Forum Haiti : Des Idées et des Débats sur l'Avenir d'Haiti

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Richard Morse on the "Mulattoist" in Haiti

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Richard Morse on the "Mulattoist" in Haiti Empty Richard Morse on the "Mulattoist" in Haiti

Message  piporiko Ven 11 Déc 2009 - 20:13

If I had been born in Haiti I would be considered a "Mulatto";
however, I was born in Puerto Rico and grew up in the suburbs of Yale
University, therefore, I'm not a Mulatto, I'm Black. There is no such
thing as a Mulatto in Connecticut , or in the U.S. for that matter;
either you're White or you're Black, one or the other. [There are other
races but for the purposes of this ramble I'm sticking to the
Black/White issue]. My children see me as White and laugh at the
thought that I may have Black blood in my veins. They view themselves
as Black.

In Haiti, things are different. In Haiti , "Mulatto"
is a "class" and a "race" unto itself. Let me give you an example. In
Haiti , after the Aristide coup of 1991, when there was all that
repression and murder, it was Black people who were getting killed, not
Mulattos; more specifically it was poor, Black people who were getting

in the day, the Mulatto class had an army (Force Armée d'Haiti, FADH)
to do the killing and protecting them. At the time of the 1991 COUP,
that army was headed by Raoul Cedras, a Mulatto. Today, Haiti 's
economic elite is a Mulatto organization infiltrated by Middle
Easterners and Germans. [I must add here that when I use the term
"Mulatto", I use it loosely to refer to a light skinned "Black" person.
There are actually many terms to identify at which generation a Black
person entered into your blood line].

Historically, when they
tell you that there's 80% illiteracy in Haiti, what they're actually
saying is the Mulattos and their entourage can read and write, but the
Black people can't. When the Southern soldiers from the United States
came to Haiti in 1915 to occupy the country, they didn't know these
racial subtleties. When the American diplomat said, (you have to
forgive me Bob Corbett, this is an important quote) "Niggers speaking
French!" he was actually referring to Mulattos or the Black part of
their entourage. Mulattos embrace French and keep the rest of the
population unschooled in order to create separation.

the White Southern U.S. troops saw the Mulattos as "niggers", in
reality, Haitian Mulattos don't see themselves as "Black" at all and
they do all they can to distance themselves from Haitian Blacks.

"Black" people do not see Haitian Mulattos as part of their own race or
culture either. When you see squalor and poverty in Haiti , it
reflects how the Haitian Mulattos feel towards the Haitian Black
person: bidonvilles (slums), no sewer systems, no running water, no
bathrooms, filth, no garbage removal, no education, no money, slave
wages, no health care, etc etc. The Mulattos have historically seen the
Haitian poor as uncivilized and undeserving of humane living
conditions. Haitian Mulattos view the Haitian Black as the enemy, the
slave, the laborer, the beast.

intellectuals of the 20th Century started to address these social
realities and that became the birth of "Noirisme" or "Blackism".
Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier was a "Noiriste". His son, Jean Claude
"Baby Doc" Duvalier was a "Mulattoist". If you look at the most recent
beneficiaries of the 2009 economic investment movement in Haiti , it
reveals: Rene Préval, Mulattoist.

Bill Clinton, Mulattoist.
George Soros (working with Mews to make sweatshops???), Mulattoist.
American Embassy, Mulattoist (The US Embassy does it's dealing with the
Haitian American Chamber of Commerce which is the bastion of Mulatto
business elites). Haitian Minister of Culture (Black man supporting a
Jazz festival) Mulattoist. Haitian Hotel Association, Mulattoist.
Haitian Ministry of Tourism, Mulattoist. The new owners of Electricité
D'Haiti, Mulattoist.

so called new economic revolution that Bill Clinton is leading in Haiti
is bound to fail for the simple reason that it's not a Haitian economic
revolution; it is just a reaffirmation of where the Haitian Mulatto
class sees itself in Haitian society; above the rest; entitled to
money, power, privilege, with paid access to Washington, and therefore
Bill Clinton.

This economic movement is bound to fail because it
continues to disenfranchise Haitian Blacks and brings to light the
corrupt economic and social nature of the Haitian Mulatto Business

The new movement is bound to fail because it relies on
corrupt elections, a corrupt United Nations and corrupt, behind closed
doors business deals.

This new Haitian Deal is bound to fail because, plainly put, "It

Richard Morse
Port-au-Prince , Haiti

Super Star
Super Star

Nombre de messages : 4753
Age : 54
Localisation : USA
Opinion politique : Homme de gauche,anti-imperialiste....
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006

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Jeu de rôle: L'impulsif

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