7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
alex jacques
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7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
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Un puissant tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 frappe Haïti
PORT AU PRINCE, 12 jan 2010 | Un puissant tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 a frappé mardi l'ouest d'Haïti dans la région de la capitale Port-au-Prince et une alerte au tsunami a été émise, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS).
AFP | 12.01.2010 | 23:26
Un puissant tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 a frappé mardi l'ouest d'Haïti dans la région de la capitale Port-au-Prince et une alerte au tsunami a été émise, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS).
Selon un journaliste de l'AFP présent sur place, la secousse a duré plus d'une minute, allant jusqu'à faire sauter les véhicules en pleine rue. De nombreuses personnes se sont retrouvées dans les rues après la secousse, et les communications étaient fortement perturbées dans l'île.
L'épicentre du séisme, qui s'est produit à 21H53 GMT, se trouvait à 22 km à l'ouest de Port au Prince, selon l'USGS, qui avait dans un premier temps fait état d'une secousse de 7,3.
Pour mesurer la puissance d'un séisme, l'USGS utilise la "magnitude de moment" (Mw). Sur cette échelle ouverte, un séisme atteignant une magnitude d'au moins 6 est considéré comme fort.
Une alerte au tsunami a aussitôt été émise pour l'ensqemble des Antilles par le centre américain d'alerte au tsunami dans le Pacifique.
A Pétionville, banlieue proche de la capitale, un bâtiment d'au moins trois étages s'est effondré, a constaté l'AFP.
Ce bâtiment abritait au moins deux bureaux privés et un tracteur se trouvait sur les lieux pour tenter de dégager les débris et retrouver d'éventuels survivants.
Selon l'échelle de mesure utilisée par le USGS, un séisme de magnitude 6 est déjà considéré comme fort. Une secousse de 7 ou plus peut provoquer d'importants dégâts.
Un puissant tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 frappe Haïti
PORT AU PRINCE, 12 jan 2010 | Un puissant tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 a frappé mardi l'ouest d'Haïti dans la région de la capitale Port-au-Prince et une alerte au tsunami a été émise, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS).
AFP | 12.01.2010 | 23:26
Un puissant tremblement de terre de magnitude 7 a frappé mardi l'ouest d'Haïti dans la région de la capitale Port-au-Prince et une alerte au tsunami a été émise, a indiqué l'Institut géologique américain (USGS).
Selon un journaliste de l'AFP présent sur place, la secousse a duré plus d'une minute, allant jusqu'à faire sauter les véhicules en pleine rue. De nombreuses personnes se sont retrouvées dans les rues après la secousse, et les communications étaient fortement perturbées dans l'île.
L'épicentre du séisme, qui s'est produit à 21H53 GMT, se trouvait à 22 km à l'ouest de Port au Prince, selon l'USGS, qui avait dans un premier temps fait état d'une secousse de 7,3.
Pour mesurer la puissance d'un séisme, l'USGS utilise la "magnitude de moment" (Mw). Sur cette échelle ouverte, un séisme atteignant une magnitude d'au moins 6 est considéré comme fort.
Une alerte au tsunami a aussitôt été émise pour l'ensqemble des Antilles par le centre américain d'alerte au tsunami dans le Pacifique.
A Pétionville, banlieue proche de la capitale, un bâtiment d'au moins trois étages s'est effondré, a constaté l'AFP.
Ce bâtiment abritait au moins deux bureaux privés et un tracteur se trouvait sur les lieux pour tenter de dégager les débris et retrouver d'éventuels survivants.
Selon l'échelle de mesure utilisée par le USGS, un séisme de magnitude 6 est déjà considéré comme fort. Une secousse de 7 ou plus peut provoquer d'importants dégâts.
Dernière édition par Marc-Henry le Jeu 14 Jan 2010 - 10:52, édité 3 fois
Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Zanmi Deza,
Mwen pa kwè ke genyen yon moun ki pa konprann sa ke w te ekri a, sinon se eksprè ke yo fè. Apre yon ka grav konsa epi pou nou pa menm ka sekoure blese ak bay premye swen, genyen kesyon ki dwe poze.
Bonne journée
Mwen pa kwè ke genyen yon moun ki pa konprann sa ke w te ekri a, sinon se eksprè ke yo fè. Apre yon ka grav konsa epi pou nou pa menm ka sekoure blese ak bay premye swen, genyen kesyon ki dwe poze.
Bonne journée
Thunder- Super Star
Nombre de messages : 4692
Localisation : Planet Earth (Milky Way Galaxy)
Loisirs : Target Practice, Sports Cars, Konpa...
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006
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Jeu de rôle: Le gardien
Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Deza,deza a écrit:Ami Thunder ,
W gin rezon tou .Mwin pwan yon gwo kou lan zye ,lap fle dlo epi opotiniss ap vinn di mwin mwin se modreateu ke mwin ye fok mwin pa krye rele anmwe .
Depi yo pa atake mwin mwin pap atake yo .Depi yo atake'm yap jwen avek mwin .Yo sipoze kon sa .Min kom sesa yo ye a yo pa konyn sa ki rele peyi sesak fe yap pwofite de moman sa a pou pale de makout gnbiste frahp e la trye vingt ans apres !
Bonne journee mon ami .
Pa okupe moun ki rayi-w juskonye-a paske ou se moderater. Ayisyen se bet ki jalou pou dis kob tande.
Deke se pa manti wap bay, pale moun mal pou granmesi san gad deye, map dakor avek ou, map patizan-w. voye monte.
