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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Rodlam Sans Malice
alex jacques
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  alex jacques Dim 18 Nov 2007 - 7:47

Rappel du premier message :

Le fait pour le senateur d'Illionois Barack Obama, d'eviter d'attaquer sa rivale democrate sen. Hillary Clinton montre a claire son intention de ne pas trop enbarasser et concentrer les debats sur la Seneteur, esperant de s'allier sur un ticket HILLARY/OBAMA.

Comme notre ami San Malice m'a retorque une fois, le prejuge des Red necks americains est tres loin de terminer. Dans ce sens, le potentiel Candidat Obama est piege. L'hesitation de Obama dans le dernier debat sur la question de Licence au illegaux, traduit son soutient a la Senateur de NY, il se sacrifie pour soutenir sa coequippiere.

Mais le camp Clinton veut a tout prix se debarasser d' Obama qui a une potentialite electorale qu'on ne peut pas negliger, Ils formentent deja des scandales sur Obama mais se gardent de ne pas encore les reveler. Sans doute apres une victoire a IOWA, NH, SC on saura de quoi etait ce scandale, qui d'un coup enlevera toute possibilite de choisir Obama comme vice-president.

Entre temps, le camp Clinton est entrain d'auditionner secretement Bill Rcichardson pour etre le prochain vice-president. ce n'est pas sans raison qu'on a accorde la plus part du temps du dernier debat a Richarson, dans l'objectif de ne pas heurter Clinton et aussi d'attirer les regards sur lui.

Quant a le dernier debat, sans discussion Clinton l'a remporte mais pas sans la complicite de CNN et Blitzer, le camp de Clinton avait deja sollicite a ce que le debat ne soit pas centre sur Clinton, le fait aussi que le Gouverneur de NY avait annule son plan de donner un permis de conduire un jour avant le debat, avait libere Clinton a repondre par un grand NON.

Politik (rasis) pa gen jwet vre, Obama ap pedi ni sak, ni pay.
alex jacques
alex jacques
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Lun 26 Nov 2007 - 18:59

I am not sure that policy is still adhered to in the Armed forces of the United States.The Military Academies are not giving any dispensation to the female cadets in combat trainning,and the female soldiers who died or wounded in combat in iraq prove that the Armed Forces of the united States have changed.It would be discriminatory to promote a female officer Brigadier General even Lieutenant General and to tell her on the basis of sexe she can not be Secretary of Defense of the country she has defended in a war.

certain barriers that existed in the past are being demolished and :"Nous, les bons hommes ,comme dit la chanson d'Aznavour, devrons nous y habituer".

Dernière édition par le Mar 27 Nov 2007 - 6:04, édité 1 fois
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  Marc-Henry Lun 26 Nov 2007 - 21:18

L'animatrice la plus célèbre dans les talk show aux USA Miss Opra s'engage aux cotés du sénateur Obama pour les présidentielles de 2008. Va-t-elle influencer le vote ?
A suivre !

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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Lun 26 Nov 2007 - 21:35

Retournons au choix de Bill Richardson comme probable Vice President au cas ou le senateur Clinton aurait obtenu la nomination du parti democrate.L'ambassadeur Richardson sera-t-il un atout pour l'election de Senateur Clinton?Ce matin je lisais un article dans le journal espagnol :El playero ou il est ecrit ce qui suit:Hispanos del Congreso preferien a Hilary;Los 21 miembros latinos del partido democrata en la Camara de Representantes de los Estados unidos han seleccionado a sus candidatos.

De los dos Senadores democratas ,solo Robert Menedez de Nueva Jersey ha manifestado su preferencia .Clinton tambien cuenta con el respaldo de siete representantes hispanos en la Camara de ellos quatro son mujeres.

Jusqu'ici rien ne predit le choix de Bill Richardson contribuerait à une participation massive des votes hispaniques pour les democartes ,particulièrement ceux des Cubains de la floride ,cependant au cas ou Senateur Obama aurait obtenu un plus fort pourcentage que le Gouverneur de new mexico durant les lections primaires et Mrs Clinton lui aurait denié la Vice presidence cela pourrait bien refroidir l'ardeur des afro americains.Dans ce cas le triomphe des republicains est assuré.Les democrates doivent etre très prudents;car malgre l'impopularité de Georges Bush,l'election l'année prochaine est loin d'etre une affaire conclue en faveur des democrates.

