacirfices consentis et bien mon cher jude vous ne pouvez pas nous en vouloir d'apprecier la dialectique et le bon sens du Senateur Obama.
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Nombre de messages : 11114
Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Lecture et Internet
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

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The Day John McCain Won The Election ! Empty Re: The Day John McCain Won The Election !

Message  Jude Sam 30 Aoû 2008 - 9:11

"Dialectique" is not enough. I need act, proofs. l'élection américaine is not a gamble et on ne peut pas tout miser sur un candidat qui n'a fait que parler. C'est plus sérieux d'investir sur quelqu'un qui a montré qu'il pouvait s'attaquer à l'establishment et gagner.
Comme vous le dites si bien, les républicains pourris et corrompus ont mis un énorme désordre aux Etats-Unis, mais il y a justement une républicaine qui nous a montré qu'elle avait les couilles to take these guys on and WIN !

Vous avez le choix entre un blablabla politique traditionnel et entre quelqu'un qui mène des réformes, vire le mauvais sang, la corruption, équilibre les budgets, élimine les dépenses inutiles et qui en plus est une superbe femme.

Elle va permettre à McCain de gagner simplement parce qu'elle est capable de créer une connection émotionelle avec les gens mais il faut se rendre compte qu'elle a du fond et une énorme crédibilité.
Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 1864
Localisation : Frans
Loisirs : Financial Exchanges - Geopolitic
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Le progressiste !

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The Day John McCain Won The Election ! Empty Re: The Day John McCain Won The Election !

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