Gin de fwa se nan moman sa yo pou di la verite, deklete, ouvri konsyans, retire nuaj nan tet yo nan sevo yo, nan je yo, pou yo ka we kler devan yo.
kami- animatrice
Nombre de messages : 2981
Localisation : ICI
Opinion politique : La séparation des pouvoirs
Loisirs : Lecture, Dormir
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2006
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recherche et renseignement
Sais t'ont si la region Saint Gerard ou la route des dalles a beaucoup souffert j'ai une amie là bas merci
raphaeld40- Junior
Nombre de messages : 4
Localisation : belgique
Loisirs : internet
Date d'inscription : 13/01/2010
Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
This is to back you up concernant l'armee en Haiti:
"La population civile s'est déplacée en masse vers la base du commandement du bataillon brésilien, moins touchée par les secousses, en quête de secours et d'aide pour sauver les blessés", souligne l'armée dans un communiqué.
"Depuis le début du séisme, le bataillon s'efforce de porter secours aux victimes de la tragédie", a ajouté l'armée qui n'a pas donné de chiffres sur le nombre de victimes.
Le Brésil a envoyé un avion avec 130 militaires mais celui-ci n'a pu se poser à Port-au-Prince, la capitale durement touchée, et a atterri en République dominicaine.
This is to back you up concernant l'armee en Haiti:
"La population civile s'est déplacée en masse vers la base du commandement du bataillon brésilien, moins touchée par les secousses, en quête de secours et d'aide pour sauver les blessés", souligne l'armée dans un communiqué.
"Depuis le début du séisme, le bataillon s'efforce de porter secours aux victimes de la tragédie", a ajouté l'armée qui n'a pas donné de chiffres sur le nombre de victimes.
Le Brésil a envoyé un avion avec 130 militaires mais celui-ci n'a pu se poser à Port-au-Prince, la capitale durement touchée, et a atterri en République dominicaine.
kami- animatrice
Nombre de messages : 2981
Localisation : ICI
Opinion politique : La séparation des pouvoirs
Loisirs : Lecture, Dormir
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2006
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Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Thanks my friend Kami .Your words are soothing thoughts of comfort to me .I promise you - just like I promised a concernedd friend this morning - that I will ignore all attacks upon me until that day when I will feel comfortable enough to rip apart those who have no respect for our griefs.Thanks again for your backing in this hour of our unspeakable woes.
Feel better .
Feel better .
Invité- Invité
Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Obama should be on TV now to speak about Haiti.
kami- animatrice
Nombre de messages : 2981
Localisation : ICI
Opinion politique : La séparation des pouvoirs
Loisirs : Lecture, Dormir
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2006
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Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Ami Thunder,
Thanks for a vote of confidence .Bonne journee.
Thanks for a vote of confidence .Bonne journee.
Invité- Invité
Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Je demande une trêve mais une trêve ne veut pas dire d'arrêter de prendre position pour Haiti. Il est vrai qu'au moment ou nous débattons sur la tragédie qui a secoué Haïti, le Gouvernement haitien n'a fait preuve d'aucun leadership. Il faut le dire. Il faut le dénoncer.
Rappelons-nous 11 septembre 2001 comment le maire de New York était débout, présent sur le lieux pour motiver et mobiliser les Newyorkais. Gouvernement Haïtien, le temps est venu de dégager un leadership national pour coordonner l'aide internationale .
Si le premier ministre n'est pas blessé, il doit assumer un leadership fort dans cette présente conjoncture . Si le président n'est pas blessé, on veut le voir , on veut l'entendre. Haïti a besoin d'un leader et de leadership fort pour surmonter cette gravissime situation.
Du courage il nous en faut pour compter les blessés, pour pleurer les morts et enfin pour remettre débout Haïti.
Le peuple haïtien en a vu de toutes les couleurs avant , pendant et après l’indépendance. Nous ne mourrons pas tous. Nous restons débout. Nous allons refaire l’unité pour remettre ce pays en marche.
Je n’ai pas de nouvelles de mon frère qui était à cabaret sur un chantier au moment du tremblement de terre. Je sais que les maisons des cousins sont détruites, il y a des blessés graves et peut-être même des morts.
Dans ce moment de tristesse, il nous faut de la force Dessalinienne pour assumer le leadership qu’il faut en ce moment précis de notre histoire de peuple. ForumHaiti vous demande de prendre position pour Haiti.
Rappelons-nous 11 septembre 2001 comment le maire de New York était débout, présent sur le lieux pour motiver et mobiliser les Newyorkais. Gouvernement Haïtien, le temps est venu de dégager un leadership national pour coordonner l'aide internationale .
Si le premier ministre n'est pas blessé, il doit assumer un leadership fort dans cette présente conjoncture . Si le président n'est pas blessé, on veut le voir , on veut l'entendre. Haïti a besoin d'un leader et de leadership fort pour surmonter cette gravissime situation.
Du courage il nous en faut pour compter les blessés, pour pleurer les morts et enfin pour remettre débout Haïti.
Le peuple haïtien en a vu de toutes les couleurs avant , pendant et après l’indépendance. Nous ne mourrons pas tous. Nous restons débout. Nous allons refaire l’unité pour remettre ce pays en marche.
Je n’ai pas de nouvelles de mon frère qui était à cabaret sur un chantier au moment du tremblement de terre. Je sais que les maisons des cousins sont détruites, il y a des blessés graves et peut-être même des morts.
Dans ce moment de tristesse, il nous faut de la force Dessalinienne pour assumer le leadership qu’il faut en ce moment précis de notre histoire de peuple. ForumHaiti vous demande de prendre position pour Haiti.
Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Le représentant spécial de l'Onu en Haïti, Hedi Annabi, est très probablement décédé dans le séisme survenu sur l'île, a déclaré Bernard Kouchner sur RTL.
kami- animatrice
Nombre de messages : 2981
Localisation : ICI
Opinion politique : La séparation des pouvoirs
Loisirs : Lecture, Dormir
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2006
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Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Sekour yo ap organize.
Gen yon ban'n peyi ki koordone, konsantre efor yo, pou ede Ayiti o plu vi't. Dotan plus ke genyen kap vini, se surtou pou degaje sou lè dekonbr dè survivan, de kantite non neglijabl de materyèl medikal, sanitèr pou swanye lè blese e pou opere sèrtè'n perso'n.
Peyi yo prevwa voye anpil manje, dlo pou moun yo byen alimante yo. Yo konnen nou trè vulnerabl surtou nan sektèur sa a.
Tout planèt la mobilize, se plus yon kestyon "d'heure" !!!
Gen yon ban'n peyi ki koordone, konsantre efor yo, pou ede Ayiti o plu vi't. Dotan plus ke genyen kap vini, se surtou pou degaje sou lè dekonbr dè survivan, de kantite non neglijabl de materyèl medikal, sanitèr pou swanye lè blese e pou opere sèrtè'n perso'n.
Peyi yo prevwa voye anpil manje, dlo pou moun yo byen alimante yo. Yo konnen nou trè vulnerabl surtou nan sektèur sa a.
Tout planèt la mobilize, se plus yon kestyon "d'heure" !!!
Amoph- Star
Nombre de messages : 601
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006
Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Mesi Amoph, mwen espere yo rive tou swit. Map panse ak timoun ki manje depi ye amidi, manman pa konin kote yo pral jwen manje pou yo. Sak blese gravman ki pa konen si yap viv.
Min tou mwen remersye Granmet la pou tout fanmi nou yo ki suviv.
Map lapriye pou tout moun ki pa gin nouvel fanmi yo espesyalman Marc, pou Bondye ba yo kouraj pou Li voye des ondes positives nan pense yo pou afime ke fanmi yo okay.
Map mande pou nou tout ki kapab yo pou yo cheche parene yon fanmi an Ayiti pou ede yo. Li pa koute cher mezanmi, pa plis ke $25.00 le mwa.
Min tou mwen remersye Granmet la pou tout fanmi nou yo ki suviv.
Map lapriye pou tout moun ki pa gin nouvel fanmi yo espesyalman Marc, pou Bondye ba yo kouraj pou Li voye des ondes positives nan pense yo pou afime ke fanmi yo okay.
Map mande pou nou tout ki kapab yo pou yo cheche parene yon fanmi an Ayiti pou ede yo. Li pa koute cher mezanmi, pa plis ke $25.00 le mwa.
Dernière édition par kami le Mer 13 Jan 2010 - 10:08, édité 1 fois
kami- animatrice
Nombre de messages : 2981
Localisation : ICI
Opinion politique : La séparation des pouvoirs
Loisirs : Lecture, Dormir
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2006
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Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Prezidan Obama pral pale de tranbleman de tè an lan kelke minit
Thunder- Super Star
Nombre de messages : 4692
Localisation : Planet Earth (Milky Way Galaxy)
Loisirs : Target Practice, Sports Cars, Konpa...
Date d'inscription : 24/08/2006
Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Le gardien
Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Haiti president describes `unimaginable' catastrophe after earthquake
Haitian President René Préval issued an urgent appeal for his earthquake-shattered nation Wednesday, saying he had been stepping over dead bodies and hearing the cries of those trapped under the rubble of the national Parliament.
The president, in his first interview since the earthquake, said the country was destroyed and he believed there were thousands of people dead but was reluctant to provide a number.
``We have to do an evaluation,'' Préval said, describing the scene as ``unimaginable.''
``Parliament has collapsed. The tax office has collapsed. Schools have collapsed. Hospitals have collapsed,'' he said. ``There are a lot of schools that have a lot of dead people in them.'' Among those trapped inside the Parliament building but still alive was the president of the Haitian Senate, Kely Bastien.
Préval said he had traveled through several neighborhoods and seen the damage. ``All of the hospitals are packed with people. It is a catastrophe,'' he said.
According to media reports, survivors were digging through the rubble and stacking bodies along the streets of Port-au-Prince , Haiti ' capital, after the powerful 7.0-magnitude earthquake rocked the island nation Tuesday afternoon. The earthquake has left the nation virtually isolated with countless crumbled buildings, including the historic National Palace .
Préval and first lady Elisabeth Préval were not in the palace at the time of the quake.
Préval said he he has not slept since the earthquake. Other people slept in the streets because they were afraid to sleep in their homes, he said.
``This is a catastrophe,'' the first lady said. ``I'm stepping over dead bodies. A lot of people are buried under buildings. The general hospital has collapsed. We need support. We need help. We need engineers.''
Sen. Joseph Lambert also described the scene. Standing outside the Parliament building, he said: ``Imagine schools, hospitals, government buildings all destroyed.''
When asked about the prospect of Haiti rebuilding, Lambert said, ``It's our country. We have no other choice. It's a catastrophe but we have no other choice but to rebuild.'' He expressed hope the country's international partners will help in rebuilding.
While official details about the scope of the damage were scarce, eye-witness accounts and media reports painted a picture of wide-spread destruction that is likely to leave hundreds, if not thousands, dead.
