Haiti Can Help You: Today more than yesterday! A Public Lecture @ U. of Ottawa
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Haiti Can Help You: Today more than yesterday! A Public Lecture @ U. of Ottawa
Seek: Revolution-Evolution-Humanization, Truth-Justice-Freedom
Learn from: Dessalines-Obama & Your inner self
Question: Tarzan-Bono-CIDA, Thanks-for-AIDS and Tanks-for-Aid
Dare: Think “out of the box”, shift-paradigm and envision-REPAiRAcTION !
Dear friend:
I invite you to spend a truly special moment with me at the University of Ottawa, on Thursday November 2008, starting at 7 p.m.
It is not a birthday celebration but, I promise, it shall be joyful.
It is not a religious event yet, I promise, it will surely uplift your spirit
It is a public lecture with research-based powerpoint slides and documentary yet, I promise, you will not fall asleep.
It shall be participatory yet, I promise, you will be made to feel completely at ease.
This event will take you years back into a troubled past that we must face but cannot change. Yet, I promise, from a courageous overstanding and overcoming of that painful past, we shall travel in Konbit (together) into a new path that is of our own making and which leads to a lovely and shinny day.
I will be speaking about my native Ayiti (Haiti), a third of a small island in the Sea of the Caribs of yesteryears, where riches abound in the midst of gut-wrenching and absolutely unnecessary poverty. We will be exploring together how, with the use of new tools available to humanity, you and I have a realistic opportunity to tap into those accessible riches and make a huge positive difference in the lives of millions.
Nope! I am not inviting you to drink no Kool Aid. It’s called AKASAN and its not for sale. It is a free gift from Ayiti to you and I.
Come (with an open mind) to see and hear how you can help Ayiti help you in a huge and wonderful way.
As we say back home: m ap tann ou tankou tè sèk k ap tann lapli (I await your presence as the dry land awaits the rain)
«Depi nan Ginen bon nèg ap ede nèg!»
Seek: Revolution-Evolution-Humanization, Truth-Justice-Freedom
Learn from: Dessalines-Obama &Your inner self
Question: Tarzan-Bono-CIDA, Thanks-for-AIDS and Tanks-for-Aid
Dare: Think “out of the box”, shift-paradigm and envision-REPAiRAcTION !
From: ascorcan@gmail.com
Subject: Nov.27: Documentary and Discussion on Haiti/ Documentaire et discussion sur Haïti
Para su información sobre una actividad que nuestra asociación esta apoyando:
Information on an activity that our association is supporting:
Information sur une activité que notre association appuie:
The School of Political Studies, Ottawa-Haiti Solidarity and Territorio Libre
with the support of the Salvadorian Canadian Association of Ottawa
Documentary and Discussion Panel on Haiti
Thursday, November 27, 2008, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Room 135, Fauteux Hall - 57 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa
Invited speakers: Jean Saint-Vil, an Ottawa-Gatineau based Haitian activist
This public lecture will be presented in English and French. A documentary film produced by Jean Saint-Vil (30 min) will be presented to facilitate the discussion.
While the resistance started before the French Revolution, shortly after 1789 Haiti became the world's first nation to effectively abolish slavery and the first truly independent territory of the Americas. None of the imperial powers of the time recognized the new nation founded by former slaves. The attempts made by Napoleon to reconquer the rebel island failed. It seems as if the affront has never been forgiven.
Forced to pay a hefty compensation for daring freedom, Haiti was isolated from its birth by all world powers. Despite the imposed isolation, Haiti embraced and directly supported Simon Bolivar, the future liberator of a vast part of Latin America, and inspired other nations to attain freedom. However, in 1915 the United States managed to invade a weakened Haiti and imposed and supported dictators friendly to its interests. The streak ended in 1990 with the free election of Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a former priest opposed by all major world powers, but supported by many Haitians. Since then, Aristide has been deposed twice from power.
What is happening in the birthplace of freedom? Is Haiti a nation under siege? If so, is there a way out? Is Canada part of the problem or part of the solution in Haiti? What can be done to improve living conditions and democracy in Haiti? This panel invites you to debate these and other important related topics.
For further information on this upcoming session, please contact massicot@uottawa.ca.
This public lecture is free and open to the public.
Parking is available on campus.