Dernière édition par le Lun 26 Nov 2007 - 21:40, édité 1 fois
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  Invité Lun 26 Nov 2007 - 21:40

Les Démocrates partent toujours favori mais perdent toujours. Croyez-moi et vous verrez. Face à la menace des extrémistes, les américains vont prioriser la sécurité. Quant à la création d'emplois, ils vont oter les positions occupées par les illégaux immigrants et durcir les lois de l'immigration.


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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Lun 26 Nov 2007 - 21:47

Ne soyons pas si pessimistes ;les democrates ne perdent pas toujours.La situation tant economique que sécuritaire devrait logiquement les favoriser .Mais j'ai bien peur que le choix du Senateur Clinton complique au lieu de favoriser la victoire des democrates.

L'endorsement de mrs Winfrey en faveur du Senateur de l'Illinois n'est pas negligeable,cependant je ne pense pas qu'elle puisse influencer les afro-americains en faveur du Senateur Obama;d'ailleurs elle n'est pas la seule femme influente de la communaute afro-americaine.Soyons vigilants ;cette election est trop importante pour l'humanite toute entière pour que nos suffrages soient guidés par des emotions.

Dernière édition par le Lun 26 Nov 2007 - 22:13, édité 4 fois
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  OBSERVER KEEN Lun 26 Nov 2007 - 21:53

i have two daughters. for their sweet sixteens, i would plan to have them licened in the driving of heavy trucks as a means of grouding their self-confidence. i value women much more than the average man.
i have never been abusive to women, and always treat them as equal.
i am simply engaging you with parallel argumentation.
my intention was not to convince you that hillary is incapable, but rather to show you that the racist arguments can be paralleled with sexists ones that are as plausible. in other words, hillary is no more secured than obama. that has been my intended message.
in fact, hillary's lead has been dwidling nationally.
it is not a done deal as so many people assume.
if this country is going to ever elect a minority, this election could be one of those where a minority is elected.
america has been used to black men in charge, from 500-fortune companies to joint-chief of staff. it is a matter of time before we have a black president.
i will see a black president in my lifetime.


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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Lun 26 Nov 2007 - 22:06

I do understand your point of view.However, I beg to differ to your assumption that racism being equal to sexism in the United States both (Senator Clinton and Senator Obama )have the same chances or handicaps.

Our perceptions differ because I am a realist whereas you're an idealist.I may be wrong, but I doubt very much that your generation will witness the swearing of a black man , president of the united states.I wish I were wrong.
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  OBSERVER KEEN Mar 27 Nov 2007 - 0:41

Zogby Poll: Obama, Edwards Strong but Clinton Slips Against GOPers
General election match-ups show the New York Senator would lose against every top Republican
<FONT size=2>
UTICA, New York – A new Zogby Interactive survey shows Democrat Hillary Clinton of New York would lose to every one of the top five Republican presidential contenders, representing a reversal of fortune for the national Democratic front–runner who had led against all prospective GOP opponents earlier this year.
Meanwhile, fellow Democrats Barack Obama of Illinois and John Edwards of North Carolina would defeat or tie every one of the Republicans, this latest survey shows.<DIV class=Section1>
<table class=MsoNormalTable style="WIDTH: 141pt; mso-cellspacing: 1.5pt; mso-padding-alt: 0in 0in 0in 0in" cellPadding=0 width=188 border=1><tr style="mso-yfti-irow: 0; mso-yfti-firstrow: yes"><td style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; PADDING-TOP: 0in">


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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Mar 27 Nov 2007 - 6:24

Although I do not give to much credence to these polls,I would not be surprised if the elections were to confirm these predictions.I always have doubt about Senator Clinton's ability to be elected President of the United States particularly at this moment when the public opinion of her, even among women, is so negative and volatile.It could be a debacle for the democrats if President Bush make any progress in the Arabs -Israeli conflict and on the war front next year.Regardless of the sate of the economy,the Republicans will give her a hard time because Mrs Clinton is perceived to be left to her husband's positions.,although I share her political philosophy.