The United Nations said that its five-story headquarters had collapsed and a large number of personnel remain unaccounted.
At least eight Chinese and three Jordanian U.N. peacekeepers died in the earthquake, the Associated Press reported, citing Chinese and Jordanian press accounts.
Sources told The Miami Herald late Tuesday that Hédi Annabi, head of the U.N. stabilization force, and his deputy were among the missing.
While there were few official estimates, the number of dead and injured is likely to soar Wednesday as the extent of the damage becomes clear.
A hospital was reported to have collapsed and people were heard screaming for help, and the World Bank offices in Petionville were also destroyed, but most of the staff were safely accounted for, the organization said. Portions of the National Palace in downtown Port-au-Prince had crumbled.
In New York , the U.N. said in a 9:30 p.m. statement that ``a large number of personnel remain unaccounted for'' and that U.N. peacekeeping forces headquarters suffered heavy damages. Part of the road to Canape Vert, a suburb of the capital city of Port-au-Prince , has collapsed, along with houses perched in the mountains of Petionville, where the quake was centered. Petionville is a suburb about 10 miles from downtown Port-au-Prince .
At least 20 aftershocks followed the 4:53 p.m. earthquake, according to NOAA, and a tsunami alert was briefly issued for the region and canceled. A blanket of dust completely covered the city for about 10 minutes, USAID contract employee Mike Godfrey told CNN from Port-au-Prince .
``At this point I'm frustrated trying to find colleagues and staff,'' Godfrey said. ``Phones are not working. . . . I see some traffic, a little traffic on some of the routes,'' he said.
Eyewitness accounts of the destruction were hard to come by, some came via Twitter, Facebook and Skype. Richard Morse, owner of the Oloffson Hotel in Port-au-Prince , sent tweets to the outside world.
``Just about all the lights are out in Port au Prince,'' he said. ``People still screaming but the noise is dying as darkness sets. Lots of rumors about which buildings were toppled. The Castel Haiti behind the Oloffson is a pile of rubble. It was eight stories high. Our guests are sitting out in the driveway.''
Women covered in dust crawled from the rubble wailing as others wandered through the streets holding hands. Thousands gathered in public squares late into the night singing hymns. Many gravely injured people still sat in the streets early Wednesday, pleading for doctors. With almost no emergency services to speak of, the survivors had few other options.
Jarrod Seth of Seattle , who had traveled to Haiti with his wife, Sena, to adopt two children, had just checked in at the Port-au-Prince airport when the quake struck.
``Everything was chaotic,'' Seth said of the scene after he and his wife arrived at Miami International Airport Tuesday night. ``People were falling all over each other, ceiling tiles came down, windows crashed. It was the scariest thing.''
Thousands of buildings were damaged and destroyed throughout the city, and for hours after the quake the air was filled with a choking dust from the debris of fallen buildings.
The scope of the disaster remained unclear, and even a rough estimate of the number of casualties was impossible. But it was clear from a tour of the capital that tens of thousands of people had lost their homes and that many had perished.
Haitian businessman Georges Sassine, who was in Washington , D.C. , spoke to his wife minutes after the quake.
``She said, suddenly her car started shaking, and she saw houses crumbling and she could not understand what was happening,'' he said.
Antwan Edmund, former head of the Caribbean-Central American Action advocacy group, said he was ``sitting in Port-au-Prince watching the mountain crumble.''
Raymond Alcide Joseph, Haiti 's ambassador to the United States , said the quake has crippled his country.
``I spoke to a government official on the island who I reached on his cellphone and he told me: `Tell the world this is a catastrophe of major proportions,' '' he said Tuesday.
``My thoughts and prayers go out to those who have been affected by this earthquake,'' President Barack Obama said in a statement Tuesday. ``We are closely monitoring the situation and we stand ready to assist the people of Haiti .''
Former President Bill Clinton, U.N. Special Envoy for Haiti , issued a statement offering assistance.
``My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Haiti . My U.N. office and the rest of the U.N. system are monitoring the situation, and we are committed to do whatever we can to assist the people of Haiti in their relief, rebuilding and recovery efforts,'' he said.
In Honolulu , Hawaii , Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said America 's thoughts were ``with the people of Haiti .''
And help was on the way. The U.S. Agency for International Development is dispatching a Disaster Assistance Response Team and has activated its partners, the Fairfax County Urban Search and Rescue Team and the Los Angeles County Search and Rescue Team. The USAR teams will be composed of up to 72 personnel, six search and rescue canines and up to 48 tons of rescue equipment.
The USAR team will be accompanied by USAID disaster experts who will assist with assessments of the situation.
``This is a tragic situation and we will work alongside the Haitian government to provide immediate assistance in the rescue effort,'' said USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah.
``On behalf of the American people, I wish to convey our sympathy, thoughts and prayers to the people of Haiti who have been affected by this devastating earthquake.''
U.S. Coast Guard officials in Miami mobilized four cutters from the region and one aircraft to positions in close proximity to Haiti to render humanitarian assistance as needed.
In Tallahassee , Florida Gov. Charlie Crist said Haiti was one of South Florida 's ``closest neighbors.''
`` Florida stands ready to offer assistance to those affected by Tuesday's devastating earthquake. The Division of Emergency Management has notified the United States Department of State that we are ready to assist in every way possible,'' he said.
In Miami , a prayer service was planned for quake victims at 9 a.m. Wednesday at the Cathedral of St. Mary, 7525 NW Second Ave. , and local aid efforts were starting to form.