Phone 613-562-5754
Fax 613-562-5371 www.sciencessociales.uOttawa.ca/pol
L'École d'études politiques, Solidarité Ottawa-Haiti, et Territorio Libre
avec l'appui de
l'Association salvadorienne canadienne d'Ottawa
Documentaire et discussion sur Haïti
Le jeudi 27 novembre 2008, 19 h - 22 h
Salle 135, Fauteux - 57, Louis Pasteur, Ottawa
Conférenciers invités: Jean Saint-Vil, activiste haïtien basé à Ottawa-Gatineau
Cette conférence aura lieu en français et en anglais. Un documentaire de Jean Saint-Vil (30 min.) sera présenté afin de faciliter la discus sion.
Alors que la résistance s'organisait avant même la révolution française, peu après 1789, Haïti est devenue la première nation du monde à abolir l'esclavage et le premier territoire véritablement indépendant des Amériques. Aucune des puissances impériales de l'époque n'a reconnu la nouvelle nation fondée par d'anciens esclaves. Les tentatives faites par Napoléon pour reconquérir l'île rebelle ont échoué. Il semble que cet affront n'a jamais été pardonné.
Forcé à payer une lourde compensation pour son audacieuse liberté, Haïti a été isolée dès sa naissance par l'ensemble des puissances mondiales. Malgré l'isolement imposé, Haïti a embrassé et a soutenu Simon Bolivar, le futur libérateur d'une vaste région de l'Amérique latine, et a inspiré d'autres nations pour attein dre leur liberté. Cependant, en 1915 les États-Unis sont parvenus à envahir une Haïti affaiblie. Ils ont alors imposé et soutenu des dictateurs près de leurs pro pres intérêts. Cet épisode s'est clôturé en 1990 avec l'élection libre de Jean-Bertrand Aristide, un ancien prêtre que rejetaient toutes les grandes puissances mondiales, mais que beaucoup d'Haïtiens appuyaient. Depuis lors, Aristide a été deux fois exclu du pouvoir.
Que se passe-t-il dans ce berceau de la liberté? Haïti est-elle une nation assiégée? Si tel est le cas, y a-t-il une sortie possible? Le Canada fait-il partie du pro blème ou de la solution en Haïti? Qu'est-ce qui peut être fait afin d'améliorer les conditions de vie et la démocratie en Haïti? Ce panel vous invite à explorer et débattre autour de ces questions importantes.
Pour de plus amples renseignements sur cette conférence, veuillez contacter massicot@uottawa.ca.
Cette conférence est gratuite et ouverte au public.
Stationnement disponible sur le campus.
Phone 613-562-5754
Fax 613-562-5371 www.sciencessociales.uOttawa.ca/pol
Learn from: Dessalines-Obama & Your inner self
Question: Tarzan-Bono-CIDA, Thanks-for-AIDS and Tanks-for-Aid
Dare: Think “out of the box”, shift-paradigm and envision-REPAiRAcTION !
Dear friend:
I invite you to spend a truly special moment with me at the University of Ottawa, on Thursday November 2008, starting at 7 p.m.
It is not a birthday celebration but, I promise, it shall be joyful.
It is not a religious event yet, I promise, it will surely uplift your spirit
It is a public lecture with research-based powerpoint slides and documentary yet, I promise, you will not fall asleep.
It shall be participatory yet, I promise, you will be made to feel completely at ease.
This event will take you years back into a troubled past that we must face but cannot change. Yet, I promise, from a courageous overstanding and overcoming of that painful past, we shall travel in Konbit (together) into a new path that is of our own making and which leads to a lovely and shinny day.
I will be speaking about my native Ayiti (Haiti), a third of a small island in the Sea of the Caribs of yesteryears, where riches abound in the midst of gut-wrenching and absolutely unnecessary poverty. We will be exploring together how, with the use of new tools available to humanity, you and I have a realistic opportunity to tap into those accessible riches and make a huge positive difference in the lives of millions.
Nope! I am not inviting you to drink no Kool Aid. It’s called AKASAN and its not for sale. It is a free gift from Ayiti to you and I.
Come (with an open mind) to see and hear how you can help Ayiti help you in a huge and wonderful way.
