Les USA perdent la guerre en Irak
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Les USA perdent la guerre en Irak
Retrait d'Irak : Washington capitule
Dans les jours qui ont suivi les élections du 4 novembre, les États-Unis ont perdu la guerre d'Irak.
La défaite n'est pas militaire, elle est politique : face au durcissement du premier ministre Nouri al-Maliki, Washington a dû accepter de retirer toutes ses troupes d'Irak en 2011, de les voir tomber sous les lois irakiennes, et de n'y laisser aucune force après 2011, même pas pour former les Irakiens.
«C'est une écrasante défaite», estime Gareth Porter, journaliste et historien, après une guerre qui a détruit l'Irak et coûté près de 5000 vies et plus de mille milliards de dollars américains.
«En Allemagne et en Corée, les GI jouissaient d'une extraterritorialité de routine. Il n'en est plus question en Irak», souligne-t-il, dans des analyses pour l'agence IPS et des entrevues sur le réseau RealNewsNetwork.
La nouvelle, qui agite tout le Moyen-Orient, est passée inaperçue aux États-Unis, comme la guerre d'Irak elle-même était absente des débats depuis six mois.
Jooneed Khan La Presse |
Dans les jours qui ont suivi les élections du 4 novembre, les États-Unis ont perdu la guerre d'Irak.
La défaite n'est pas militaire, elle est politique : face au durcissement du premier ministre Nouri al-Maliki, Washington a dû accepter de retirer toutes ses troupes d'Irak en 2011, de les voir tomber sous les lois irakiennes, et de n'y laisser aucune force après 2011, même pas pour former les Irakiens.
«C'est une écrasante défaite», estime Gareth Porter, journaliste et historien, après une guerre qui a détruit l'Irak et coûté près de 5000 vies et plus de mille milliards de dollars américains.
«En Allemagne et en Corée, les GI jouissaient d'une extraterritorialité de routine. Il n'en est plus question en Irak», souligne-t-il, dans des analyses pour l'agence IPS et des entrevues sur le réseau RealNewsNetwork.
La nouvelle, qui agite tout le Moyen-Orient, est passée inaperçue aux États-Unis, comme la guerre d'Irak elle-même était absente des débats depuis six mois.
gwotoro- Super Star
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Date d'inscription : 20/08/2006
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Re: Les USA perdent la guerre en Irak
China signs $3 billion deal to develop Iraqi oilfield
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS • November 11, 2008
Iraq and China have signed the final agreement on a $3 billion deal to develop the Ahdab oil field south of Baghdad over a 22 year-period, an Oil Ministry official said today.An initial agreement was signed in Beijing last August, restoring a Saddam Hussein-era deal that was canceled after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.
The agreement was finalized on Monday at a ceremony in Baghdad, the official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized
to speak to media.
Reporters were not invited to the ceremony for security reasons, he added.
The new agreement is the first Saddam-era oil deal to be honored by the new Iraqi government.
The deal provides for a service contract, under which China will not be a partner in profits and instead will be paid for its work in the Ahdab field. The oil field is located in Wasit province about 100 miles southeast of Baghdad.
It has been the scene of sporadic attacks since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.
The official said as a start the field will produce 25,000 barrels a day with a target of 125,000 barrels.
Part of the oil produced in Ahdab will be used to generate electricity from a power station to be built in Wasit province, the official said.
Iraq sits on more than 115 billion barrels of oil, but decades of wars, U.N. sanctions. An initial agreement was signed in Beijing last August, restoring a Saddam Hussein-era deal that was canceled after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.
The agreement was finalized on Monday at a ceremony in Baghdad, the official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to media.
Reporters were not invited to the ceremony for security reasons, he added.
The new agreement is the first Saddam-era oil deal to be honored by the new Iraqi government.
The deal provides for a service contract, under which China will not be a partner in profits and instead will be paid for its work in the Ahdab field. The oil field is located in Wasit province about 100 miles southeast of Baghdad.
It has been the scene of sporadic attacks since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.
The official said as a start the field will produce 25,000 barrels a day with a target of 125,000 barrels.
Part of the oil produced in Ahdab will be used to generate electricity from a power station to be built in Wasit province, the official said.
Iraq sits on more than 115 billion barrels of oil, but decades of wars, U.N. sanctions, violence and sabotage have battered its oil industry.