The University of Miami began assembling an emergency response team to use a private plane to fly to Haiti , said Michel Dodard, an assistant professor and member of the school's medical and community development program in Haiti .
The moment he heard about the earthquake, Dodard contacted his two brothers who live there, one in Petionville -- the center of the quake.
``Clearly, what they are describing is a dreadful situation,'' Dodard said. `` Haiti has a very fragile disaster relief to begin with and much of the construction is extremely haphazard. You see shantytowns there, and they collapse sometimes during a tropical storm -- not even a hurricane.''
U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said: ``Of one thing you can be sure: Haiti is not alone. The U.S. will move hand in hand with the people of Haiti to swiftly respond to and recover from this tragedy.
``I call on all responsible nations to work together to implement a response that is immediate, targeted, coordinated, and resilient.''
U.S. Rep. Kendrick Meek, a Democrat who represent parts of Miami-Dade and Broward counties, said: ``I am monitoring the situation very closely and am prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives and bring swift disaster relief to Haiti and the Haitian people at this time. I ask that all Americans please keep the Haitian people and all victims of this disaster in their thoughts and prayers.''
From Broward , U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Weston, who was in Haiti in June, said she was ``deeply saddened'' by the news.
``I know only too well how much this earthquake will add to the already immense obstacles facing the Haitian people,'' she said, adding that she would work with colleagues in Congress and the Obama administration to provide aid to Haiti.
The American Red Cross was poised to move aid from a warehouse in Panama -- blankets, kitchen sets and water containers for about 5,000 families -- as soon as a flight or means of delivery could be found, Eric Porterfield said in Washington .
Field reports, he said, indicated ``lots of damage and lots of aftershocks.''
In addition, the American Red Cross had already released $200,000 to its counterpart Haitian Red Cross.
South Florida Haitians dialed friends and relatives in the island nation -- to no avail. All connections were cut.
``My mother just went to Haiti on Friday and I'm terrified . . . '' said Gepsie Metellus, a Haitian community leader.
Royal Caribbean, which operates a private cruise facility at Labadee , Haiti , had a ship scheduled to call there Tuesday but canceled early in the day due to bad weather, said Royal Caribbean spokeswoman Cynthia Martinez. The ship, Freedom of the Seas, opted to continue on to its next scheduled port at Ocho Rios , Jamaica , she said.
Royal Caribbean 's $55 million Labadee facility didn't report any damage from the earthquake.
Miami Herald staff writers Nancy San Martin, Lesley Clark, Trenton Daniel, Frances Robles, Martha Brannigan, Jim Wyss, Robert Samuels, Nadege Charles, Mary Ellen Klas and Herald special correspondent Stewart Stogel contributed to this report, which was supplemented by wire services.
Haitian President René Préval issued an urgent appeal for his earthquake-shattered nation Wednesday, saying he had been stepping over dead bodies and hearing the cries of those trapped under the rubble of the national Parliament.
The president, in his first interview since the earthquake, said the country was destroyed and he believed there were thousands of people dead but was reluctant to provide a number.
``We have to do an evaluation,'' Préval said, describing the scene as ``unimaginable.''
``Parliament has collapsed. The tax office has collapsed. Schools have collapsed. Hospitals have collapsed,'' he said. ``There are a lot of schools that have a lot of dead people in them.'' Among those trapped inside the Parliament building but still alive was the president of the Haitian Senate, Kely Bastien.
Préval said he had traveled through several neighborhoods and seen the damage. ``All of the hospitals are packed with people. It is a catastrophe,'' he said.
According to media reports, survivors were digging through the rubble and stacking bodies along the streets of Port-au-Prince , Haiti ' capital, after the powerful 7.0-magnitude earthquake rocked the island nation Tuesday afternoon. The earthquake has left the nation virtually isolated with countless crumbled buildings, including the historic National Palace .
Préval and first lady Elisabeth Préval were not in the palace at the time of the quake.
Préval said he he has not slept since the earthquake. Other people slept in the streets because they were afraid to sleep in their homes, he said.
``This is a catastrophe,'' the first lady said. ``I'm stepping over dead bodies. A lot of people are buried under buildings. The general hospital has collapsed. We need support. We need help. We need engineers.''
Sen. Joseph Lambert also described the scene. Standing outside the Parliament building, he said: ``Imagine schools, hospitals, government buildings all destroyed.''
When asked about the prospect of Haiti rebuilding, Lambert said, ``It's our country. We have no other choice. It's a catastrophe but we have no other choice but to rebuild.'' He expressed hope the country's international partners will help in rebuilding.
While official details about the scope of the damage were scarce, eye-witness accounts and media reports painted a picture of wide-spread destruction that is likely to leave hundreds, if not thousands, dead.
The United Nations said that its five-story headquarters had collapsed and a large number of personnel remain unaccounted.
At least eight Chinese and three Jordanian U.N. peacekeepers died in the earthquake, the Associated Press reported, citing Chinese and Jordanian press accounts.
Sources told The Miami Herald late Tuesday that Hédi Annabi, head of the U.N. stabilization force, and his deputy were among the missing.
While there were few official estimates, the number of dead and injured is likely to soar Wednesday as the extent of the damage becomes clear.
A hospital was reported to have collapsed and people were heard screaming for help, and the World Bank offices in Petionville were also destroyed, but most of the staff were safely accounted for, the organization said. Portions of the National Palace in downtown Port-au-Prince had crumbled.