As we say back home: m ap tann ou tankou tè sèk k ap tann lapli (I await your presence as the dry land awaits the rain)
«Depi nan Ginen bon nèg ap ede nèg!»
Seek: Revolution-Evolution-Humanization, Truth-Justice-Freedom
Learn from: Dessalines-Obama &Your inner self
Question: Tarzan-Bono-CIDA, Thanks-for-AIDS and Tanks-for-Aid
Dare: Think “out of the box”, shift-paradigm and envision-REPAiRAcTION !
From: ascorcan@gmail.com
Subject: Nov.27: Documentary and Discussion on Haiti/ Documentaire et discussion sur Haïti
Para su información sobre una actividad que nuestra asociación esta apoyando:
Information on an activity that our association is supporting:
Information sur une activité que notre association appuie:
The School of Political Studies, Ottawa-Haiti Solidarity and Territorio Libre
with the support of the Salvadorian Canadian Association of Ottawa
Documentary and Discussion Panel on Haiti
Thursday, November 27, 2008, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Room 135, Fauteux Hall - 57 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa
Invited speakers: Jean Saint-Vil, an Ottawa-Gatineau based Haitian activist
This public lecture will be presented in English and French. A documentary film produced by Jean Saint-Vil (30 min) will be presented to facilitate the discussion.
While the resistance started before the French Revolution, shortly after 1789 Haiti became the world's first nation to effectively abolish slavery and the first truly independent territory of the Americas. None of the imperial powers of the time recognized the new nation founded by former slaves. The attempts made by Napoleon to reconquer the rebel island failed. It seems as if the affront has never been forgiven.
Forced to pay a hefty compensation for daring freedom, Haiti was isolated from its birth by all world powers. Despite the imposed isolation, Haiti embraced and directly supported Simon Bolivar, the future liberator of a vast part of Latin America, and inspired other nations to attain freedom. However, in 1915 the United States managed to invade a weakened Haiti and imposed and supported dictators friendly to its interests. The streak ended in 1990 with the free election of Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a former priest opposed by all major world powers, but supported by many Haitians. Since then, Aristide has been deposed twice from power.
What is happening in the birthplace of freedom? Is Haiti a nation under siege? If so, is there a way out? Is Canada part of the problem or part of the solution in Haiti? What can be done to improve living conditions and democracy in Haiti? This panel invites you to debate these and other important related topics.
For further information on this upcoming session, please contact massicot@uottawa.ca.
This public lecture is free and open to the public.
Parking is available on campus.
Phone 613-562-5754
Fax 613-562-5371 www.sciencessociales.uOttawa.ca/pol
L'École d'études politiques, Solidarité Ottawa-Haiti, et Territorio Libre
avec l'appui de
l'Association salvadorienne canadienne d'Ottawa
Documentaire et discussion sur Haïti
Le jeudi 27 novembre 2008, 19 h - 22 h
Salle 135, Fauteux - 57, Louis Pasteur, Ottawa
Conférenciers invités: Jean Saint-Vil, activiste haïtien basé à Ottawa-Gatineau
Cette conférence aura lieu en français et en anglais. Un documentaire de Jean Saint-Vil (30 min.) sera présenté afin de faciliter la discus sion.
Alors que la résistance s'organisait avant même la révolution française, peu après 1789, Haïti est devenue la première nation du monde à abolir l'esclavage et le premier territoire véritablement indépendant des Amériques. Aucune des puissances impériales de l'époque n'a reconnu la nouvelle nation fondée par d'anciens esclaves. Les tentatives faites par Napoléon pour reconquérir l'île rebelle ont échoué. Il semble que cet affront n'a jamais été pardonné.
Forcé à payer une lourde compensation pour son audacieuse liberté, Haïti a été isolée dès sa naissance par l'ensemble des puissances mondiales. Malgré l'isolement imposé, Haïti a embrassé et a soutenu Simon Bolivar, le futur libérateur d'une vaste région de l'Amérique latine, et a inspiré d'autres nations pour attein dre leur liberté. Cependant, en 1915 les États-Unis sont parvenus à envahir une Haïti affaiblie. Ils ont alors imposé et soutenu des dictateurs près de leurs pro pres intérêts. Cet épisode s'est clôturé en 1990 avec l'élection libre de Jean-Bertrand Aristide, un ancien prêtre que rejetaient toutes les grandes puissances mondiales, mais que beaucoup d'Haïtiens appuyaient. Depuis lors, Aristide a été deux fois exclu du pouvoir.
