Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti

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Haitian students injured in protests over teacher pay

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Haitian students injured in protests over teacher pay Empty Haitian students injured in protests over teacher pay

Message  Sasaye Jeu 12 Fév 2009 - 18:50

Posted on Wed, Feb. 11, 2009
Haitian students injured in protests over teacher pay
More than a dozen students demanding backpay for their teachers in Haiti have been injured in clashes with police.

Radio Kiskeya says police used tear gas and batons on the public school students who tried to shut down several private schools to expand the protest.
The radio station reported that 12 students were injured Monday in Gonaives and several others Tuesday in Jeremie.

Education Ministry spokesman Miloody Vincent said classes were suspended at a handful of public schools because of the pay dispute.

He said the teachers in question were not registered with the state but that negotiations are ongoing.
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