In New York , the U.N. said in a 9:30 p.m. statement that ``a large number of personnel remain unaccounted for'' and that U.N. peacekeeping forces headquarters suffered heavy damages. Part of the road to Canape Vert, a suburb of the capital city of Port-au-Prince , has collapsed, along with houses perched in the mountains of Petionville, where the quake was centered. Petionville is a suburb about 10 miles from downtown Port-au-Prince .
At least 20 aftershocks followed the 4:53 p.m. earthquake, according to NOAA, and a tsunami alert was briefly issued for the region and canceled. A blanket of dust completely covered the city for about 10 minutes, USAID contract employee Mike Godfrey told CNN from Port-au-Prince .
``At this point I'm frustrated trying to find colleagues and staff,'' Godfrey said. ``Phones are not working. . . . I see some traffic, a little traffic on some of the routes,'' he said.
Eyewitness accounts of the destruction were hard to come by, some came via Twitter, Facebook and Skype. Richard Morse, owner of the Oloffson Hotel in Port-au-Prince , sent tweets to the outside world.
``Just about all the lights are out in Port au Prince,'' he said. ``People still screaming but the noise is dying as darkness sets. Lots of rumors about which buildings were toppled. The Castel Haiti behind the Oloffson is a pile of rubble. It was eight stories high. Our guests are sitting out in the driveway.''
Women covered in dust crawled from the rubble wailing as others wandered through the streets holding hands. Thousands gathered in public squares late into the night singing hymns. Many gravely injured people still sat in the streets early Wednesday, pleading for doctors. With almost no emergency services to speak of, the survivors had few other options.
Jarrod Seth of Seattle , who had traveled to Haiti with his wife, Sena, to adopt two children, had just checked in at the Port-au-Prince airport when the quake struck.
``Everything was chaotic,'' Seth said of the scene after he and his wife arrived at Miami International Airport Tuesday night. ``People were falling all over each other, ceiling tiles came down, windows crashed. It was the scariest thing.''
Thousands of buildings were damaged and destroyed throughout the city, and for hours after the quake the air was filled with a choking dust from the debris of fallen buildings.
The scope of the disaster remained unclear, and even a rough estimate of the number of casualties was impossible. But it was clear from a tour of the capital that tens of thousands of people had lost their homes and that many had perished.
Haitian businessman Georges Sassine, who was in Washington , D.C. , spoke to his wife minutes after the quake.
``She said, suddenly her car started shaking, and she saw houses crumbling and she could not understand what was happening,'' he said.
Antwan Edmund, former head of the Caribbean-Central American Action advocacy group, said he was ``sitting in Port-au-Prince watching the mountain crumble.''
Raymond Alcide Joseph, Haiti 's ambassador to the United States , said the quake has crippled his country.
``I spoke to a government official on the island who I reached on his cellphone and he told me: `Tell the world this is a catastrophe of major proportions,' '' he said Tuesday.
``My thoughts and prayers go out to those who have been affected by this earthquake,'' President Barack Obama said in a statement Tuesday. ``We are closely monitoring the situation and we stand ready to assist the people of Haiti .''
Former President Bill Clinton, U.N. Special Envoy for Haiti , issued a statement offering assistance.
``My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Haiti . My U.N. office and the rest of the U.N. system are monitoring the situation, and we are committed to do whatever we can to assist the people of Haiti in their relief, rebuilding and recovery efforts,'' he said.
In Honolulu , Hawaii , Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said America 's thoughts were ``with the people of Haiti .''
And help was on the way. The U.S. Agency for International Development is dispatching a Disaster Assistance Response Team and has activated its partners, the Fairfax County Urban Search and Rescue Team and the Los Angeles County Search and Rescue Team. The USAR teams will be composed of up to 72 personnel, six search and rescue canines and up to 48 tons of rescue equipment.
The USAR team will be accompanied by USAID disaster experts who will assist with assessments of the situation.
``This is a tragic situation and we will work alongside the Haitian government to provide immediate assistance in the rescue effort,'' said USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah.
``On behalf of the American people, I wish to convey our sympathy, thoughts and prayers to the people of Haiti who have been affected by this devastating earthquake.''
U.S. Coast Guard officials in Miami mobilized four cutters from the region and one aircraft to positions in close proximity to Haiti to render humanitarian assistance as needed.
In Tallahassee , Florida Gov. Charlie Crist said Haiti was one of South Florida 's ``closest neighbors.''
`` Florida stands ready to offer assistance to those affected by Tuesday's devastating earthquake. The Division of Emergency Management has notified the United States Department of State that we are ready to assist in every way possible,'' he said.
In Miami , a prayer service was planned for quake victims at 9 a.m. Wednesday at the Cathedral of St. Mary, 7525 NW Second Ave. , and local aid efforts were starting to form.
The University of Miami began assembling an emergency response team to use a private plane to fly to Haiti , said Michel Dodard, an assistant professor and member of the school's medical and community development program in Haiti .
The moment he heard about the earthquake, Dodard contacted his two brothers who live there, one in Petionville -- the center of the quake.
``Clearly, what they are describing is a dreadful situation,'' Dodard said. `` Haiti has a very fragile disaster relief to begin with and much of the construction is extremely haphazard. You see shantytowns there, and they collapse sometimes during a tropical storm -- not even a hurricane.''
U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said: ``Of one thing you can be sure: Haiti is not alone. The U.S. will move hand in hand with the people of Haiti to swiftly respond to and recover from this tragedy.
``I call on all responsible nations to work together to implement a response that is immediate, targeted, coordinated, and resilient.''