Que se passe-t-il dans ce berceau de la liberté? Haïti est-elle une nation assiégée? Si tel est le cas, y a-t-il une sortie possible? Le Canada fait-il partie du pro blème ou de la solution en Haïti? Qu'est-ce qui peut être fait afin d'améliorer les conditions de vie et la démocratie en Haïti? Ce panel vous invite à explorer et débattre autour de ces questions importantes.
Pour de plus amples renseignements sur cette conférence, veuillez contacter massicot@uottawa.ca.
Cette conférence est gratuite et ouverte au public.
Stationnement disponible sur le campus.
Phone 613-562-5754
Fax 613-562-5371 www.sciencessociales.uOttawa.ca/pol
jafrikayiti- Super Star
Nombre de messages : 2236
Localisation : Ottawa
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006
Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Bon neg guinen
Re: Haiti Can Help You: Today more than yesterday! A Public Lecture @ U. of Ottawa
Mwen ta renmen asiste, patisipe e vinn pote sipô, ankourajman ak fratenite lan bèl prezantasyon wa p fè ya.
Men distans ak obligasyon pa pèmèt mwen vini an pèsonn.
Sepandan, ma p la kanmenm an espri, pou soutni efo ke w toujou ap fè pou
Ayiti leve tèt li,
drese do l,
leve kanpe,
mete men.
Ou se yon konpatriyot konsekan.
Konnen ke w gen yon frè ki rele Sasaye.
Mwen ta renmen asiste, patisipe e vinn pote sipô, ankourajman ak fratenite lan bèl prezantasyon wa p fè ya.
Men distans ak obligasyon pa pèmèt mwen vini an pèsonn.
Sepandan, ma p la kanmenm an espri, pou soutni efo ke w toujou ap fè pou
Ayiti leve tèt li,
drese do l,
leve kanpe,
mete men.
Ou se yon konpatriyot konsekan.
Konnen ke w gen yon frè ki rele Sasaye.
Sasaye- Super Star
Nombre de messages : 8252
Localisation : Canada
Opinion politique : Indépendance totale
Loisirs : Arts et Musique, Pale Ayisien
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2007
Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Maestro
Re: Haiti Can Help You: Today more than yesterday! A Public Lecture @ U. of Ottawa
se domaj ke fizik mwen pa pemet mwen fè voyaj long sa yo koulyè ya, men mwen menm tou map la an espri ak jaf.Mwen ta swete li fè youn konbit tou nan ete ya o Zeta Zuni paske nan pwen bagay yo rive jodya fok nou mobilize pep la tout bon paske bagay yo pa ka rete menm jan an pou nou ap tande ke grangou kloroks la tounen youn grangou feros epi nou tout kwase bra nou ap tann la mann di syel;sa pa eksiste.li rive you moman pou nou tout leve kanpe pou di :"yes we can".Wi nou kapab chanje kondityon vi nou.
Rodlam Sans Malice- Super Star
Nombre de messages : 11114
Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Lecture et Internet
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006
Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Stock market
Re: Haiti Can Help You: Today more than yesterday! A Public Lecture @ U. of Ottawa
Mèsi kanmarad,
Mwen konnen nou la avèk mwen, e se la mwen jwenn enèji pou mwen kontribye yon ti kal nan travay jenerasyon pa nou an genyen pou li fè - pou onore eritaj zansèt yo.
Prezantansyon Jedi pwochen an se kichoy ki enpotan anpil pou mwen. Konviksyon m sèke nou nan yon kalfou se sa ou se pa sa. Gen anpil posiblite devan nou nan jenerasyon sa a. Depi nou mete enèji, disiplin ak entilijans nan sa n ap fè, sa n ap di - e asire n gen amoni ant sa n ap di, sa n ap fè, epi sa n panse...kanmenm Ayiti ap rekanpe djanm - nan jenerasyon saa!