Could it be that the press in positioning Mr Obama's ,the weakest link, as the front runner in order for the democrats to choose the wrong candidate?This tactic has been used many times in politics.At any rate, it is too early in the process to dismiss Senator Clinton as a viable alternative to the republicans demagogues.I sincerly hope that Vice President Al Gore will reconsider his refusal to be a candidate because of his friendship with the Clintons.If the american electorate were to support the candidacy of Senator Obama to elect him the first black President of the United States ,then I would give thanks to God almighty and be the first to praise the young man for his courage and tenacity.

Dernière édition par le Mar 27 Nov 2007 - 10:23, édité 1 fois
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  alex jacques Mar 27 Nov 2007 - 7:47

I have just come to jump on this article. It could be the KO for the NY senator if exploited.

Dernière édition par le Mer 28 Nov 2007 - 3:56, édité 1 fois
alex jacques
alex jacques
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Mar 27 Nov 2007 - 11:02

This article far from condemning Mrs. Clinton prove to me she has been fighting for social justice in this country for a long time.I was a lukewarm partisan of the Clintons now more than ever I will proudly display my button:Vote for Hlilary is a vote for social justice for women ,poors blacks and whites and all minorities.Now I am convicnced she is the right candidate for me.Let the fight continue,regardless of the consequences.I think you my friend for shedding this light on Mrs, Clinton's past.

What a disgrace for a woman to call this fighter for social justice a beach.Star Jones is right when she said:"it takes one to know one."Mrs Clinton is not an opportunistic lawyer ,a new comer on the battle front.I know the red necks will repudiate her for fighting to make this country a better place, then so be it.She has the right to be a candidate for the underclass and the poors.Let us compare her past with Rudolphe Giullliani's past and we will understand which one is better qualified to be President of the United States.I do not expect the Hilton sisters to be a Clinton partisans ,but we, black people ,women,minorities in genral who have been denied even to be even a law clerc in most law firms and the good paying jobs ;who do not have a trade because of a lack of good vocational schools in our neighborhood; we do not have any other choice.The immigrants and their families should be voluntering to help this fighter.

My choice is made this morning no matter what the consequences I will volunter for Mrs Clinton's campaign for the presidency of the United States. This article should be in the front page of the new York times ,The washington Post, the Village Voice and all progressive newspapers of this country etc.If the american people were really the progressive and democratic people that they portrayed to be ,then Mrs. Clinton should win by a landslide over any of the republican demagogues.Even mrs Obama should be a Clinton supporters if logic were the base of her decision.
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  Invité Mar 27 Nov 2007 - 11:17

Mrs Clinton won't be the best choice for America. They need a strong leader who can fight against the terrorist. Mrs Clinton is a lady who changed her mind every day: she gave her approval for the war in Irak, she gave to Bush her vote to attack Iran, now she wants the troops back home. We don't know exactly what she wants. She wanted to give driver licences to illegal immigrants, under pressure she changed her mind. She 's not qualified to lead the world.


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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Mar 27 Nov 2007 - 11:21

Could you tell me who are the terrorists of this world?Remember Georges Washington also was called a terrorist;She is not a dogmatic imbecile for sure.
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  Invité Mar 27 Nov 2007 - 11:26

I am sorry for using this word. Let's call them the US ennemies.


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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  alex jacques Mar 27 Nov 2007 - 13:20

San Malis, I don't say she did wrong. I also understand which group she was defending. However, in the American way, this can backfire at her during the presidentials.
alex jacques
alex jacques
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Mar 27 Nov 2007 - 17:09

First of all Senaor Clinton was not defending the black Panthers during her internship in Oakland, according to the article.She had limited opportunities to work in a law firm during that summer because of discrimination against women.She was not a partner in the law firm;she was just a law clerc for the summer .

Yes, I understand that anything that is printed in a newspaper or said on a Television show in a negative way could backfire because the ability to analyze the news rationally is not the forte of many americans,even those with college degree.

When you think about it how could a woman be against Hilary Clinton if some of them were not zombies manipulated by the press.How could a worker be a republican?What do they have done for the average worker lately;even a rich billionaire like the mayor of New York abandoned the republican party?Since the Clintons left the white house when did congress augment the minimum wage?It was until the democrats regain control fo the Congress that the federal gouvernment increase the minimum wage.What have the republicans done for social justice during the past 7 years?Are we better off now than when President Bush became president of the united states ;is the world a better place ?These are the questions any rational human being should be asking before casting his or her votes in the next election.