U.S. Rep. Kendrick Meek, a Democrat who represent parts of Miami-Dade and Broward counties, said: ``I am monitoring the situation very closely and am prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives and bring swift disaster relief to Haiti and the Haitian people at this time. I ask that all Americans please keep the Haitian people and all victims of this disaster in their thoughts and prayers.''
From Broward , U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Weston, who was in Haiti in June, said she was ``deeply saddened'' by the news.
``I know only too well how much this earthquake will add to the already immense obstacles facing the Haitian people,'' she said, adding that she would work with colleagues in Congress and the Obama administration to provide aid to Haiti.
The American Red Cross was poised to move aid from a warehouse in Panama -- blankets, kitchen sets and water containers for about 5,000 families -- as soon as a flight or means of delivery could be found, Eric Porterfield said in Washington .
Field reports, he said, indicated ``lots of damage and lots of aftershocks.''
In addition, the American Red Cross had already released $200,000 to its counterpart Haitian Red Cross.
South Florida Haitians dialed friends and relatives in the island nation -- to no avail. All connections were cut.
``My mother just went to Haiti on Friday and I'm terrified . . . '' said Gepsie Metellus, a Haitian community leader.
Royal Caribbean, which operates a private cruise facility at Labadee , Haiti , had a ship scheduled to call there Tuesday but canceled early in the day due to bad weather, said Royal Caribbean spokeswoman Cynthia Martinez. The ship, Freedom of the Seas, opted to continue on to its next scheduled port at Ocho Rios , Jamaica , she said.
Royal Caribbean 's $55 million Labadee facility didn't report any damage from the earthquake.
Miami Herald staff writers Nancy San Martin, Lesley Clark, Trenton Daniel, Frances Robles, Martha Brannigan, Jim Wyss, Robert Samuels, Nadege Charles, Mary Ellen Klas and Herald special correspondent Stewart Stogel contributed to this report, which was supplemented by wire services.
kami- animatrice
Nombre de messages : 2981
Localisation : ICI
Opinion politique : La séparation des pouvoirs
Loisirs : Lecture, Dormir
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2006
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Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Mwen sot tande Obama, mwen remarke ke li pa prezente kondoleans li o prezidan ni gouvenman-an!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kami- animatrice
Nombre de messages : 2981
Localisation : ICI
Opinion politique : La séparation des pouvoirs
Loisirs : Lecture, Dormir
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2006
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Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
si je comprend bien Kely Bastien est piégé à l'intérieur du bâtiment du Parlement, mais encore en vie....C'est bien sa.
obsèvatè- Star
Nombre de messages : 200
Localisation : la nature
Opinion politique : ....
Loisirs : ....
Date d'inscription : 18/06/2007
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Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Comme je deteste les encenseurs! Ce n'est pas le temps des apologies oiseuses!
dilibon- Super Star
Nombre de messages : 2205
Localisation : Haiti
Opinion politique : Entrepreneur
Loisirs : Plages
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2009
Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Contributeur
Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Dilibon, ou simpleman we imaj ou nan yon glass.dilibon a écrit:Comme je deteste les encenseurs! Ce n'est pas le temps des apologies oiseuses!
kami- animatrice
Nombre de messages : 2981
Localisation : ICI
Opinion politique : La séparation des pouvoirs
Loisirs : Lecture, Dormir
Date d'inscription : 20/08/2006
Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle:
Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
kami a écrit:Dilibon, ou simpleman we imaj ou nan yon glass.dilibon a écrit:Comme je deteste les encenseurs! Ce n'est pas le temps des apologies oiseuses!
Ou kwe ou ta renmen nan moman sa pou w rantre lage sa'a? Ou kwe sa? Mwen pa vle kwe sa paske mwen ka few pwan tout sant kow mantin an la! Pa fe psa pitit! Pou youn prezidna ameriken salye tout youn pep, tout moun kap dirije, tout viktim wap poze de tel kesyon. Kounyea wap dim se figi m mwen we nan glas, mwen bwe li pou ou men mwen pap janm bliye w tande ... sonje ke mwen diw sa... map evite w kek jou men nap kontre kan menm... sa w konnen mwen konnen l tou tande sel sa mwen diw ....
dilibon- Super Star
Nombre de messages : 2205
Localisation : Haiti
Opinion politique : Entrepreneur
Loisirs : Plages
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2009
Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Contributeur
Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
C'est juste une constatation de la part de Kami. Il est vrai que l'on ne parle pas du gouvernement haitien mais des organisations non-gouvernementales pour coordonner l'aide aux sinistrés. Pourquoi ? Pour plusieurs raisons dont nous pourrons en débattre plus tard dans la semaine.
Mes amis , Exprimez-vous. Prenez position pour Haiti quelque soit votre parti politique. Il faut dire la vérité même dans les moments de tragédie nationale. Seule la vérité nous fera prendre conscience de nous-mêmes, haitiens, haitiennes.
Mes amis , Exprimez-vous. Prenez position pour Haiti quelque soit votre parti politique. Il faut dire la vérité même dans les moments de tragédie nationale. Seule la vérité nous fera prendre conscience de nous-mêmes, haitiens, haitiennes.
Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Marc-Henry a écrit:C'est juste une constatation de la part de Kami. Il est vrai que l'on ne parle pas du gouvernement haitien mais des organisations non-gouvernementales pour coordonner l'aide aux sinistrés. Pourquoi ? Pour plusieurs raisons dont nous pourrons en débattre plus tard dans la semaine.