Jedi 27 novanm 2008 la, ak sekou Granmèt la epi Zansèt yo, mwen pral pale osijè listwa men se pa sa ki finalite a. Nou sètoblije mete reyalite aktyèl la nan bon kontèks istorik li. Men, objektif lan se pa fè yon etènite ap plenyen sa k fè nou mal. Okontrè se gerizon total kapital n ap bouske. Sa mande yon langaj klè, yon langaj ki jis, yon langaj ki pa ankouraje ni lawont, ni kilpabitlite pou granmesi. Okontrè, sa n ap chèche se motive yon latriye moun ki pat menm okouran sa ki te e ki kontinye ap fèt nan non yo, pou yo kapab gen ni motivasyon ni zouti ki nesesè pou yo ede "chavire tab nan tanp lan"...dekwa pou travay gerizon, rekonsilyasyon, konbit tèt ansanm nan kapab vanse tout bon vre.
Videyo m ap prepare a ap chita sou REPARASYON ak RESTITISYON. Mwen rele li REPARAkSYON - Yon mannyè pou di aklè, se pa revanch moun k ap goumen pou lajistis yo ap chèche. Nou kwè, jodi a, fok tout moun wè aklè kisa ki merite REPARE nan lavi desandan Afriken yo te vle fè tounen bèt (esklav) yo. E ki jan, pou nou REPARE dega - nou tout kapab konstate yo, sa pa ka fèt ni ak pale rans tankou Pap Katolik la ki di l ap lapriyè pou viktim siklon yo an Ayiti, ni ak jès "lacharite sinik" tankou gouvènman Franse ki voye 20 mil Euro apre lekol "la promesse" te fin dekonstonbre a. Non! Li lè pou nou kite chimen tenten kote tout ipokrizi sa yo ap fèt nan figi moun serye. Si nou serye, si nou moun tout bon vre, se pou nou pale ak frè ak sè "blan" nou yo pou nou di laverite ki libere. Eksperyans pa m, jiskaprezan, montre m lè ou pale verite aklè konsa ou jwenn kèk moun ki transfome pou lavi. Sa ki pa ka dijere sa yo tande yo, kèk fwa, kite sal la, yo kouri. Mèzalo, se yon reyaksyon ki pa etonan pase sa. Kidonk, n ap kontinye feraye pou AKSYON ki nesesè yo rive poze pou NOU REPARE dega yo tout bon vre.
Mwen p at prevwa ekri tout sa. Nou va eskize longè tèks la. Annatandan, men yon losyè epi yon koneksyon kote nou ka wè yon pati nan vizyon m ap eseye atikile nanprezantasyon sa yo:
VANCOUVER (16 July 2004)
See: Canadian liberal imperialists: organizers of the invasion and occupation of Haiti
CHARLES BOYLAN* interviews Haitian activist JEAN SAINT-VIL
Mwen konnen nou la avèk mwen, e se la mwen jwenn enèji pou mwen kontribye yon ti kal nan travay jenerasyon pa nou an genyen pou li fè - pou onore eritaj zansèt yo.
Prezantansyon Jedi pwochen an se kichoy ki enpotan anpil pou mwen. Konviksyon m sèke nou nan yon kalfou se sa ou se pa sa. Gen anpil posiblite devan nou nan jenerasyon sa a. Depi nou mete enèji, disiplin ak entilijans nan sa n ap fè, sa n ap di - e asire n gen amoni ant sa n ap di, sa n ap fè, epi sa n panse...kanmenm Ayiti ap rekanpe djanm - nan jenerasyon saa!
Jedi 27 novanm 2008 la, ak sekou Granmèt la epi Zansèt yo, mwen pral pale osijè listwa men se pa sa ki finalite a. Nou sètoblije mete reyalite aktyèl la nan bon kontèks istorik li. Men, objektif lan se pa fè yon etènite ap plenyen sa k fè nou mal. Okontrè se gerizon total kapital n ap bouske. Sa mande yon langaj klè, yon langaj ki jis, yon langaj ki pa ankouraje ni lawont, ni kilpabitlite pou granmesi. Okontrè, sa n ap chèche se motive yon latriye moun ki pat menm okouran sa ki te e ki kontinye ap fèt nan non yo, pou yo kapab gen ni motivasyon ni zouti ki nesesè pou yo ede "chavire tab nan tanp lan"...dekwa pou travay gerizon, rekonsilyasyon, konbit tèt ansanm nan kapab vanse tout bon vre.