I am not saying that Mrs Clinton did not make a mistake in approving the war ,but in spite of this mistake I still think she is better qualified to govern the country.Even Pastor Billy Graham endorsed the candidacy of mrs. Clinton.Every decent human being should pray God that she wins next year.I would prefer that Albert Gore be the nominee of the democratic party ,because with Al gore i am sure the election will be a landslide victory for the democrats, but I wil not hesitate for one minute to cast my vote for Mrs Clinton.
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  alex jacques Mer 28 Nov 2007 - 1:56

Of course San Malis, a democrat should cast his/her vote for whoever the democratic nominee is.

But now, since the Clinton campaign turn negative by addressing personal attacks against her rivals, this will credited the rivals and raise a sens of non confidence for the voters.

I can bet with you San Malis, Senator Clinton is far from winning the general elections. If she is the nominee, the democrats loose the fight before getting to the ring.

We know the Clintons have tactics to knock they opponents out, We all remember they way she forced the republican rival for the senate race, to act silly. And start crying that she victim because she is a woman.

Dernière édition par le Mer 28 Nov 2007 - 3:54, édité 1 fois
alex jacques
alex jacques
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  alex jacques Mer 28 Nov 2007 - 3:49

How to choose a vice-president?
Interesting article
alex jacques
alex jacques
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Mer 28 Nov 2007 - 9:05

"If She(Senator Clinton)is the nominee the democrats loose the fight before getting to the ring ."said Alex.

Not so fast ,your crystal ball is not that clear.Logically your statement is not flawless.There are more women than men :if they have any sense they should vote for Hilary.There are more poor than rich people: if their brain is not frozen they should vote for Hilary.There are a lot of immigrants in this country who,considering the xenophobie of Mitt Romney and Rudolphe Giulianni should vote for Hilary clinton.90% of blacks will vote for Hilary ,regardless of her choice for Vice president.Therefore on what basis do you predict that mrs Clinton will loose even before she gets to the ring?

It took Georges Bush 7 years to comprehend the importance and ramifications of the Israeli and Palestinians conflict in the Arab countries.Can we afford another apprentice in the White house?I do not think so.A vote for Hilary is a vote for social justice. a vote for peace in the world;a vote to save the planet .No matter what I am voting for Hilary Clinton.
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  OBSERVER KEEN Mer 28 Nov 2007 - 12:17

Sans malice, on what logical basis are you claiming obama to be the weakest link?
he is the weakest link, yet he raises so much money, and many people come to see him speak. so, you think that the people that contribute to his campain are dumb?
the former secretary of navy and former generals with him are also dumb in your book?
what you do not understand is that many of this generation wants to be on the side of history. sometimes, people are fed up with racist rationals. it was the white majority in montgomery who voted bull Connor out of office because the blacks did not have voting rights at the time.
sometimes, racism does not apply.
colin powell would have been the first black president if he had not been a coward.
what state would have wanted to be the one that rejected colin powell, the general with the cleanest record? what state would have wanted to reject the tall and handsome national hero for a crippled old man named Bob dole? even the most racist states would not have wanted to be on such a list!!!
you do not understand that some black individuals could transcend racism. Obama is one of those individuals my friend.
the founder of CVS is a supporter of Obama. do you think that he is a fool?
clinton is wrong is assuming that living in a foreign country as a child does not add to one's ability to make sound foreign policy decisions. a child is not blank slate with no ability to absorb. ten-year olds have been transformed into killing machines in wars all over the world somewhere in our history. one reason that made james baker, kissinger, albright very good in foreign policy is due to the fact they were career diplomats, they were either born or lived in foreign countries.
kinsinger was very good at battling communism partly because he was very familiar with eastern european cultures which were the geopolitical settings of communism.
what is the biggest threats facing us today in america?
The rise of china, and islamic fundamentalism?
Obama grew up in Hawai where he was quite familiar with asians from both japon and china. he also lived in Indonesia, a muslim country.
so, which should be more apt at dealing with foreign cultures, a first lady who went on a highly guarded trips around the world where she ate lunch at the ambassadors' home, and witnessed native children performing a local dance, or a man who grew up and lived in different cultures?
who shows more sign of independent leadership, a woman who joins a highly prestigious law firm upon graduation, or a young man who rejects employment offer in a prestigious law firm to set up leadership camps in an innercity that he has never lived in?
clinton went to a familiar territory while Obama went to the unknown, an innercity to which he has had no cultural ties.
now, you tell me, by judging on history, who shows more ability and courage to face adversity in life?
does not the job of president at this point require all of these above qualities?