Mes amis , Exprimez-vous. Prenez position pour Haiti quelque soit votre parti politique. Il faut dire la vérité même dans les moments de tragédie nationale. Seule la vérité nous fera prendre conscience de nous-mêmes, haitiens, haitiennes.
Marc, Monsieur Raymond Alcide Joseph, l'ambassadeur haitien au [pres des USA a dit avoir recu les voeux de la famille presidentielle et il a ete invite a participer aux travaux de preparation d'assistance aux sinistres au Pentagone. Le gouvernement haitien en Haiti a ete pratiquement absent, cela peut etre du aux problemes de communication, mais on a salue Haiti, les dirigeants, les Haitiens-Americains, ou en est la faute? On peut aimer les hommes du gouvernement a sa guise en democratie, mais en ces temps un peu de decence quand meme car leur leadership n'a pas ete au rendez vous en ces durs moments! Je m'accuse d'avoir les nerfs a fleur de peau et je vais prendre conge du site pour ne pas assister a de tels envolees partisannes et inappropriees.
dilibon- Super Star
Nombre de messages : 2205
Localisation : Haiti
Opinion politique : Entrepreneur
Loisirs : Plages
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2009
Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Contributeur
Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Non Dilibon
Je refuse ton départ. On a besoin de tous pour faire avancer les choses .
Je l'ai dit dans un de mes postes que Haiti a besoin d'un grand leadership ici et maintenant et malheureusement, ni le premier ministre ni le président, ni les membres du gouvernements n'en font preuve d'un quelconque leadership.
pa fem sa , pa fache , ann pale pou peyi nou.
Je refuse ton départ. On a besoin de tous pour faire avancer les choses .
Je l'ai dit dans un de mes postes que Haiti a besoin d'un grand leadership ici et maintenant et malheureusement, ni le premier ministre ni le président, ni les membres du gouvernements n'en font preuve d'un quelconque leadership.
pa fem sa , pa fache , ann pale pou peyi nou.
Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
A fontamara , beaucoup de maisons sont détruites dont une de mes meilleurs amis. Sa mère est décédée. Je lui offre mes sympathies.
Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Dilibon gen rezon Prezidan Obama, prezidan ameriken yan gentan pale a pèp Ayisyen yan lè Prezidan Ayisyen yan pa ko janm pale a la nasyon nan pi gwo katastrof ki janm rive Ayiti, manfoubism misye ya rive two lwen.
Maximo- Super Star
Nombre de messages : 3182
Localisation : Haiti
Loisirs : football - Gagè
Date d'inscription : 01/08/2007
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Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Yiipee normalement c'est bonJude a écrit:Put** de bor*** de m****** impossible d'avoir ma mère ou mon père...
F*** F*** F***.... En plus je viens de les voir en décembre et je les avais invités en France pour avril...
Bon je peux sécher mes larmes, arrêter de penser à ma famille et me concentrer sur les malheurs du pays. J'espère que vous avez tous pu avoir de bonnes nouvelles également !
Jude- Super Star
Nombre de messages : 1864
Localisation : Frans
Loisirs : Financial Exchanges - Geopolitic
Date d'inscription : 21/08/2006
Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Le progressiste !
Re: 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti / Puissant tremblement de terre en
Maximo a écrit:Dilibon gen rezon Prezidan Obama, prezidan ameriken yan gentan pale a pèp Ayisyen yan lè Prezidan Ayisyen yan pa ko janm pale a la nasyon nan pi gwo katastrof ki janm rive Ayiti, manfoubism misye ya rive two lwen.
Fre mwen, kite mwen remesye w piblikman, ou menm depim matin, malgre distans ki separe nou, wap fe tout sa w kaoab pou seche dlo nan zye youn zanmi. Mwen pa konnen ki pi gwo doule pase sa, le ou ap konnen sak pase fanmi w, zanmi w, ak vre e reyel fanmi w kise peyi Dayiti. Tristes sila'a kase ren mwen, mwen pa genyen dlo ki rete anko, mwen pa ka rele, mwen pa ka kanpe dlo ann je mwen. Mwen pa ka kanpe e se pa bagay fasil pou lem kanpe mwen senti mwen pral tonbe. Aayyayayy....
Trabbleman de ter a pa fot pesonn! Men kote moun ap viv yo mete youn ekip pou jere kriz sa yo, yo mete kek depo ki genyen kek ti pwodwi pou swen dijans, genyen kamyon ki konn pote dlo, men pa genyen okenn vwa ki ap fe koodinasyon, pa genyen pesonn ki ap fe anyen depi yeswa... se matin an prezidan bay deklarasyon li a Miami Herald! ciel! mwen pa genyen tolerans ak patyans pou mioun kap fe voye monte ou byen ki vle fe konkirans ak madanm Preval pou souse pwstat li pou li!
Nou konprann ke gouvenman genyen pwoblem pa li, anpil minise kraze, pat genyen preparasyon, pat genyen previsyon, pat genyen jesyon de kriz nan ka konsa men Bondye depi hier soir menm youn deklarasyon nan signla fm pa ta dwe two difisil! Anpil neg ap prepare pou yo fe lajan ak ed kap rantre... Peyi a pa genyen anyen yo ka ofri youn pep ki antere anba dekonb yo? Pa genyen dlo, alkol, manje, epi nan ka sa yo se pa pnenpot manje ki bon... bagay la tris....
dilibon- Super Star
Nombre de messages : 2205
Localisation : Haiti
Opinion politique : Entrepreneur
Loisirs : Plages
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2009
Feuille de personnage
Jeu de rôle: Contributeur
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