Videyo m ap prepare a ap chita sou REPARASYON ak RESTITISYON. Mwen rele li REPARAkSYON - Yon mannyè pou di aklè, se pa revanch moun k ap goumen pou lajistis yo ap chèche. Nou kwè, jodi a, fok tout moun wè aklè kisa ki merite REPARE nan lavi desandan Afriken yo te vle fè tounen bèt (esklav) yo. E ki jan, pou nou REPARE dega - nou tout kapab konstate yo, sa pa ka fèt ni ak pale rans tankou Pap Katolik la ki di l ap lapriyè pou viktim siklon yo an Ayiti, ni ak jès "lacharite sinik" tankou gouvènman Franse ki voye 20 mil Euro apre lekol "la promesse" te fin dekonstonbre a. Non! Li lè pou nou kite chimen tenten kote tout ipokrizi sa yo ap fèt nan figi moun serye. Si nou serye, si nou moun tout bon vre, se pou nou pale ak frè ak sè "blan" nou yo pou nou di laverite ki libere. Eksperyans pa m, jiskaprezan, montre m lè ou pale verite aklè konsa ou jwenn kèk moun ki transfome pou lavi. Sa ki pa ka dijere sa yo tande yo, kèk fwa, kite sal la, yo kouri. Mèzalo, se yon reyaksyon ki pa etonan pase sa. Kidonk, n ap kontinye feraye pou AKSYON ki nesesè yo rive poze pou NOU REPARE dega yo tout bon vre.
Mwen p at prevwa ekri tout sa. Nou va eskize longè tèks la. Annatandan, men yon losyè epi yon koneksyon kote nou ka wè yon pati nan vizyon m ap eseye atikile nanprezantasyon sa yo:
VANCOUVER (16 July 2004)
Basically, the essence of the message of my presentation yesterday is that the populations that have paid the price for the slave trade are now being prepared to silently and obediently accept to also pay the price for the so-called 'free trade", and the message I was trying to bring to the audience is that the anti-war movement cannot continue to function without an active and close-touch collaboration with the very populations that are suffering from these policies. It cannot be a university-based intellectual movement; it has to be more than that. It has to be grassroots. The people that are of a Pan-Africanist point of view need to connect with the Noam Chomsky's, they need to connect with the campus activists, and need to realize that these things that are happening are not happening as isolated incidents.
We must look at the historical record and garner the courage to face the whole forest as opposed to merely looking at the trees. We need to move away from these clichés that are based on racism, where some leaders are considered guilty until proven innocent, while others have the privilege of being innocent until proven guilty. So, my presentation was basically that a lot of the hype that we get from the media and that we accept are rooted in deep-seated white supremacist ideology that causes us to demonize the people and to minimize and trivialize their struggles. There are people right now in Haiti who are struggling. These people understand what they are fighting for and they are going to topple the minority rule that is being imposed on them. I think they will succeed in nicer shape if they find the solidarity of progressives from all around the world, especially in Canada. I closed last night with the words of Martin Luther King, which I'll repeat, he said: "In this generation we will have to account not only for the bad words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the so-called good people."
I get hopeful when I see the people from www.StopWar.ca, when people go beyond the fear of the "other". When we stop seeing each other as "other" we are going to be able to get the societies we deserve and move to a different world. We either do that or we perish.
See: Canadian liberal imperialists: organizers of the invasion and occupation of Haiti
CHARLES BOYLAN* interviews Haitian activist JEAN SAINT-VIL
jafrikayiti- Super Star
Nombre de messages : 2236
Localisation : Ottawa
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006
Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Bon neg guinen
Re: Haiti Can Help You: Today more than yesterday! A Public Lecture @ U. of Ottawa
A very informative interview that should be read by all haitians particularly those who were born in Canada, The United States and France.I suggest that we send the adress of this interview to our children so they can understand the reasons the country of their ancestors is so poor.jaf you have my support.I will not be with you this month .but I will buy the video.
"how many ears do we need before we can hear our brothers and sisters who are fighting for the new independance and our liberation?
"how many ears do we need before we can hear our brothers and sisters who are fighting for the new independance and our liberation?
Rodlam Sans Malice- Super Star
Nombre de messages : 11114
Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Lecture et Internet
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006
Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Stock market
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