As security improves, Iraq is trying to bring in foreign companies to help increase crude output from the current 2.5 million barrels a day to 3 million barrels a day by the end of 2008, and 4.5 million barrels a day by the end of 2013.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS • November 11, 2008
Iraq and China have signed the final agreement on a $3 billion deal to develop the Ahdab oil field south of Baghdad over a 22 year-period, an Oil Ministry official said today.An initial agreement was signed in Beijing last August, restoring a Saddam Hussein-era deal that was canceled after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.
The agreement was finalized on Monday at a ceremony in Baghdad, the official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized
to speak to media.
Reporters were not invited to the ceremony for security reasons, he added.
The new agreement is the first Saddam-era oil deal to be honored by the new Iraqi government.
The deal provides for a service contract, under which China will not be a partner in profits and instead will be paid for its work in the Ahdab field. The oil field is located in Wasit province about 100 miles southeast of Baghdad.
It has been the scene of sporadic attacks since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.
The official said as a start the field will produce 25,000 barrels a day with a target of 125,000 barrels.
Part of the oil produced in Ahdab will be used to generate electricity from a power station to be built in Wasit province, the official said.
Iraq sits on more than 115 billion barrels of oil, but decades of wars, U.N. sanctions. An initial agreement was signed in Beijing last August, restoring a Saddam Hussein-era deal that was canceled after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.
The agreement was finalized on Monday at a ceremony in Baghdad, the official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to media.
Reporters were not invited to the ceremony for security reasons, he added.
The new agreement is the first Saddam-era oil deal to be honored by the new Iraqi government.
The deal provides for a service contract, under which China will not be a partner in profits and instead will be paid for its work in the Ahdab field. The oil field is located in Wasit province about 100 miles southeast of Baghdad.
It has been the scene of sporadic attacks since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.
The official said as a start the field will produce 25,000 barrels a day with a target of 125,000 barrels.
Part of the oil produced in Ahdab will be used to generate electricity from a power station to be built in Wasit province, the official said.
Iraq sits on more than 115 billion barrels of oil, but decades of wars, U.N. sanctions, violence and sabotage have battered its oil industry.
As security improves, Iraq is trying to bring in foreign companies to help increase crude output from the current 2.5 million barrels a day to 3 million barrels a day by the end of 2008, and 4.5 million barrels a day by the end of 2013.
gwotoro- Super Star
Nombre de messages : 3974
Localisation : Canada
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2006
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Jeu de rôle: le balancier
Re: Les USA perdent la guerre en Irak
Ah!!!...la sagesse ayisyenne s'exprime ainsi, en bon kréyôl:
"Bourik travay, chwal galonen".
Devinez qui est l'ane dans cette histoire?
N'etait-ce pas la raison de leur aventure?
"Bourik travay, chwal galonen".
Devinez qui est l'ane dans cette histoire?
N'etait-ce pas la raison de leur aventure?
Sasaye- Super Star
Nombre de messages : 8252
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Opinion politique : Indépendance totale
Loisirs : Arts et Musique, Pale Ayisien
Date d'inscription : 02/03/2007
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Jeu de rôle: Maestro
Re: Les USA perdent la guerre en Irak
The donkey is Georges Bush.Yes this is the reason why so many young americans lost their life.I hope one day Goerges Bush has the courage to say that the invasion of iraq was a mistake and to ask forgiveness to the american people, particularly the families who lost their children.
As Senator Ted kennedy said:never again the life of young americans will be wasted for useless purposes.
As Senator Ted kennedy said:never again the life of young americans will be wasted for useless purposes.
Rodlam Sans Malice- Super Star
Nombre de messages : 11114
Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Lecture et Internet
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006
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Jeu de rôle: Stock market
Re: Les USA perdent la guerre en Irak
Obama setoblije vinn agressif wi lan manda sa sinon les autres pays bral pran woulib wi. Anpil woulib et cela à cause du declin de l'empire américain ...
Solidarité et Unité pour sauver Haiti
Re: Les USA perdent la guerre en Irak
pas agressif plutot un bon demarcheur capable de comprendre la necessité de pratiquer une politique etrangère qui tienne compte des interets et des cultures des partenaires des Etats-unis.Je compte sur le pragmatisme et l'intelligence d'Obama.Il pratiquera la politique du baton et de la carotte.Le baton quand les interets et la securité de son pays sont menacés, mais il comprend tous les pays n'ont pas les memes cultures et histoires.Il respectera les lois internationales.Il ne pratiquera plus la loi de la jungle.
Rodlam Sans Malice- Super Star
Nombre de messages : 11114
Localisation : USA
Loisirs : Lecture et Internet
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006
Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Stock market
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