Dernière édition par le Mer 28 Nov 2007 - 14:23, édité 1 fois


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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Mer 28 Nov 2007 - 12:53

Keep dreaming my young friend. I will answer you later ;I have to leave right now.See you later.
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  alex jacques Mer 28 Nov 2007 - 13:36

Therefore on what basis do you predict that mrs Clinton will loose even before she gets to the ring?
dixit san malis

Valuable interrogation San Malice, However what brought to conlude this way is

1- I cannot differ Mrs Clinton with the republican Candidates. I believe she approves Bush's Job.

2- American believe in records, when i posted the article about most of the presidents of the US had an executive experience, it was a shortcode to say that they need to know what you have done? How did you do it? What was the result? The vote of the Iraq war will hunt the senator as well as the vote on Iran. The failled heathcare program while is was first lady will hunt her.

3- The Senator took the privilege to carry out a campaign without debating the issues, because of her positions in most of the polls. And when she is forced to talk in depth of the issues, her trust, her leadership, her consistence are comprised. Of course the Democrat folks will always manage each other to avoid a collapse of the democrat party in the general elections, but republicans will not manage her.

4- Republicans have some fact and dirts that will hurt the Senator.

5- Bill Clinton also jeopardize Hillary's succes, She needs to be more in the front line. Face the challenge on her own. America is not really for 2 for 1, it cannot be two presidents in the white house.

6- Also there is a sense that the family/family business doesn't work. Bush 1- Bush 2,
Clinton1- Clinton 2?
alex jacques
alex jacques
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  Rodlam Sans Malice Mer 28 Nov 2007 - 20:55

I do not want to be a critique of Senator Obama because I do not know the man enough.Although I applaud your optimism,I do not think that you're serious in your comment : Collin Powell would have won an election against Senator Dole .Collin Powell made some mistakes ,but he is not a coward as you said.

Let us wait to see whose campaign is going to derail after the Ohio and New Hampshire primaries.I wish with all my heart that Senator Obama could convince white america to vote for him,but I am not a dreamer ,my friend.I tell it like it is.Remember this is the country where Abraham lincoln ,John F.Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King,Malcom X were killed for fighting social injustices and discriminations. .This is the country where they shoot Jordan not long ago for dating a white woman.This is the country that choosed Richard Nixon over Senator Mc Govern;that choosed Ronald Reagan over Jimmy Carter.This is the country that choosed Georges Bush over Albert Gore.Come on ,keen ;Wake up ,my friend.Remember these words of Governor Georges Wallace:"Segregation now ,segregation forever."it will take a new generation to erase these words from the mentality of white america,.I do not think the time has come yet.I may be wrong .
Rodlam Sans Malice
Rodlam Sans Malice
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  alex jacques Jeu 29 Nov 2007 - 15:20

Bill Clinton, souhaite t-il vraiment une victoire de Hillary? N'est pas pas jaloux que sa femme devienne presidente? Est-il un epee a double tranchant, qui mene la campagne et en meme temps essayer de laffroidir?

Je sais que cela peut etre une tactique, pour prouver que sa femme est independante, qu'elle peut decider seule, mais le sujet choisi pour jouer cette tactique est delicat.

L'ancien president declare qu'il a ete contre la guerre en Iraq avant qu'elle commenca. Pendant sa femme l'avait autorisee. Et ce vote est un des points faibles de sa femme.

Veut-il eviter un MONICO LOWINSKY? Est t-il inquiet?
alex jacques
alex jacques
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

Message  alex jacques Sam 1 Déc 2007 - 13:46

Sans malice,
Je sais que tu seras edifie par ce texte d' un republicain.
alex jacques
alex jacques
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Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson - Page 2 Empty Re: Obama opte la Vice-presidence, Clinton veut Bill Richardson

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